I may cry about this but earlier I just got killed by a ghost, at least that's how it felt because the airdrop plane was above my head and slowly losing hp starting with legs thorax and then die, the thing is I heard nothing, no gun sound just the airplane who is way way to loud, I have the game sound at 90 and the headset at 64...

i have 2004 grand prix. when the wheels move, the car sounds like an airplane engine. it doesnt make the noise until the wheels are rolling. i can put it in neutral while the wheels are rolling and it still makes that noise. the faster the wheels roll, the louder the airplane sound. the noise seems to be getting louder each day.

Download Airplane Sound

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My 02 Saturn made that same sound but only over 50 mph. It 275k at the time and I was on a road trip. By the time I got home, 1500 miles later, you could hear it above 40 mph. Replaced the front wheel bearings and the noise went away.

Hi all, wanted to post an update. Thanks Nevada_545, the revving sound did end up being the front driver side wheel bearing, and the EPC light issue was fixed by replacing the ignition coil. Been driving great since replacing those. Thanks again.

Hi all, question from a newbie user here, I'm trying to remove the sound of an airplane going overhead in a video as a presenter is talking, I've tried without much success with the Noise Reduction (process) and Sound Remover (process), has anyone got any other suggestions? I've attached a clip of the waveform of the audio, the airplane only passes over once as you can see so it's not a repeated sound which the Sound Remover seems particularly adept at dealing with

Unfortunately I doubt that you are going to have much luck removing that without also removing a lot of the wanted sound since the plane noise overlaps so much with the same frequencies as the dialogue (if it is dialogue).

I might have a play with the spot healing brush tool in Spectral View. As ryclark says, it's doubtful you'll be able to completely remove the airplane because of the overlapping frequencies. However, some playing around with how much you're "healing" may let you at least improve the clarity of the speech.

I have been around airplanes my whole life, growing up next to a medium size airport, working in aircraft maintenance and flying GA aircraft and airliners till retirement. I do know how airplanes sound. Now I only fly on X-Plane since XP10. Before that it was FS 95, FS 98, FS2000, FS2004 and FSX.

My problem is that the sounds in XP are, with only a VERY few exceptions, not reflecting real airplane sounds accurately. The new Fmod sounds are mostly so much overengineered so that the true sounds like the real aircaft are lost. In fact the old .wav files of FS9 were much more accurate because they were just simple, but accurate, recordings of real aircraft sounds. Why is it that the sounds today have to be butchered, mixed and adultered instead of just replaying original recordings of real aircraft? Is that really so diffult in XP? It worked quite well in FS9!

In real life, planes sound differently at the front of the engines than at the back and also between low rpm, high rpm, and different propeller pitch settings. The differences are more than just changes in the sound pitch and the playback speed of the sound.

And there is a whole subforum full of guys recoding and modifying 3D sounds, doing FSX to XP sound conversions. One guy mixes 19 different engine sounds as a function of location and engine/flight conditions, just to model the 737 engines ...

Sound is a funny thing. Even a perfect replication of an aircraft engine sound made outside, when played on a perfect speaker in a small room will not sound the same. because of the room acoustics. People who here a specific sound cannot give the same description of the sound if it is complex.

As to how "realistc" other sim sounds are is questionable. A sound frequency analyzer would show they are not as close as you might think. People's brains process the sound and interpret it.. Like the human eye perceives sight, sound interpretation by people's ears has some relative aspects to it, sound can be perceived differently by different people. And not everyones ears has the same frequency sensitivity.

So what to you may not sound "realsitic" has a much to do with your sound system and place where the sound is being played as does the "quality of the sound source. If you were to try and quantitatively define the difference in what you call "realistic aircraft sounds" vs XP you could not do it. Xp aircraft sounds are produced by the authors who make the aircraft (unless they provide no sound - then there is an XP default). If you do not like the sound then make suggestions to authors for improvements. Technically, the FMOD sound system has everything needed to do as well as can be done digitally for reasonably accurate sounds for Xp.

It is interesting to read about scientific studies that show that what people perceive they hear is greatly influenced by what they are seeing. Blindfolded people have a hard time identifying many everyday sounds and can confuse them with completely different sounds.

I can route the sound of the C-172 taking off through my home theatre setup - fancy speakers and well over a kilowatt into the subwoofer. Sounds pretty authentic to me and definitely reaches original volume. Put those David Clark's on

Sound reproduction can get quite expensive, and what sounds great to one will be perceived differently by another. When using monitor speakers, ok, but when using 5.1 surround maybe not real but much more impressive.

This is, of course, your opinion. What may sound good to one person, may sound totally different to another. Just like eyesight, hearing is different among many people, and with a veritable cross-section of age groups and gender, you have to be open to the fact that we all hear things slightly different. granted, there are some audio files used for aircraft that are just plain flat and generic (FSX was guilty of that), but with all the time I've been with XP (10 through 11), the sounds have become more distinct in default, and with 3rd party add-on audio, it's even better.

I can't honestly agree that any fault lies with LR, as they've provided FMOD which allows the 3rd party devs to come up with their own sounds. Aerobask has been one developer of late, who's concentrated a lot of effort in updating their aircraft with better sounds, integrating the FMOD system as well and i have to say, it's a vast improvement.

It's not simply differences in opinion and it's certainly not that the sim will never sound realistic. The sim may never perfectly replicate the waves from a full size engine. But it could at least sound like a full size. The stock jet sounds are terrible. Period. They don't even sound like a jet.

The default 737 is truly (for me at least) a payware-quality airplane included with the sim. Enjoy flying it a lot. However the default soundset does not sound anything like CFM56, Im still looking out there for a good 737NG set. FSX has some great ones, I wish there was some kind of converter to use sounds from another sim e24fc04721

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