Hello, I used yo have this app called Analyze This (picture) which I liked very much for puzzles and such. Now I can't even find it ?? anyone else experienced this? Any other app with offline editing board that you recommend?

Reproduce and analyze your games or the positions you want. You can import your game in PGN notation or set up a position from a FEN. You can analyze your positions and games online with a powerful chess engine - Stockfish.

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Chess - Analyze This is a free Android chess game by MyChessApps.com that allows players to analyze their chess games with the power of multiple chess engines. It is a must-have app for chess enthusiasts who want to improve their game. The app is tested to work with PGN games from chess.com, lichess, chess24, and other online servers. The app allows users to load and analyze their games from PGN files and provides a full engine analysis of the current game with verbose English commentary. Users can analyze games of Magnus Carlsen, Vishy Anand, and other masters.

Before you can even ask this question, I want to answer it myself. Yes, there are extremely strong players out there that play constant Blitz/Bullet and seem not to analyze their games. So, why does it work for them and not for you?

As it is purely topical to analyze a game directly after playing it, I will do the analysis after a block of games. I usually go for 6 games and then analyze them. The game analysis is very easy, I do the following:

In this position, I thought for 20 seconds before playing Re8?. In order to do better next time, I will check my opening file for Catalan Bb4+ shortly (If you have no idea what an opening file is, then check out this great thread from adult improver Nate Solon. I will certainly write about that topic shortly here on the blog).

Nol is a former professional chess player who transitioned into coaching and blogging. He made history by becoming the youngest Swiss Grandmaster at just 20 years of age and has accumulated numerous Swiss Championship titles to his name.

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So why go through all the trouble of adding an extra variation and then re-sorting the variation and main line? I have two reasons. First, the main line is still the original variation as I found it in a book. Second, following this procedure makes it easy for me to have another chess engine (or multiple engines, should I choose to continue to repeat the procedure) analyze the same position and give its opinion of what should occur next:

Generally, the only reason running a chess engine at less than maximum power are time constraints or if you want to give yourself a chance to win, though in the latter case I'd still prefer to play human players instead.

Regarding the use of a chess engine to analyze the position in an opening in order to learn a chess opening I am wondering how you are going to practically do this? I mean, the engine will give you only a certain sequence of moves which it considers best play for both sides. It will not teach you the ideas/plans behind an opening which is the most important part and something which you can rely on if your opponent for instance does not play the expected move. It will not teach you about subtleties, like move-order changes or any sidelines.

I am not saying a chess engine is completely useless for studying openings. You could use it for practice games in a specific opening or you could study a certain alternative move in an opening (but that would be at a stage where you already know the opening somewhat).

After the game he told me that he knew taking on c2 leads to very good endgame with queen and five pawns against two rooks and four pawns. I didn't know anything so I had to make my decision at the board. Do I want to give a queen and suffer in this type of endgame or do I like to go with my king to the center? I was thinking about half an hour and it looked to me that marching king to e4 could be very easily winning position (maybe I found the only forced draw, I don't remember that exactly, but for sure I saw no single worse position for me in this variation). I made my march to e4 instead of giving up a queen, my opponent spent remaining 40 minutes calculating. I spent another twenty minutes of his time too, then I went to look on cups and medals as I was almost certain I'm winning (or at least not losing). Neither me nor my opponent found the -10 winnig strike for black that Komodo found on depth 5 in a few miliseconds. In the game I easily converted my extra rook as my opponent missed also the only forced draw (not completely obvious too) and the rest of variations were just easy wins for me.

Even in a dream scenario things can go really wrong. It is horrible strategy to go into a minefield for a few centipawns which is exactly what engines do. They don't help you in recognising minefields, they don't care about them. There is some value in doing deep searches, one can hardly find reason why lower depths would produce better chess related results than higher depths, but that value is very close to zero. It is much easier to measure time related results and they are horrible on higher depths. Even if you are comfortable with wasting the electricity, don't waste your time.

At this point I have all the evaluation scores and alternative evaluations made by the chess engine inserted into the game played. I step through the all the moves, with the computer analysis turned on (in Chessbase called infinite analysis, in Chessok Aquarium called start analysis). This is actually an unusual example of a point at which Chessbase has a worse GUI than Chessok Aquarium, since copying notations from the analysis into the game makes Chessbase start calculation a new, wasting a lot of time if you analyze deep.

At this point of time, I am paying attention to suggestions on other moves for my color. I am also paying attention on differences in evaluation score where there is no alternative suggestion. Such occurrences often means that the evaluation time set to the chess engine was too low. It is a good chance the difference exist not due to a mistake, but due to the chess engine having a very different evaluation one move later, when now at next step seeing more of the consequence of the move.

Many time after this stage of the analysis, I can now see why the engine thinks a certain way could be better. This is then often a good thing to note down in the annotation, saving it to come back to it later. Some times I conclude I am not going to want to play the advice, it feels wrong, or it is too complicated for me.

I wrote a chess program with very nice GUI (PyQt5). When I enter a move it analyzes it and updates the SVG representation of the board - thanks to wonderful python-chess module. Everything works fine now. But, what I want to do is to let the engine work in background and infinitely analyze the board allowing me to enter new moves. Here is a simple code example:

In this example, I cannot enter a new move before the analysis has been done. (Note: In the original design moves are entered in PyQt5 "lineedit" widget, do not worry about the difficulties in Asynchronous terminal input)

These pals are indeed very good in finding the best continuation: A chess engine contains a search function that can calculate millions of possible continuations from a given position, and an evaluation function that operates as a knowledge base to estimate the positional factors of the position. The combination of those two components creates a monstrous chess player which can find very good paths and usually recommends the best moves to play.

DecodeChess developed groundbreaking Explainable AI algorithms which generate explanations for the recommended moves of a chess engine (Stockfish), bridging the gap between machine recommendations and human thought and taking chess engine analysis to a new frontier.

Using chess24 requires the storage of some personal data, as set out below. You can find additional information in our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Terms of Website Use. Please note that your data settings can be changed at any time by clicking on the Data Settings link in the footer at the bottom of our website.

When you sign up for Aimchess, we analyze every move from your recent games and measure your skill set across six core aspects of chess. Then we compare you to others with the same rating to show you what you need to improve on.

As you analyse your moves using this feature, you can also opt for a tabular format that includes a detailed move commentary like the Best Move, Blunder, Mistake, etc which will help you better identify your moves.

Top-level chess demands utilizing every possible advantage, and Chessify delivers the fastest cloud engines in the chess world. My serious use of the platform began during the Superbet Chess Classic Romania in May 2023, a tournament I had the privilege to win. It was then that I realized the potential and power of the advanced analysis of Chessify. Its powerful cloud analyses ensure that my preparations are as precise and thorough as they can be.

Chessify is the perfect option if you want to be able to work with the strongest chess engines, have premium service, and don't like settling for the second-best. I believe the Chessify Cloud service is great for professional or aspiring players as well as the chess fanatics eager to analyze with the hardware that only the very best allow themselves to use. 2351a5e196

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