I've just started working with Angular and with Angular-CLI and I've seen that, according to the documentation, I need to install $ npm install -g @angular/cli with the -g (global) flag.

However I would like to have Angular-CLI installed locally with the rest of my node_modules packages. This way, when I've download my project from git, I could simply run $ npm install (for installing all the dependencies in my package.json).

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I try to create a new project by running $ npm init and then run $ npm i @angular/cli -D (-D is the same as --save-dev). But then when I run $ ng new project-name a new sub directory was created with a separate node_modules directory.

The npm ecosystem has been moving more and more towards installing tools as project-local devDependencies, instead of requiring users to install them globally. This is considered a good practice. As it allows to use multiple versions (one per project), instead of having one unique global version.

npx allows you to run that npm command without having it installed locally. npx will look for the latest version of the specified package (in this case @angular/cli) and run the command ng from the bin folder.


Use a package called npx (run npm i -g npx if not already installed) and when you need to create an angular project, just use this command the very first time: 

 npx -p @angular/cli ng new hello-world-project


So For example if you want to create angular 4 project, modify the above command to include the angular-cli version 1.4.10 like this npx -p @angular/[email protected] ng new hello-world-project and then when your project setup is complete you can go back to using the normal ng generate and other commands.

Also, if you want to use latest stable version to create a certain angular project you can just use npx command like this npx -p @angular/[email protected] and it will use cli version 1.7.4 which is the most latest stable version for angular 5.

To install angular locally follow the steps - Let angular 8 is installed globally, and we need to install angular 6 locally -We shall create a folder named "angular6" in C drive and shall create a angular 6 project named "ng6-test-project" inside it.

Note: don't copy any of your node modules from your previous project if the current project you want to work on ,its version its different from formal project which you work on in the pastcheck"@angular/cli": "version" check "@angular/cli": "version", which is located in package.jsonif its version 1.2.0 its angular 2,version 1.7.0 its angular 6

(remove package.json before using the next command)ng new app-name here ng will use the local cli version to create the angular app version 5 or 6 or 7 based on of the local ng version installed.

An Angular library is a bit different as angular modules needs to be compiled before it can be properly exported. If you just import the module to your project without compiling you will get an error stating this: cannot read property 'mod'. This happens at least at the time of writing this.

I have a demo angular app that has an api/products/products.json file for use with http.get(). But when I made my own component and services to hit my own custom local json, it gives 404 error in Chrome console. It doesn't work even if the json file is in the same directory as the service, and consumed with http.get(numbers.json), it only works if I put it under the api folder like api/numbers.json. Does Angular have a rule where local json for http consume must exist under api folder?

The QuickStart live-coding example is an Angular playground.It's not where you'd develop a real application. You should develop locally on your own machine ... and that's also how we think you should learn Angular.

The QuickStart seed contains the same application as the QuickStart playground.But its true purpose is to provide a solid foundation for local development.Consequently, there are many more files in the project folder on your machine, most of which you can learn about later.

This pattern provides guidance for embedding an Amazon QuickSight dashboard into a locally hosted Angular application for development or testing. The embedded analytics feature in QuickSight doesn't support this functionality natively. It requires an QuickSight account with an existing dashboard and knowledge of Angular.

When you work with embedded QuickSight dashboards, you would typically have to host your application on a web server to view the dashboard. This makes development more difficult, because you have to continuously push your changes to the web server to make sure everything is behaving correctly. This pattern shows how to run a locally hosted server and use QuickSight embedded analytics to make the development process easier and more streamlined.

You can basically copy "production" configuration under "configurations" section in angular.json and copy it and change its name. Then, you can also copy "environment.prod.ts" and change its name to something like environment.local-test.ts (don't forget to use this in your new configuration).

As we need to run our project on local machine IP address. We tried local machine IP instead of This time it is working on browser but we are getting the following error on Android device:

I'm not much familiar with Browser stack but normally they shouldn't be able to access your local IP address if it is not open to web.To test this, you can basically place a simple HTML file to your local IIS and try to test it via browserstack first.

To run the browserstack, we get the browser stack msi from their website..After installation we launch this.It opens in browser, then we select the devices and choose the browsers and test with our local machine Urls.

Note: We don't want to bother you for the Browserstack, Our objective with you is if you could please help us in running our application on local IP address (i.e Both the server side and client side application).

You can follow microsoft's publish to IIS document: -us/aspnet/core/tutorials/publish-to-iis?view=aspnetcore-6.0&tabs=netcore-cli.Can you please follow the document and publish your app to IIS. Then change remoteServiceBaseUrl in your angular project's appsettings.json with the new url.

When I first started getting into Angular 2 with TypeScript, I had no idea how to handle TypeScript Interfaces for vanilla data-structures (ie, not Class-based types). I played around with importing Interfaces from parent Components or Services. I played around with moving Interfaces to a centralized "interfaces.ts" file. None of it felt very clean. And, I kept having to jump from file to file to remember what data was being expected in which context. At one point, when I was just trying to flesh out an idea for an app, I started "duplicating" paired-down Interfaces in the Components and Services that were receiving data. And suddenly, everything felt way easier! Favoring local interface over imported interfaces for data-structures has now become a pattern than I lean on quite frequently. It is not without its drawbacks, to be sure; but, it has made the overall development ergonomics much more pleasent.

To illustrate what I mean about favoring local Interfaces over Imported interfaces for data-structures, I've created a simple AppComponent that provides a collection of typed data-structures, each of which will be rendered by an ItemComponent:

As you can see, the AppComponent is passing implementations of the Item{} interface into the ItemComponent. The ItemComponent could certainly turn around an import the "Item" interface from the AppComponent. But, instead, I've opted to define a local, pair-down interface for the Item data-structure directly within the ItemComponent:

Here, not only am I creating a local Item interface; but, that interface is a paired-down, ItemComponent-oriented subset of properties when compared to the original Item interface. The two major benefits to this approach are that one, ItemComponent is now completed decoupled from the external world - the dependency has been inverted; and two, the ItemComponent becomes self-documenting in its requirements. This makes it much more enjoyable to maintain.

Now, if the data-structures fundamentally change, I will have to go into a number of components to make sure that their local Interfaces are still meaningful. And, you might consider that a drawback to this approach. But, I don't (consider that a drawback). I view that as a requirement to remain thoughtful about how data is being used in an application.

I'm still relatively new to TypeScript, so this approach may very well blow up in my face as my applications get more complex. But so far, leaning on local Interfaces over imported Interfaces - for data-structures - has made development and maintenance of my current TypeScript work so much more enjoyable.

Good thought, but that won't work. When I go to define the actual collection of items in the root component, TypeScript will complain that I am trying to assign properties to each object that don't exist on the Item interface. Having two interfaces works because one is a subset of the other and the code in the ItemComponent never attempts to use any properties outside of the local instance.

That said, using Pluck would essentially spread the interface across two different files. I might be able to see which keys are being plucked locally; but, I'd still have to jump to another file to see what those types entail (though, for the most part, that will likely be obvious(ish) once you are familiar with the app). The thing I love most about the "partially duplicated" interface approach is that the one class doesn't have to care about the consuming class -- it owns its own behavior and presents its own interface. ff782bc1db

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