By default ace detcts the url for dynamic loading by finding the script node for ace.js. This doesn't work if ace.js is not loaded with a separate script tag, and in this case it is required to set url explicitely

I am trying to embed ace code editor in my project. I am initializing my code editor with following code and now I want to enable emmet js features. I can see the ext-emmet.js extension is already their in the src directory of ace.js pre-packaged version

Download Ace.js


The end result of all of this is that I have a ace editor working but no highlighting or theme. Line numbering works, tabbing works. I am not sure if these things are in the main ace.js or if it is successfully loading its dependencies and just not able to load or not able to map the theme/mode paths to how they are loaded.

In summary, if I explicitly include ace.js in my top level html then things work. But I don't want to do that as I want to use only the bundles created by Angular. But if I use only the bundles then I get the following error when I run the application -

The reason adding script tag explicitly made my code work is because By default ace detcts the url for dynamic loading by finding the script node for ace.js. This doesn't work if ace.js is not loaded with a separate script tag, and in this case it is required to set url explicitely ( =howto). As I am loading modes and themes without using script, I had to use basePath etc. (see answer further).

When I executed the code, I found error that :9000/worker-javascript.js can't be loaded. I realised that my files are loaded in /assets/ui/ path and not in the server's root directory. So I set ace.js's basepath to /assets/ui in the component's .ts file

We have the same problem with our moodle-installation. I tried your instructions but it does not help. The ace.js-file is pending for a long time (with every request) and it ends up with a HTTP 500-error. I checked folder permissions and I set it to 777.

If what you're seeing is a timeout in the loading of ace.js, you could also try switching to the Firefox browser and increasing the value of network.http.connection-timeout in about:config. It defaults to 90 seconds. Try doubling it and reloading the page.

-builds/blob/master/src-noconflict/ace.js always points to the latest version of the editor published to ace-builds so it doesn't help. But you can get the version of ace by running ace.version in the console, unless it is a very old version it should be defined.

You see, they have already given a solution, too in the error console. That is to use: ace.config.set('basePath', 'path'). By default ace detects the url for dynamic loading by finding the script node for ace.js. This doesn't work if ace.js is not loaded with a separate script tag, and in this case it is required to set url explicitely. And the url should be pointing to a folder that contains ace nodes.

in order to add ACE editor to WebView2 you have to make index.html and add ace.js they can be found in their repository and of course you can add more javascript files if you want to change theme language mode etc.definition of editor is web browser.index.html = -builds/blob/master/editor.htmlace.js = -builds/tree/master/src-noconflicti cant add direct link as it wont let me do that all you gotta do find ace.js and copy all code and paste it into ur ace.js file e24fc04721

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