This library is offered under a free GPL license for those who want to use it that way. We try hard to keep it up to date, fix bugs and to provide free support. If this library has helped you save time or money, please consider donating at or here:

To get started, you should add the AccelStepper library to Arduino using the library manager. Pick the library by Patrick Wasp. The Manual is based on Version 1.61, but if there's a later version, you can probably use it.

Download Accelstepper Library

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So I am working on a project right now that involves controlling 9 stepper motors at the same time. For this I am using the Accelstepper library and an Arduino mega. My code now works by using the Accelstepper library and giving commands separately to each stepper. So when I want to move my 9 steppers to a position I would say something like

And this works no problem however with 9 steppers a big part of my code already consists of repetitions. Let alone would I want to expand and control maybe 100 steppers with it. Usually I use arrays and for loops to solve this.

I would stick all steppers in an array, then I would iterate trough them using a for loop and save me a lot of space. Thinking I can use the same method with the accelstepper library I wrote something like this.

However, no dice. the code will compile but the steppers won't react to it. I found the Multistepper functions that solves this isuse with moving the steppers. But now I would like to use some functions only found in the Accelstepper part of the library. For example the setCurrentPosition or the currentPosition( for calibrating and using a feedback loop for correcting positions). I expect for example to receive a position of a motor(eg 512 or something) because I just set the motor to go to that position. But I get returned a 0.

I get the feeling the code compiles just fine but the steppers I put in the stepperArray are not the same I declare at the beginning of my code. Thus my steppers wont react to my code. Has anyone had more experience using the Accelstepper library and multiple stepper motors at the same time? Especially using for loops or a similar construction to avoid having to all all my steppers separately.

I'm currently working on a robot that runs on three stepper motors through an Arduino Uno and the CNC shield. I want to control the position of all three at the same time wile using speed and acceleration control. Through my research I found that the AccelStepper Library was my best option.

I installed the library, added the zip file, opened the ConstantSpeed example, and set AccelStepper stepper(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 2, 5); (2 is my step pin and 5 is my direction pin). But the stepper won't even turn on. I know the setup I have now works because I've tried different code with it and the stepper runs. So I narrowed it down to a software issue.

I've included the code: did I miss something?

Steppers motors deserve to be used in our projects much more than they are. Their use in 3D printers has brought the prices for the motors and drivers down dramatically. But the libraries to drive them lag behind. The Stepper library, part of Arduino, is very limited since it blocks and only allows one motor at a time to move. The AccelStepper library, created by Mike McCauley and easily installed using the Arduino Library Manager, overcomes these restrictions, but is considered difficult to use. The purpose of this manual is to explain AccelStepper so its use can become much more widespread.

The AccelStepper library is a library for Arduino written in C++. To use it, you construct (or "instantiate" in C++ speak) named objects of AccelStepper type. These software objects typically have "motor" or "stepper" as part of their names and are related directly to physical stepper motors and their interface electronics ("drivers"). Several different interfaces are supported. The appropriate one for an individual application must be specified when the object is constructed. Once an object is constructed, the various functions (called "member functions") provided in the library may be used to control the objects. I find it helps to break these into groups. The first group is setup functions that specify physical capabilities (such as speed and acceleration) of the motor and physical values (such as position to move to). The next group are the functions that actually move the motor by sending it signals that will cause steps. These functions use the values from the setup functions to control the motion. Next are the functions that report information about the status of the motion. Then come the pin management functions that configure and control the pins that interact with the driver. These functions will be discussed below, but first it is good to understand how AccelStepper works.

A stepper moves when it receives an electrical signal that causes the motor to take a step. The AccelStepper library only has one callable function that causes motion: runSpeed(). Other functions that result in motion call runSpeed() to produce the actual steps. Each such function has the word "run" in its name. The motion functions are of two types: constant speed (limited by the current value of speed), and variable speed (limited by settings of acceleration and maxSpeed, and by position relative to the target). Each of these types contains blocking and non-blocking functions. Blocking functions will run until a stop condition occurs, but no other code will run until they complete. Non-blocking functions cause a single step (if a step is due - see below) and return immediately in any case. Since each call to a non-blocking function only makes at most a single step, they must be called as often as possible; usually in the main loop. Otherwise the motor will not be stepped at the desired speed. 

