Exploring the bevy of Linux distributions out there is a fun part of the hobby, but for your first installation, you will likely want something popular and beginner-friendly, so it's easy to get help when you need it. That's why I recommend starting with Linux Mint.

If another operating system is present on the computer, the installer shows you an option to install Linux Mint alongside it. If you choose this option, the installer automatically resizes your existing operating system, makes room and installs Linux Mint beside it. A boot menu is set up to choose between the two operating systems each time you start your computer.

Download And Install Linux Mint

Download File 🔥 https://geags.com/2y4InF 🔥

The computer will then start to shut down and ask you to remove the USB disk (or DVD). Upon reboot, your computer should show you a boot menu or start your newly installed Linux Mint operating system.

Hi, I am newbie. As far as I am concerned, I do as the Welcome screen tells me to do, follow a "15 things you should do after installing Linux Mint" type of guide as I see fit. Wanted to know what you guys do for improving your experience, from which I hope to learn.

The next screen will ask you about installing multimedia codecs. If you want to install those during installation, check the corresponding box. Keep in mind that, this requires an active internet connection.

The next screen is the most important part of the Linux Mint installation. You are going to format the entire hard disk and install Linux Mint. Linux Mint will be the only operating system on your computer.

yesterday I managed to install Linux Mint on my computer. Using the application manager I also successfully installed dt - but unfortunately not the latest version.

How can I do an update?

thx for all your valuable answers


Hm... I also have nothing like that, but Dropbox application is installed and works still. Can you clarify how exactly you're trying to install that .deb file and where you got query for that 'girl'? Or even better, try install in terminal using the command like:

dependency problems prevent configuration of dropbox:

dropbox depends on libgtk-4-1 (>= 4.8.0); however:

Version of libgtk-4-1:amd64 on system is 4.6.9+ds-0ubuntu0.22.04.1.

dropbox depends on gir1.2-gtk-4.0 (>= 4.8.0); however:

Package gir1.2-gtk-4.0 is not installed.

The KiCAD interface and tools all seems to be OK, but all the symbol library files installed have extension .kicad.sym , but the KiCAD program is looking for files with extension .lib instead.

The uninstall

I did, quite comprehensively, quite brutally, purge KiCad, including making sure /usr/share/kicad was completely gone, and then I started over. The final result was as before, it does not work!

Probably one does not have to do a total clean reinstall, if what to do is clearly indicated. Pop-ups with help do happen, but maybe some effective timely warning and explanation would help. Its a bit like knowing beforehand the turns one has to do while driving, as opposed to being informed of them as the corner is passed.


Ideally, there would be an option to easily switch between library versions on a project basis.

Currently having KiCad V5 and KiCad V6 installed at the same time on Linux is somewhat problematic.

It does not matter much for me, as I can just open an old project in KiCad V6, but it makes it difficult to repair a KiCad V5 project if the [project]-cache.lib file is missing, and people are likely to encounter such projects in the foreseeable future, for example open source projects shared via internet, or old projects that get revived.

After moving to Linux Mint 17.3, I am not able to the install python3-venv module, which is said to be the replacement for virtualenv in python 3.x. In my linux mint 16 I had access to pyvenv-3.4 tool. I dont know when I installed that module in Linux mint 16.

I'm using Joplin on Linux Mint, Windows 10 and Android.

Yesterday I upgraded Joplin on Windows to 2.10.18 (at first to 2.10.17, but there were problems with installation). So far, so good. It works as it should. It works on Android, where I can find version 2.10.8 (not 2.10.18 !).

Some minutes ago I started Joplin on my Linux Mint, where 2.9.17 is installed. I got an error: "Unknown profile version. Most likely this is an old version ...". This is true, but in Software Manager the latest version is 2.9.17. It uses Flatpak and I can also see this version on their website. Any idea how often their repositories are updated?

I knew that I can run "Joplin-2.10.18.AppImage" from GitHub, but this will probably ruin next upgrades? How other Linux users deal with that?

Tnx for your answer. I now uninstall (the Flatpak) version of Joplin and install Joplin from installation script on -applications.

