Hosts/nerds Bob Boilen and Robin Hilton are your friendly music buddies with the week's best new music discoveries, including conversations with emerging artists, icons and more. Hear songs that can completely change your day, with humor, heart and (sometimes) a whole lot of noise. Directions for use: Morning commute, the gym, or alone time. (If rash persists, discontinue use.)

In pursuit of that goal, we've basically made you 123 mixtapes to go with our 123 best songs of 2023, little slices of those infinite possibilities. Don't know where to start? You can narrow the list to our "best of the best" or pick something you like and see what we recommend next. Follow any individual song to a playlist of suggestions that open new doors. (Of course, you can also listen to a big playlist of nearly every song on the list, and check out our 50 best albums of the year too, if that's your speed.) There's enough here to keep making discoveries and connections into 2024.

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Do you like listening to songs in English? Singing songs is a great way to get better at speaking English and we have lots of great songs for you to enjoy. Listen to songs, print activities and post comments!

Make sure that all of your devices have Sync Library turned on and signed in with the same Apple ID that you use with Apple Music. If your music library is stored on your computer, check the cloud status of songs to find missing music and resolve issues.

The Song of Songs is considered one of the five megillot (scrolls), which are read on major festivals. It is traditionally chanted in the synagogue during Passover, due to its thematic connection with springtime. Following the mystical tradition, some Sephardic and Hasidic Jews have a custom to recite it each week on Shabbat evening, as Shabbat serves as a renewal of loving vows between God and the Jewish People. While the tradition ascribes the its authorship to King Solomon (Song of Songs Rabbah 1:1), who lived in the 10th century BCE, modern scholars note the many literary parallels with other love poetry and wedding songs from both Babylonia and Egypt and suggest a later date of composition, perhaps around the fourth through sixth centuries BCE.

You might have the most impressive pipes in the whole of your city. You might sound like a strangled cat when you sing, especially after a few drinks. But whatever your range and ability, you will take to the stage for one of these karaoke songs. And it will be brilliant.

Choosing the right song is crucial. If you can't sing in tune, perhaps opt for a rap. If you want to show off that high range, potentially opt for a bit of Whitney. In our list of the best karaoke songs ever, we've got everyone from Madonna to Lizzo, and from Toto to Frank Sinatra. Take a shot and warm up those vocal chords, people. These are the best karaoke songs ever.

The Board of Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited which offers investors a pure-play exposure to songs and associated intellectual property rights, and its Investment Adviser, Hipgnosis Song Management Limited, announce the Company's interim results for the six-months to 30 September 2023.

The Songs of America presentation allows you to explore American history as documented in the work of some of our country's greatest composers, poets, scholars, and performers. From popular and traditional songs, to poetic art songs and sacred music, the relationship of song to historical events from the nation's founding to the present is highlighted through more than 80,000 online items. The user can listen to digitized recordings, watch performances of artists interpreting and commenting on American song, and view sheet music, manuscripts, and historic copyright submissions online. The site also includes biographies, essays and curated content, interactive maps, a timeline and teaching resources offering context and expert analysis to the source material.

ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by A. SIMPSON & CO.,

in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States

for the Southern District of New York.AGATHYNIAN PRESS, 60 Duane Street, New York. Page i The musical capacity of the negro race has been recognizedfor so many years that it is hard to explain whyno systematic effort has hitherto been made to collectand preserve their melodies. More than thirty yearsago those plantation songs made their appearance whichwere so extraordinarily popular for a while; and if"Coal-black Rose," "Zip Coon" and "Ole Virginnynebber tire" have been succeeded by spurious imitations,manufactured to suit the somewhat sentimentaltaste of our community, the fact that these were called"negro melodies" was itself a tribute to the musicalgenius of the race. * * It is not generally known that the beautiful air "Long time ago," or"Near the lake where drooped the willow," was borrowed from the negroes, by whom it was sung to words beginning, "Way down in Raccoon Hollow."

The public had well-nigh forgotten these genuine slavesongs, and with them the creative power from whichthey sprung, when a fresh interest was excited throughthe educational mission to the Port Royal islands, in1861. The agents of this mission were not long in discovering Page iithe rich vein of music that existed in these half-barbarouspeople, and when visitors from the Northwere on the islands, there was nothing that seemed betterworth their while than to see a "shout" or hear the"people" sing their "sperichils." A few of these last,of special merit,* * The first seven spirituals in this collection, which were regularly sung at the church.