@newclear, I had a good look at the AccelStepper library. It was clearly written for a platform that is dedicated to the stepper task. This is because all timing is done in software with no hardware interrupts (using a timer for example). This is why it will NOT work properly when anything injects a timing skew (ie WiFi and Cloud servicing). This is a known limitation of the AccelStepper code. Using timer interrupts has been tried by others (eg. on Teensy 3) with varying success. If you can find a suitable timer interrupt-driven stepper arduino library, I may be able to port it for you.

I suggest that if you want to use the AccelStepper library, you accept the fact that you cannot be connected to the Particle Cloud at the same time. You may be able to have wifi connected since it requires much less overhead. So stepping and connecting need to be mutually exclusive.

because I am looking into using the same library as the author. and here it was mentioned that the library is blocking.

I finally had a good look at the library, and while it has functions that are blocking (and are mentioned in the documentation that they block).

There are functions: run()/runspeed() that do not block, and every time they get called they pull the library to check if a step is due or not. So in a long program you should pull it as often as possible/needed but at least once in the main loop.

I am trying to develop a arduino code which runs a stepper motor with C# program via serial communication. I also use Accelstepper library, especially moveTo() and run() functions. I sent maxSpeed and step values as 3500 and 200.000 from C# and motor start to run immediately. I sure that it completes all steps, but after a while, I noticed that stepper motor never reaches its max Speed and it stuck at 3200-3300 range. So because of that finish time is increased. If I give steps more than 200.000, the gap between estimated finish time and real finish time is increased exponentially. If I sent speed as 1000, real speed more or less 970. I have to use acceleration function by the reason of needed torque. Then I search the problem and some people said that it occurs because of Accelstepper library which consist run() function and other stuff that I wrote in the loop section. Especially I could not ensure the reason of the problem is Arduino, AccelStepper library or code that I wrote. Can you please help me to solve problem?NOTE: Arduino Mega 2560 is used.Arduino code is below:

I would like to change to Stepper motor drives using the Allegro A4984: DMOS Microstepping Driver with Translator and Overcurrent Protection and the AcccelStepper library for the Arduino micro controller, using microstepping at the 8 microstep level.

In the AccelStepper library, in examples directory there is a sample script called ConstantSpeed, which uses FULL4WIRE mode; but now I understand it is not intended for A4988. Then will microstepping give better torque or not? I read mixed statements about microstepping where in general microstepping gives better control but less torque: Is this valid for A4988?

There's nothing fancy in here, except my personal method for getting the classic arduino Accelstepper library to "work" with step rates above the typical limits of ~4000steps/second. I don't really make the library work faster...I just use it for the initial ramping, which is when proper acceleration is most beneficial.


Two years ago I was playing with the accelstepper library on the arduino. It was wonderful! An easy-to-use library that even I, new to arduino and coding, could use to control physical motors with smooth acceleration. However, I found that I could only go to about 4000steps/second, before my Arduino Mega's 16000mHz processor couldn't send out signals any faster.At full-stepping this is pretty fast, but I wanted to use eighth microstepping to make everything smoother and nicer sounding.

I considered a few times whether or not to make this instructables. In the end I haven't seen other good workarounds posted, so I hope this imperfect method might help someone out since the problem is common.

I'm using a lot of words to describe my method, but I also respect that everyone would be approaching this from a different place. If you're experienced, sorry for the extra words, but if you're not familiar with arduino and want to run a stepper motor faster than you currently can with accelstepper, then please ask any questions at all. 

The Plan:

Accelstepper uses a non-linear acceleration profile, to gradually increase the step rate of your stepper motor. It does this in a very abstract way during the call, which is a function that (rough idea) checks if you're due for a new step, and if you are, steps the driver and calculates when the next step is due. You need to call it frequently, but you can do other things during the control loop. So here for example you might see:

While (digitalRead(someSensor)==high){ e24fc04721

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