These notes and essays are typical of the sixth-form history work which had remained largely unchanged since the introduction of A level in 1951. Students were required to read and digest notes which were then discussed in class. Exams consisted of a series of single sentence essay questions to which students were required to respond in around 45 minutes. Topics included are Italian and German unification, the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany and British political history in the nineteenth century. The work is decorated with the student's own cartoons and graffiti.

This course introduces students to the instructional methods and strategies used in the teaching of secondary social studies, history, political science, and geography. Prospective student teachers apply learned historical content, method, and theory to the philosophies and techniques of secondary level instruction.

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AP European History is an introductory college-level European history course. Students cultivate their understanding of European history through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like interaction of Europe and the world; economic and commercial developments; cultural and intellectual developments; states and other institutions of power; social organization and development; national and European identity; and technological and scientific innovation.

At the same time, the left practices far too little independent history politics at a European level, although it can point to diverse potentials, including antifa work in many European countries. But what also needs to be a stronger focus of left research is the linking of historical knowledge to the analysis of current geostrategic developments and fundamental global tendencies. Being able to interpret the signs of the times with knowledge of history is a prerequisite for developing left strategies, interventions, and resistance.

The Department of History and other academic units at Binghamton University offer an array of courses on many different historical topics. History majors can easily craft an area of thematic focus while otherwise fulfilling the regional and upper-level requirements. Here are just some of the topics and themes that history majors can examine from a comparative and cross-cultural perspective.

Here, $$ r_t^d$$ denotes a deposit rate in month $$t$$, and $$ r_t^{ECB}$$ denotes the deposit facility rate.7 The vector $$ X_t $$ includes as controls the contemporaneous and $$K$$ lags of the 12-month log change in manufacturing industrial production and core consumer price inflation to control for changes in deposit demand. We also include a dummy variable equal to one for the period between July 2014 and June 2022, to account for the period when the deposit facility rate was negative, as well as the lagged level of the deposit rate. We estimate this regression separately by sector (household and corporate) and by maturity (overnight and time deposits) using monthly data over the period from January 2000 through December 2019.

Note: This table presents results from estimating Equation (1). The dependent variable is the interest rate on new deposits for nonfinancial corporate (NFC)/household overnight (O/N)/time deposits, as indicated. "Short-run" represents the one-month passthrough from the deposit facility rate, while "Long-Run" denotes the sum of the contemporaneous and lagged coefficients, as described in the text. Newey-West standard errors in parentheses. Controls include contemporaneous and lagged values of inflation and industrial production as well as the lagged level of the deposit rate.

Here, $$ r_{c,t}^d $$ denotes the time deposit rate for country $$c$$ in month $$t$$, and $$ r_t^{ECB} $$ denotes the policy rate. We set $$K=3$$.10 We again estimate separately by sector to investigate whether the dynamics of deposit rate passthrough differ for households and nonfinancial corporations. We estimate this equation using data from January 2000 through December 2019 and calculate the sum of $$ \{ \beta_c^k \}_k^K $$ by $$c$$ to obtain the pre-pandemic long-run passthrough by country.11 To facilitate comparison, we do not include controls for industrial production or inflation in the regression for the pre-pandemic period, but we continue to include the dummy for the negative rate period and the lagged level of the deposit rate to account for weaker passthrough when rates are closer to zero.12

Note: This figure relates the estimated passthrough in the current tightening period to various structural measures of the banking system for household time deposits, as described in the main text. The measure of TLTRO usage relies on LTRO data, as a breakdown of LTRO is not available at the country level. The gray dashed line denotes the line of best fit. (AT: Austria, BE: Belgium, CY: Cyprus, EE: Estonia, FI: Finland, FR: France, DE: Germany, GR: Greece, IT: Italy; LV: Latvia, LT: Lithuania, NL: Netherlands, PT: Portugal, SK: Slovakia, SI: Slovenia, ES: Spain)

Note: This figure relates the estimated passthrough in the current tightening period to various structural measures of the banking system for nonfinancial corporate time deposits, as described in the main text. The measure of TLTRO usage relies on LTRO data, as a breakdown of LTRO is not available at the country level. The gray dashed line denotes the line of best fit. (AT: Austria, BE: Belgium, CY: Cyprus, EE: Estonia, FI: Finland, FR: France, DE: Germany, GR: Greece, IT: Italy; LV: Latvia, LT: Lithuania, NL: Netherlands, PT: Portugal, SK: Slovakia, SI: Slovenia, ES: Spain)

Using the current Russia-Ukraine war as a springboard, this course provides a historical and cultural backdrop of the conflict outlining Ukraine as a colonial addendum of Poland, Russian Empire, and the USSR. Students will focus on thirty-year long history of Ukraine after the 1991 collapse of the USSR against a broad historical, political, socio-economic, and cultural perspective. Students will discuss the formation of a modern post-colonial nation bringing together insights into art history, comparative literature, nationalities and imperial studies, social and political history, and genocide studies. We will use op-eds by the famous world poli sci pundits, journalism blogs of Ukrainians who write during air raids, video clips and movies filmed over last thirty years in the independent Ukraine, poems and novels reflecting the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Based on high level of interaction, this course will explain why Ukraine suddenly moved from a peripheral position in the new and minds of European scholars into the central place of the world politics.

European Review of Economic History publishes articles on a wide range of topics in economic history. It is a forum for research independent of geographical focus -- papers on European, non-European, comparative and world economic history are all equally welcome. Contributions shed new light on existing debates, raise new or previously neglected topics and provide fresh perspectives from comparative research. The Review includes full-length articles, shorter articles, notes and comments, debates, survey articles, and review articles. It also publishes notes and announcements from the European Historical Economics Society. 2351a5e196

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