Attention was, I believe, first publicly directed tothese songs in a letter from Miss McKim, of Philadelphia,to Dwight's Journal of Music, Nov. 8, 1862, from whichsome extracts will presently be given. At about thesame time, Miss McKim arranged and published two ofthem, "Roll, Jordan" (No. 1) and "Poor Rosy" (No. 8)--probably on all accounts the two best specimens thatcould be selected. Mr. H. G. Spaulding not long aftergave some well-chosen specimens of the music in an articleentitled "Under the Palmetto," in the Continental Page iiiMonthly for August, 1863, among them, "O Lord, rememberme" (No. 15), and "The Lonesome Valley"(No. 7). Many other persons interested themselves inthe collection of words and tunes, and it seems time atlast that the partial collections in the possession of theeditors, and known by them to be in the possession ofothers, should not be forgotten and lost, but that theserelics of a state of society which has passed away shouldbe preserved while it is still possible. * * Only this last spring a valuable collection of songs made at Richmond, Va., was lost in the Wagner. No copy had been made from the original manuscript, so that the labor of their collection was lost. We had hoped to have the use of them in preparing the present work.

The greater part of the music here presented has beentaken down by the editors from the lips of the coloredpeople themselves; when we have obtained it from othersources, we have given credit in the table of contents.The largest and most accurate single collection in existenceis probably that made by Mr. Charles P. Ware,chiefly at Coffin's Point, St. Helena Island. We havethought it best to give this collection in its entirety, asthe basis of the present work; it includes all the hymnsas far as No. 43. Those which follow, as far as No. 55,were collected by myself on the Capt. John Fripp andneighboring plantations, on the same island. In allcases we have added words from other sources and otherlocalities, when they could be obtained, as well as variationsof the tunes wherever they were of sufficient importanceto warrant it. Of the other hymns and songs Page ivwe have given the locality whenever it could be ascertained.

Still, the chief part of the negro music is civilized inits character--partly composed under the influence ofassociation with the whites, partly actually imitatedfrom their music. In the main it appears to be originalin the best sense of the word, and the more we examinethe subject, the more genuine it appears to us to be. Ina very few songs, as Nos. 19, 23, and 25, strains of familiartunes are readily traced; and it may easily be that otherscontain strains of less familiar music, which the slavesheard their masters sing or play.* * We have rejected as spurious "Give me Jesus," "Climb Jacob's Ladder,"(both sung at Port Royal), and "I'll take the wings of the morning," whichwe find in Methodist hymn-books. A few others, the character of whichseemed somewhat suspicious, we have not felt at liberty to reject without direct evidence[.]

"We must look among their non-religious songs forthe purest specimens of negro minstrelsy, It is remarkablethat they have themselves transferred the best ofthese to the uses of their churches--I suppose on Mr.Wesley's principle that 'it is not right the Devil shouldhave all the good tunes.' Their leaders and preachershave not found this change difficult to effect; or at leastthey have taken so little pains about it that one oftendetects the profane cropping out, and revealing the originof their most solemn 'hymns,' in spite of the best intentionsof the poet and artist. Some of the best purenegro songs I have ever heard were those that used tobe sung by the black stevedores, or perhaps the crewsthemselves, of the West India vessels, loading and unloadingat the wharves in Philadelphia and Baltimore.I have stood for more than an hour, often, listening tothem, as they hoisted and lowered the hogsheads andboxes of their cargoes; one man taking the burden ofthe song (and the slack of the rope) and the othersstriking in with the chorus. They would sing in this Page viiiway more than a dozen different songs in an hour; mostof which might indeed be warranted to contain 'nothingreligious'--a few of them, 'on the contrary, quite thereverse'--but generally rather innocent and proper intheir language, and strangely attractive in their music;and with a volume of voice that reached a square or twoaway. That plan of labor has now passed away, in Philadelphiaat least, and the songs, I suppose, with it. Sothat these performances are to be heard only amongblack sailors on their vessels, or 'long-shore men in out-of-the-wayplaces, where opportunities for respectablepersons to hear them are rather few." ff782bc1db

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