In addition to the comment, when you look at your host-to-host copy options on Linux today, rsync is by far, the most robust solution around. It is brought to you by the SAMBA team[1] and continues to enjoy active development. Most distributions include the rsync package by default. (if not, you should find an easily installable package for your distro or you can download it from ).

-uav simply recursively copies -ua only new or changed files preserving file & directory times and permissions while providing -v verbose output. You will be prompted for the username/password on unless your have setup ssh-keys to allow public/private key authentication (see: ssh-keygen for key generation)

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Note: do NOT include a trailing / after document if you want to copy the directory itself. If you do include a trailing / after document (i.e. you are telling rsync to copy the contents, (i.e. the files and directories under) document to without also copying the document directory.

The reason rsync is far superior to other copy apps is it provides options to truly synchronize filesystems and directory trees both locally and between your local machine and remote host. Meaning, in your case, if you have used rsync to transfer files to /home/my-pc/doc/ and then make changes to the files or delete files on, you can simply call rsync again and have the changes/deletions reflected in /home/my-pc/doc/. (look at the several flavors of the --delete option for details in rsync --help or in man 1 rsync)

If you are responsible for creating or managing a project in Procore, you can quickly copy users from the Directory of an existing project to another project. This prevents you from having to enter the user's data manually in situations where all the project team participants have previously been added to one of your company's existing projects.

Because there is no directory named Desktop in your current directory. Linux have a little different philosophy, and you can't get to Desktop in this way from every place. You can get instead into home directory by typing cd ~ from every place and to root directory by typing cd / from every place -> you can think about it in that way, that Linux uses home directory instead of Desktop. Every other time you have to cd to absolute path (which starts with /) or relative path (which starts with ./ or with no character).

What command do I have to use in the terminal to make sure this happens? I know there is the cp command. But is that the best choice? And if so what options should I use to ensure I get every single directory and file?

I can checkout or get single file from git project using wget or curl on raw URL.

how to checkout subdirectory under git project ? I can use svn checkout on svn repository to get partial directory. But we dont want to use svn binary for git project on linux.

So I am working on a swift project managed by Swift Package Manager. For some of my tests I would like to load files from the directory ${PACKAGE_ROOT}/testData (note: PACKAGE_ROOT is not an environment variable which exists, this is just for illustrative purposes)

The thing is, if I run the tests via the command line (i.e. $ swift test then I can get the root using the current directory path: FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath. However, I would like to use the XCode test runner to take advantage of the debugger, and when run from the test runner, the currentDirectoryPath is in DerivedData.

I want to avoid something which requires modification of the generated XCode project, because these changes will not be stable if the project needs to be re-generated from the package. I.e. if a new dependency or target is added.

I think the problem is foremost that the binary executable has no knowledge whatsoever that there even exists a source or project directory. If it knows, then at most it can have a hardcoded path because how else would it know?

After looking into this a bit more, I think it would also be viable to write to the user temp directory (FileManager().temporaryDirectory) in the test setup function. This might be slightly more "correct" since it would mean the tests are completely self-contained.

Yeah that was the original plan, but I'm working with text, so it's not a huge deal to purge and rewrite a folder within the temp directory every time the tests run. The downside is that I would have to keep long string literals in the test code, and it does slightly increase the code complexity of the test target to ensure the test data is initialized correctly. It could also be done with non-string-encoded data: i.e. hex-encoded arbitrary data, but again this means more non-trivial complexity in the test target.

Mapping the Unix home directory on PC or Mac is not recommended. Unix home directory is intended to be used on Unix systems, and for files produced and edited from Unix. The possibility to access it from a desktop PC is only provided to make it more convenient for researchers who work on Unix and need occasional access to their files from Windows or Mac. However, there are serious technical limitations in how this service is provided, and using Unix home directory as a storage for documents edited on your PC can lead to data corruption and loss of work. There are more reliable and more robust storage options for Windows users, including ndrive, xdrive and OneDrive.

Files stored in your Unix home directory might be visible to other users. This is standard practice on Unix machines used for academic research. Please do not use your Unix home directory for confidential files. Confidential admin files should be stored on ndrive or collab share. Confidential research data should be stored on collab share or on properly set up research storage volumes.

Make sure that your directory has no home users, and then delete the directory. The user who deletes this directory must be a guest user, must be homed in another directory, and must be a global admin of the directory that is being deleted.

For example, your directory has the domains and There must be no users who have these domains in your directory. The guest user may be a Microsoft account or may be homed from another directory such as

If the directory that you are trying to delete is listed under any of the subscriptions, the account administrator has to sign in and change the directory that is associated with the subscription. To do this, the account administrator should follow these steps:

If no other directory is available as an option, the account administrator must be a global admin of another directory or must create a new directory. You will see the Edit Directory option if the account is a Microsoft account. Organizational accounts can't change the directory. Therefore, the directory can't be deleted.

You may receive an error when you remove some service principals. These principals can't be removed. However, this does not prevent you from deleting your directory. The error that you receive may resemble the following:

The path parameter may specify relative or absolute path information. Relative path information is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. To obtain the current working directory, see GetCurrentDirectory.

The behavior of this method differs slightly when deleting a directory that contains a reparse point, such as a symbolic link or a mount point. If the reparse point is a directory, such as a mount point, it is unmounted and the mount point is deleted. This method does not recurse through the reparse point. If the reparse point is a symbolic link to a file, the reparse point is deleted and not the target of the symbolic link.

To explicitly point AppCode to the directory that you want to be considered as root, click the Change the project root link in the received notification and select the desired folder in the dialog that opens.

Restoring a directory from a snapshot is equivalent to moving the directory back in time. Directory snapshots are unique to the directory they were created from. A snapshot can only be restored to the directory from which it was created. In addition, the maximum supported age of a manual snapshot is 180 days. For more information, see Useful shelf life of a system-state backup of Active Directory on the Microsoft website.

We recommend that you contact the AWS Support Center before any snapshot restore; we may be able to help you avoid the need to do a snapshot restore. Any restore from snapshot can result in data loss as they are a point in time. It is important you understand that all of the DCs and DNS servers associated with the directory will be offline until the restore operation has been completed.

For an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory, it can take from two to three hours for the directory to be restored. When it has been successfully restored, the Status value of the directory changes to Active. Any changes made to the directory after the snapshot date are overwritten.

Choose to either take a photo or select an image from your device photo gallery. Note: Only upload files you have the right to use. Files cannot be larger than 20MB. Supported file types: .pdf .gif .jpg .jpeg .png..

It is important to note that the rm and rmdir commands permanently remove directories without moving them to the Trash directory. This means that you cannot restore a directory removed using these commands.

Note: If you want to remove a directory whose name starts with a hyphen (-), use the rm -- [directory name] or rm ./[directory name] syntax. ff782bc1db

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