The objectname parameter stands for the object (for example, a file) to be analyzed. If the object is a folder or registry key, AccessChk will show permissions for each object in this folder or key instead of the object itself. For example, accesschk.exe d:\temp\myfolder will show permissions for the two files located in myfolder. To show the permissions on the folder itself, use the -d option. Add the -s option to perform a recursive search through all subdirectories. You can also use ? and * as character substitutes and wildcards when querying a filesystem.

Furthermore, since only connections to machines on the internal network are allowed, I had to fetch accesschk.exe from SysInternals on my Pwnbox and deliver it through a Python HTTP web server to the windows machine we RDP into.

Download Accesschk.exe

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having the same issue, the commands given outside of gci \.\pipe\ do not work when it comes to accesschk.exe . even trying to use the tools within C:\Tools folder directly messes up the vm network connection

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In order to check if we have any vulnerable service(s) on our system, we need to download accesschk.exe from SysInternals, and transfer it to our victim's machine via the low privilege shell we have already established.

When accesschk.exe is uploaded and we execute the latest version of accesschk.exe from SysInternals, we won't be able to execute this in our low level shell. Why you ask? Well, when you run accesschk.exe for the first time in a GUI environment, it will give you a pop up window asking you to accept their EULA. If we run accesschk.exe via CLI it would freeze our shell. Wouldn't they build in some kind of parameter in the accesschk.exe binary to accept the EULA via CLI? Yes, they actually did. In older versions of accesschk.exe there was a parameter /accepteula which did exactly that, but they removed the parameter in newer releases. That being said, we will have to download an older version of accesschk.exe to fulfill our needs.

With that issue out of the way, let's continue. Once you have uploaded the older version of accesschk.exe to your victim, we can use it to look for vulnerable services we can exploit. We can do this with the following query:

Hopefully by now we already have a SYSTEM shell but if we don't there are still a few avenues of attack left to peruse. In this final part we will look at Windows services and file/folder permissions. Our goal here is to use weak permissions to elevate our session privileges.

We will be checking a lot of access rights so we should grab a copy of accesschk.exe which is a tool from Microsoft's Sysinternals Suite. Microsoft Sysinternals contains a lot of excellent tools, it's a shame that Microsoft hasn't added them to the standard Windows build. You can download the suite from Microsoft technet here.

We will start off with Windows services as there are some quick wins to be found there. Generally modern operating systems won't contain vulnerable services. Vulnerable, in this case, means that we can reconfigure the service parameters. Windows services are kind of like application shortcut's, have a look at the example below.

Make sure you have delivered the payload correctly, I had a similar issue when transferring accesschk.exe via ftp. FTP allows transfer in ascii and binary modes, if you transfer it in binary mode it should work.

Accesschk.exe can also be used in Windows privilege escalation, which involves gaining access to resources or privileges that are not normally available to a user. For instance, you can use the command accesschk.exe -uwcqv "SYSTEM" * to check which services are running as the SYSTEM user.

Another way to use Accesschk.exe is to identify registry keys and files that have overly permissive access controls. For example, accesschk.exe -w -accepteula * checks for all registry keys that are writable by the Everyone group.

The following table contains possible examples of accesschk.exe being misused. While accesschk.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Example - Got a foothold on a Windows XP machine, FTP anonymous access is allowed. If I FTP command line tools up to the target (in binary mode), when I try to run them they just hang. I know the tools will work, someone left accesschk.exe on one host and it ran fine. When I uploaded it with FTP, nothing, it just hangs. Same thing with basic stuff like nc.exe. What am I missing?

According to the attack graph above, Powershell was used to run accesschk.exe, and this application, in turn, created a passwordDB file. Our EDR interface allows the retrieval of this file from the attacked endpoint by the security officer, just by clicking on the file name and selecting the Get file command:

In this case, our Threat Intelligence Portal can help (by the way, any user of Kaspersky EDR can make 1,000 free requests to this service). When we search for the MD5 hash of accesschk.exe in this portal, we can find the real name of the program: chrome-passwords.exe.

In the results of this test run, MITRE experts pointed out that our solution connected all these findings: Detection Notes: Telemetry showed file creation PasswordsDB (Chrome Passwords database) as well as accesschk.exe execution (which indeed is renamed chrome-passwords.exe). PasswordsDB creation is correlated with general detection of Powershell

By reviewing Figure 8 shown above, it is possible to observe the presence of a potential named pipe called NinjaReally. To discover what users and/or groups have access to read or write data to this pipe, utilize accesschk.exe.

The complete named pipe name, PipeNinjaReally, is passed in as the argument to accesschk.exe to specify the specific pipe to enumerate (note that if Pipe was used instead, then every single active named pipe would be enumerated).

Now use the accesschk.exe tool to identify the current user permissions or check whether the BUILTIN\User group is allowed to write to the C:\Program Files\Unquoted Path Service\AccessChk is a console program. AccessChk allows administrators to see what kind of access specific users or groups have to resources, including files, directories, Registry keys, global objects, and Windows services.

Therefore, it is required to transfer the file accesschk.exe and nc.exe (prepare for reverse admin shell setup) over FTP non-interactively to the Target machine from Kali.

When looking for access permissions to services, I found that the service MaseService by Mirametrix allowed the built-in group Users to Change Config, meaning that all users could manipulate the service configuration. To check this, I used the tool accesschk.exe ( -us/sysinternals/downloads/accesschk) from Microsoft. e24fc04721

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