When the next version arrives, I will use your suggestion (copy the AppImage) for upgrade process.

You do not have to do that. All you have to do is run the same install command again. If you look at the command line you copied from the website you will see that the script that is downloaded is called Joplin_install_and_update.sh. If it finds that there is a newer release version it will perform an update.

The next instalment in the ever-updating series of installation questions: Is it possible to install ROS on Linux Mint 16 (which is based off Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy)? I've tried using the Raring packages, and (perhaps unsurprisingly) they don't work.

I've also tried installing from source (using this guide), encouraged by some forum posts suggesting that installing from source should work on Ubuntu Saucy. I run into problems when I get to the step that attempts to install the dependencies (rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y). Specifically, I get ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies, followed by the list of dependencies paired with the message Unsupported OS [mint]. Is there any way to get around this?

Thanks @dornhege, that definitely got me going in the right direction! I ended up using the command rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y --os=ubuntu:saucy (note the addition of --os=ubuntu:saucy) to do exactly what you suggested.

Hey, please can you help me in something?.I can't install ROS, I have linux mint 16, I've tried install from source but when I try to do the step 1 of the guide $ sudo apt-get install python-rosdep python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool python-rosinstall build-essential it tells me those package haven't been found. Well, I've already added the packages.ros.org from wget -O - | sudo apt-key add - but it don't work :( please help me

The key is just to verify the repositories, you still have to add the repos themselves to your sources list. Check out step 1.2 in the [Ubuntu install directions]( ), and add the sources for Ubuntu 13.04 Raring.

you have to grab all .deb packages from the iso, place them into a single folder and run sudo dpkg -i *.deb. I recommend running it twice since there is a specific order to install that the install file has. Running the sudo command twice worked for me in 20.3 and 21. Loading the drivers is another story and I have not found a robust way of getting them installed just yet. Kernel version and the niKAL file seem to have issues when installing the Linux drivers.

Usefull (for me) Effekts:

Ubuntustudio Audio plugins (the plugins from Ubuntu Studio Distribution)


install: sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio-plugins

Note: There are a huge collection of Plugins - a few are not running, is not the problem, because you have so many, and the best are running

Installing Zerotier on Linux Mint or Ubuntu can be quite a hassle depending on your configuration & adding a GUI for easy usage is not provided by the standard installation method. As I made some notes for my last struggle in Linux Mint i will provide them here for anyone interested installing Zerotier + a gui from ground up (doing some quick and easy compiling), so that you are not bound to some specific version.

I would like to know if anyone has successfully installed Nextcloud to Linux Mint 18.1. I am a little new to Apache 2 and the Linux OS. I have tried multiple guides and have an instance of Nextcloud running through Apache2 but the loading pages seem extremely temperamental. Once i can get a page or two of the nextcloud server to load, it shows i have errors in the server setup. First thing it tells me to do is head to logging and see whats happening. If i can get the page to load (and not throw a 404) it says everything is working properly.

Getting further into my adventures with the snappy and stable XCP-ng lab setup, I ran into a hitch trying to install the Guest tools in Linux Mint. When I go to install from the mounted ISO, I get an error:

I would also recommend removing/disconnecting all unnecessary storage media from the computer, to make sure the installation only ever focuses on the storage medium, which is important to the installation. This solved a lot of issues for me in the past.

I would also recommend removing/disconnecting all unnecessary storage media from the computer, to make sure the installation only ever focuses on the storage medium, which is important to the installation.

Also, generally speaking, the documentation held in a README for a project is often directed at developers. OpenDroneMap does have dedicated set of documentation, for which the install instructions for linux is here:

there you have some packages you need to install. I think i was using my package manager to install some of those packages, my reason to say that is i have not typed such information in to my console (you know, arrow up and down in console so you dont need to retype long commands again).

i am running local installation so for me it is localhost:8000

your console is always running everything, as you now you can stop, restart or start all services from there. I rearly restart my computer but if i did i just arrow up or down in my console to find for example ./webodm.sh start and go to my browser when all services are up and running. trie search youtube for webodm turtorials. e24fc04721

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