This method may block indefinitely reading from the reader, or writing to the writer. The behavior for the case where the reader and/or writer is asynchronously closed, or the thread interrupted during the transfer, is highly reader and writer specific, and therefore not specified.

If an I/O error occurs reading from the reader or writing to the writer, then it may do so after some characters have been read or written. Consequently the reader may not be at end of the stream and one, or both, streams may be in an inconsistent state. It is strongly recommended that both streams be promptly closed if an I/O error occurs.

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Library of Congress registered readers may use the Library of Congress Online Catalog to request materials from the Library's general collections, the Law Library, and from the Asian and Music Division collections. The automated call slip service (ACS) offers delivery of materials only to the Library's Main, Science and Business, European, Hispanic, Law, and Performing Arts reading rooms.

All U.S. citizens, or persons legally residing in the U.S. who are blind or visually impaired can request a free currency reader from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing by downloading the application below. The application is provided in both English and Spanish. The application must be filled out completely, signed by a competent authority who can certify eligibility, and returned to the mailing address provided on the form.

Introducing Thorium, a new free desktop EPUB reader for Windows and Mac, 24th Annual Accessing Higher Ground, November 2019, speakers Richard Orme (CEO) and George Kerscher (Chief Innovations Officer), DAISY Consortium.

A reader account enables data consumers to access and query data shared by the provider of the account, with no setup or usage costs forthe consumer, and no requirements for the consumer to sign a licensing agreement with Snowflake.

The reader account is created, owned, and managed by the provider account, which assumes all responsibility for credit charges incurred byusers in the reader account. Similar to standard consumer accounts, the provider account uses shares to share databases with readeraccounts; however, a reader account can only consume data from the provider account that created it.

Because a reader account does not have a licensing agreement with Snowflake, support services are not available to the general users in the account. Instead, as the provider of the account, youfield questions and requests from users in the account and respond as appropriate.

If you are unable to directly answer their questions or resolve their requests/issues, you can open a Snowflake Support ticket through the normal channels (as outlined in your support agreement).Once a response has been provided by Snowflake Support, you then communicate the information back to the appropriate users in the reader account.

If you have the ACCOUNTADMIN role (or have a role that has been granted the CREATE ACCOUNT privilege), you can use Snowsight orClassic Console to perform most tasks related to creating and managing reader accounts.

By default, only users with the ACCOUNTADMIN role can create reader accounts and therefore, as the owner of the account, manage the accounts. To support delegating these tasks to other users, theCREATE ACCOUNT global privilege can be granted to other roles (system-defined or custom). Then, users with the role can create reader accounts and perform all tasks associated with managing theaccounts created using the role.

This command can be used to monitor the total number of reader accounts for your account. If the total number reaches the limit (20), you may need to drop some accounts or contactSnowflake Support to request the limit be increased.

In addition, you can use the views in the READER_ACCOUNT_USAGE schema (in the SNOWFLAKE shared database) to query information about the reader accounts created for your account. For more details, seeAccount Usage.

A reader who fails the retest must take it again and pass before the end of their five-year approval period expires in order retain their B Reader status. There is no waiting period between failing the retest and taking it again. B Readers who do not retest and pass before their expiration date will lose their certification and will not be able to provide B readings until they pass the exam.

Note: Apps that let people access digital content such as music or video, but not as the primary functionality, are not considered reader apps and are not eligible for the External Link Account Entitlement. For example, a social networking app that lets people stream audiovisual content is not eligible.

In addition to enabling an entitlement for your app and implementing the required External Link Account APIs, you must follow usage requirements designed to help protect privacy and security, prevent scams and fraudulent activity, and maintain the overall quality of the experience. Any link provided in a reader app must:

The External Link Account Entitlement can be used by approved reader apps distributed in any country or region where the App Store is available, and is compatible with devices running iOS and/or iPadOS, or tvOS 16.4 or later.

No. The External Link Account Entitlement is optional and only required for reader apps that wish to link out to a website for account creation and management. Reader apps can continue to offer account creation for free tiers, and account management functionality for existing customers within the app, per guideline 3.1.3(a).

Audio-Reader services are free of charge to anyone who is unable to read standard printed material. We rely on volunteer readers to create the content for our services, and we are 100% supported by donors and grants.

There are a lot more key commands available for each screen reader. The commands in this post are not intended to be a comprehensive tutorial, but they will help you navigate a website to get a sense of how things work. If possible organise some usability testing with screen reader users (and people with other types of disability) to get a real understanding of how people experience your website.

The Dialect class is a container class whose attributes containinformation for how to handle doublequotes, whitespace, delimiters, etc.Due to the lack of a strict CSV specification, different applicationsproduce subtly different CSV data. Dialect instances define howreader and writer instances behave.

To make it easier to specify the format of input and output records, specificformatting parameters are grouped together into dialects. A dialect is asubclass of the Dialect class having a set of specific methods and asingle validate() method. When creating reader orwriter objects, the programmer can specify a string or a subclass ofthe Dialect class as the dialect parameter. In addition to, or insteadof, the dialect parameter, the programmer can also specify individualformatting parameters, which have the same names as the attributes defined belowfor the Dialect class.

No single solution will reach every reader. We are tackling the problem of poor reading simultaneously from several angles. This cross-disciplinary and multi-institutional effort focuses on developing foundational literacy skills, early screening and diagnosis, content-rich intervention, teacher and caregiver support, and reach for sustainable impact.

We are taking a holistic approach to the screening and diagnostic assessment of literacy development for children in Grades K-3 to support earlier and more personalized interventions for struggling readers.

WebAIM (an accessibility research company) conducts a survey periodically regarding screen readers. The last one in 2021 showed that the primary screen reader used by users was JAWS (53%) and NVDA (30%). Almost 85% of the market share. Chromevox was only used by 0.3% of people so it's not a great indicator of how your website will work.

If I generalize your question to PC-based screen readers (the Mac has a built in screen reader called VoiceOver and the way to navigate to plain text is different than PC-based screen readers), the general way to navigate to plain text is to use the up or down arrow keys.

The arrow keys conceptually walk the DOM (document object model), although technically it walks the accessibility tree which can be thought of as a subset of the DOM. For example, if you have an element with CSS display:none, that element is still in the DOM but it's removed from the accessibility tree so a screen reader user cannot navigate to an element that is hidden.

There are lots of useful shortcut keys supported by a screen reader (both NVDA and JAWs, not sure about chromevox). In the example URL you posted for w3schools, you can navigate to "Definition and Usage" by using the H key because that text is a heading (). You could also navigate to it with the 2 because it's specifically an (as opposed to an or , which would use the 1 or 3 keys, respectively).

BeeLine Reader makes reading on screen easier and faster. Instead of using plain black text, BeeLine Reader displays text using a subtle color gradient that helps pull your eye through your readings. This new display format has been honored by the United Nations and is used by readers in 120 countries around the world. ff782bc1db

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