I can't scream this enough! I see new mercies everyday, my shortcomings notwithstanding. Indeed, His loving kindness is better than life. Nigeria is currently witnessing her worst economic days, but God's lavish mercy and faithfulness has kept His saints economically afloat. When I consider how He provides my daily needs, protects me, keeps and heals me in this hard time, I can't but admit that His faithfulness is never ending; not in time or eternity.

Great is thy faithfulness O FAITHFUL MERCIFUL GREAT GOD. I cannot breathe without you, take a step alone, I just can't. I live by your mercies and I am proud because I have a heavenly Father who cares for me. THANKYOU.

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I took the stock of my life this morning. And I was left with nothing but inner tears of confusion and wonders because it can only be GOD. "All that I needed, GOD's hand has provided". I will keep shouting, " Great is thy faithfulness, oh GOD my father. Praise God!!!!!.

When we believed in the Lord Jesus, we might have expected to have peace and blessing. But instead we might have had many troubles and might have lost our security, our health, or our possessions. When some Christians experience such things, they may question God's faithfulness and ask why He did not prevent hardships from happening to them.

We need to realize that in allowing us to have troubles, God is faithful in His purpose to turn us from idols and bring us back to Himself. Our peace, safety, health, and possessions may become idols to us, and God is faithful to take these things away so that we may drink of Him as the fountain of living waters. If our house or our possessions become idols to us, we drink of them and not of God. God's faithfulness is a matter of dealing with these idols and causing us to drink of Him.

God is faithful in leading us into His economy, and His economy is for us to drink Christ, to eat Christ, to enjoy Christ, to absorb Christ, and to assimilate Christ that God may have His increase with us to fulfill His economy. This is God's faithfulness.

Instead of drinking of God as the fountain of living waters, Israel drank of their idols. Therefore, God used the Babylonians to deal with these idols and also to destroy Jerusalem and even the temple, which had become an idol to them. We need to see that we are not better than Israel. Anything can become an idol to us. But God is faithful in fulfilling His economy. In His faithfulness He deals with our idols that we may drink of Him. We all need to drink of God as the fountain of living waters, receiving Christ into us and assimilating Him, so that He may increase for the fulfillment of God's economy to have His expression through His counterpart.

Whereas God is faithful, we are neither faithful nor chaste but go to many other husbands. After failing God, we may receive some mercy and grace and therefore repent and weep, saying, "How pitiful I am! For a long time I have not loved the Lord very much, and I have not attended the meetings." While we are repenting and weeping, God is rejoicing. However, if we repent and weep too much, even our repentance may become an idol. We may testify in a meeting, saying that we have thoroughly repented to God. But this may be a matter of self-boasting and be a self-made idol. Therefore, after repenting, we should begin to drink of the living waters, praising God, giving thanks to Him for everything, and enjoying Him. This is what God wants. God is not interested in anything other than our enjoyment of Christ.

And all my life You have been faithful

And all my life You have been so, so good

With every breath that I am able

Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

Year after year we sing these hymns, yet sometimes never understand what led the author to that point in their life when they wrote the song. Furthermore, after a hymn has been sung so many times, people can begin to lose sight of the meaning of each perfectly positioned verse. If you are anything like me, you may have even memorized certain hymns while never really understanding what the words truly meant or how the hymn came to reach the pages of a hymnal. What if we could uncover the hidden story behind these hymns? What would we find?

All my life He has been faithful. All my life He has been so, so, good. Never giving me what I deserve (Rom 2:4), and never forsaking me to foolish self-righteousness (2 Tim 2:13), but disciplining and training me up in the Spirit to be conformed to his image for his Glory (Heb 12, 2 Cor 4)

Claim His promises over your life today. Respond to that deep inner tugging in your heart that is drawing you to Him. He hears. He cares. He loves you with an everlasting love. He understands your heart. He knows your burdens and your struggles. He is faithful.

One of the hardest challenges of the Christian walk is waiting for God to answer our prayers when we urgently need Him to intervene in a circumstance that is breaking our heart, testing our faith, and robbing us of peace and joy. I have been on my knees many times with my Bible in hand, tearfully reminding God of His promises when my husband and I were in a financial crisis, a friend was stricken with a life-threatening disease, or one of my children was in trouble.

And for years, many of my prayers have been centered on my own need for a miracle. In 2017, after 20 years of pain, I had back surgery to un-pinch my spinal cord, replace deteriorated discs, and straighten my back. The surgery was the answer to my prayers in many ways. I am grateful every day that I can now walk without leg pain and do many of the things I love, like working in my garden, standing long enough to bake cookies with my granddaughter, and traveling to speak for World Vision. However, the trauma to the nerves in my back is taking much longer to heal, and I continue to cry out to God.

I imagine that Mary had thoughts similar to these lyrics throughout the duration of her pregnancy. Even as she looked back on the faithfulness of the Lord in her own life, Mary knew that His plans were not yet complete. There was something even greater still on the horizon. The Lord was not done yet, and Mary was carrying the evidence! ff782bc1db

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