I am a PhD student in a STEM field. Right now I only have CV on my website, and I want to put pictures there. I do photography as a hobby, and my intent for putting pictures there is to add a more human touch. I am aiming for jobs in academia.

I think it's nice to see some photos, personal information, and/or hobbies on an academic website; as you say, it gives the place a human touch. So long as the photos themselves aren't offensive, I can't see it detracting from your website.

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One idea might be to mention "I enjoy photography" and then link to a photography-based presence (e.g. twitter, instagram, web site), with perhaps zero, one or two photos on the academic website accompanying the link; then people can indeed enjoy the photos and find out more about you as a rounded person, but it doesn't distract from the main purpose of the web site. This is just a suggestion; I can see already people feel very differently about this issue as a whole.

Specifically in the case of photos, this means that you don't put them centered at the top of your page where they distract from other material (auto-flipping albums are particularly bad), nor set up your site in such a way that it is unnavigable without Javascript ("artsy" WiX templates are one of the worst offenders in this space). Anything behind a "photography" link is OK. This generalizes to other hobbies and aesthetical preferences, such as hacker-style green-on-black text. The order of importance for an academic website should be roughly "research > teaching > other content > visuals".

This almost certainly won't matter practically, but one downside to putting hobby-related content on your professional webpage is that it's very likely that your university has a policy against doing this if they're hosting the website. For example, my university says: "Do not use Pages to share hobbies, family information, favorite links, or other personal content that is unrelated to your professional, research, or academic work."

Corporations are known to protect their property. But when it comes to the production of high-quality research, they see value in collaboration. Almost 90% of the articles that corporate institutions author in the Nature Index are in collaboration with researchers in academic or government labs. And most of these collaborations cross national boundaries.

The number of partnerships between a corporate and an academic or government institution has more than doubled in the five years since 2012, when the index began tracking high-quality research. From an initial 12,672 pairings, the connections have grown to 25,962 in 2016, half of which were in the life sciences.

While index data tell the story of collaboration, US patent citations show the outsourcing of corporate science. Compared to a decade ago, more patents cite more of the science and engineering literature, but only a small fraction of the cited articles is authored by corporations. A larger, growing share is produced by academic and government institutions.

Some students prefer not to check just one box as they go along their academic journey. The general track appeals to students who like to step out of the box and customize the cinema major to their individual goals.

University of Michigan students, transfer students, and prospective International Studies majors and minors are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a International Studies advisor through the online appointment system to discuss all International Studies prerequisite courses and requirements for the major or minor. General advising appointments are also available with advisors to discuss the International Studies major or minor, declaring, academic planning, course selection, registration, joint degree programs, Honors plan, senior releases, career planning, interest in graduate school, and other matters of concern.

The Program in International and Comparative Studies (PICS) has two full-time undergraduate academic advisors. Students are welcome to schedule an appointment with either advisor through the online appointment system. The PICS Undergraduate Academic Advising Office is located in Weiser Hall (high-rise building), 500 Church Street, Suite 341 (third floor), Ann Arbor. Students and prospective students are encouraged to meet with an International Studies advisor early and regularly in their undergraduate academic career. It is advisable to meet with an advisor by the first semester of your sophomore year. To ensure a successful advising appointment, students should check their progress by generating an updated LSA Audit Checklist and come with prepared questions. The LSA Audit Checklist is an easy-to-read checklist of where you are at with all of your LSA degree requirements, including current elections. This checklist is for advising purposes only, so if you have questions or concerns, follow-up with your general LSA advisor or major/minor advisor.

I have looked at several hundreds of CVs through my roles as an academic recruiter, and before that when I sat on academic recruitment and promotions panels as a university employee. I know that when I open a CV that has an image on it, I have an instant and involuntary emotional response to that image. I cannot control that response (and nor can anyone else).

Thank you for your interest in Academic Entrepreneur. You will receive an email shortly to confirm your subscription, after which you will receive an email with a link to download your academic CV template. Please check your spam folder or contact us if for any reason you do not receive the link.

Artstor is a part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways.

The next photo is perhaps the clearest of the bunch, which is great because I wanted at least one good shot with my friends. The location of these first four film pictures is in  (Fulong), which is a popular public beach about an hour from Taipei by train where people surf and build giant sand sculptures. This was the first stop on a long weekend adventure along the north-eastern coast with the fine gentlemen in my apartment building. Shoutout to Nelson, Daniel, Min, John, and Will, who graciously took this photo of us.

The overall presentation of the history of 45 years of the PecsAcademic Committee of MTA from its establishment on January 29th 1969 is notpossible in a single issue of a book. An album of photographs of the lastdecades can summarize the documents of the scientists and other actors inpictures.

The editor of the album, Erzsebet Bachmann--the graphic-designteacher of the Pollack Mihaly Faculty of Engineering and InformationTechnology of the University of Pecs--used architectural-artistic reliefs ofthe 18th-century Vasvary-villa--that give place to the Pecs AcademicCommittee of the Hungarian Academy of Science--to belt the content of thepictures with its architectural dimension, the building where all thathappened. Through the book of the Pecs Academic Committee's history theevents, persons and times are admitted for all of us.

The album does not wish to be a complete documenting since thepictures were selected by a kind of haphazard upon curiosity of the editor,but functions rather as a visual supplement of other written documents.

The pictures are linked to event, the events link to past academicpresidents. The album follows the cycles of presidencies marking the periodswith different motives and connecting the series of activities of the pastdecades.

The technical development of photography can be observed bypictures from different times. Black and white or colored, single-lens reflexor digital photos are touched up and edited in one album to enable us todiscover faded images of the past. The graphical elements in the backgroundgive a pause not to disappear in the visual content.

Abstract Conceptual: Images of unusual patterns, lighting, or objects recognized for their design element (i.e., streaking light photos, mechanical structures, reflections in glass or metal, and etc.)*

People: Photos of people, alone or in a group. Such pictures may be candid, humorous, journalistic, or interpretative portraits where an emphasis is placed on the person - not the environment.*

Nature/Scenic: Images or scenes of animal life, plant life, wild creatures, insects, landscapes, seascapes, underwater, architectural, industrial scenes, seasonal scenes, and more.*

After Dusk to Dawn: Details the photographic imagery captured after the sun goes down. This includes but is not limited to starry skies, life under neon lights, streaking traffic lights, etc.*

Digital Creation/Manipulation: Images can be digitally enhanced or altered to create an entirely different photograph. Removed images, inserted images, and cloned images may be used to create a different picture.

How you use images is something to consider in planning your website and will affect the look and feel of your website. Images on academic websites can serve a variety of functions. The two most useful types of images to display on an academic website are informative and symbolic.

I was an academic researcher before starting my Academic Web Design business in 2013. I build WordPress websites exclusively for researchers, authors, educators, and therapists. View my Portolio or read my Guides to creating an academic website.

The Public Health Image Library specialises in images that deal with all aspect of public health communication. Their philosophy is that much of the information critical to the communication of public health messages is pictorial rather than text-based, therefore their pictures can be used for free, but ask you to give credit to the Library. Simply credit the original institution and contributor when possible, and thank the Library in the index.

The ESWIB database is run by the American Geoscience Institute and is a great source for all images related to geosciences. The interface looks a bit dated, and depending on your browser, you may need to change settings to display their photographs. Downloading is easy (two types of resolution), but use of the images is permitted for academic and non-commercial purposes only. 2351a5e196

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