I'm having a hard time getting a breakdown relation up and running. I've got a breakdown for Incident Category and a breakdown for Incident Subcategory. When time I go to an indicator's scorecard, I breakdown by Category, and then try to breakdown by the Breakdown Relation I've made.

My Breakdown Relation attempt is below. I've tried almost every configuration of the limited fields the sys_choice table gives me, but this is almost the only one coming back with any results. If I do the same thing, but change the Related breakdown field to sys_id, then I strangely get zero results. Am I running into issues because the "Dependent Value" field is a string (i.e. Hardware, System Generated, etc...) taken from the Category label, and not a reference to the sys_id of the category?

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Breakdown relations are a way to "side hop" from one breakdown to another. Following a breakdown relation will not always result in a drill-down on the first breakdown. For instance, I could be looking at an element of an assignment group breakdown and follow a breakdown relation that includes all of the group members. The sum of the group members could be more than the score of the group, and that is OK because some members may be in other groups as well. I didn't drill into the originally selected group. Rather, I hopped from the assignment group breakdown to the assigned-to breakdown and filtered the element list to only include people in the original group.

If you want to drill-down, then you only need to make sure both breakdowns are related to the appropriate indicators and the "collect matrix" box is checked. If necessary, recollect your data, and you're all set.

If you want to hop, then you need to properly define a breakdown relation. In order to do that, you need a table with at least two columns--one referencing elements of the first breakdown by unique ID (usually sys_id) and one doing the same for the second breakdown. This table may or may not already exist in your instance. I'm pretty sure that it does not exist in your case. This is what you specify in the "Table" field, and the two columns go in "Breakdown field" and "Related breakdown field". The "Common field" field is for sibling-type relationships. For instance, I may want a relationship that includes all of the other assignment groups with the same parent as the selected group. The documentation linked below explains all of this in detail.

Hi, My team is currently looking into incorporating more project management methodology into our Asana use, I am looking into creating work breakdown structures in Asana so I am able to schedule and plan appropriately. I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how they have done so?

Currently, secondary dimension breakdown for each primary dimension row is set to 5 by default, if you need to see top 10 for each secondary dimension row, you have to manually set it in each secondary dimension row. It would be great to have a setting to change default breakdown row numbers to any up to 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400.

This only lets you set a max breakdown of 5 members. What if you need to breakdown by more than the top 5? In that situation you have to build the table and then go into each breakdown and manually set to a greater number. The Freeform table builder needs to have an option to increase breakdown by more than 5.

I am having the same issue,

I wand to have all CID's per day in my dimension, but it only gives 5 and I have to manually change it, plus, the breakdowns does not save in the report, if I change the date range, I have make the break downs again.

We examine a simple relativistic theory of two scalar fields, first discussed by Goldstone, in which as a result of spontaneous breakdown of U(1) symmetry one of the scalar bosons is massless, in conformity with the Goldstone theorem. When the symmetry group of the Lagrangian is extended from global to local U(1) transformations by the introduction of coupling with a vector gauge field, the Goldstone boson becomes the longitudinal state of a massive vector boson whose transverse states are the quanta of the transverse gauge field. A perturbative treatment of the model is developed in which the major features of these phenomena are present in zero order. Transition amplitudes for decay and scattering processes are evaluated in lowest order, and it is shown that they may be obtained more directly from an equivalent Lagrangian in which the original symmetry is no longer manifest. When the system is coupled to other systems in a U(1) invariant Lagrangian, the other systems display an induced symmetry breakdown, associated with a partially conserved current which interacts with itself via the massive vector boson.

View a detailed (per semester) tuition and fees breakdown and use our net price calculators to help estimate your costs. Students may incur additional fees based on specific courses and programs of study.

A breakdown is defined as an unforeseeable failure or malfunction of equipment, air pollution control equipment, or related operating equipment which causes a violation of any rule, law, permit condition, or emission limitation; or any in-stack continuous emission monitoring (CEM) equipment failure or malfunction.

The facility may qualify for relief from enforcement for up to 24 hours or the end of the production run, whichever is sooner. CEM equipment breakdowns may qualify for up to 96 hours of relief. If need be, the facility may apply for an emergency variance to give it more time to solve the problem causing the violation.

The District will investigate and determine whether the condition constitutes a breakdown. If it determines that the condition does not constitute a breakdown, the facility will be notified of the denial and, consequently, the Air Pollution Control Officer may take appropriate enforcement action.

Each first-year residence hall is comprised of double and single rooms on either corridor-style floors, quad-style floors, or suite-style floors. This is the anticipated chart of gender breakdown by floor in each hall for 2023-2024. This breakdown changes from year to year.

When the leader of an autocratic regime loses power, one of three things happens. The incumbent leadership group is replaced by democratically elected leaders. Someone from the incumbent leadership group replaces him, and the regime persists. Or the incumbent leadership group loses control to a different group that replaces it with a new autocracy. Much scholarship exists on the first kind of transition, but little on transitions from one autocracy to another, though they make up about half of all regime changes. We introduce a new data set that facilitates the investigation of all three kinds of transition. It provides transition information for the 280 autocratic regimes in existence from 1946 to 2010. The data identify how regimes exit power, how much violence occurs during transitions, and whether the regimes that precede and succeed them are autocratic. We explain the data set and show how it differs from currently available data. The new data identify autocratic regime breakdowns regardless of whether the country democratizes, which makes possible the investigation of why the ouster of dictators sometimes leads to democracy but often does not, and many other questions. We present a number of examples to highlight how the new data can be used to explore questions about why dictators start wars and why autocratic breakdown sometimes results in the establishment of a new autocratic regime rather than democratization. We discuss the implications of these findings for the Arab Spring.

The biggest mistake that is made when coaching the attacking and defensive breakdown is to make it too complicated. This is due to the many variables involved in the tackle contest and subsequent breakdown.

In order to understand the breakdown, coaches and players must be aware of the Laws of the game that relate to the breakdown contest. Players may have multiple roles within the contest, both individually and collectively.

The attacking breakdown arises when the Ball Carrier (known in this resource as Ball Player) goes to ground and may be the result of the Ball Player being tackled, or a tactical ploy without being tackled. When the Ball Player goes to ground, a decision must be made by the attacking team on how many players to commit to the attacking ruck to retain possession if required.

The defensive breakdown arises when the Ball Player goes to ground as the result of a tackle or a tactical ploy. If a ruck is not formed, then the defending team must decide how to compete for the ball. If a ruck is formed (when at least one player from each team are in contact, on their feet and over the ball which is on the ground) then a decision must be made by the defensive team either individually or collectively to contest for the ball in a legal manner.

As the attacking and defensive breakdown have a number of moving parts, it is important that there is a common terminology used by players and coaches. This may be linked to the overall team culture, themes, and buzzwords. The use of buzzwords should assist players to perform the actions required within the breakdown and should be short, simple, and descriptive.

The breakdown places unique physical demands on the player. To be effective in the breakdown, players must possess a high level of physical competence, body awareness and control, flexibility, and dynamic movement. Ideally, coaches should work as part of a multi-disciplinary support team (strength, conditioning, and physiotherapy) to develop the players competence in this dynamic part of the game.

The term "nervous breakdown" is used by some people to describe a stressful situation when life's demands become physically and emotionally overwhelming. It affects a person's ability to meet their own needs and do daily tasks and activities. The term was often used in the past, but mental health professionals no longer use it. Instead, you may hear the term "mental health crisis." ff782bc1db

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