The primary object in Google Sheets that can contain multiple sheets, eachwith structured information contained in cells. ASpreadsheet resource represents every spreadsheet and has aunique spreadsheetId value,containing letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores. You can find thespreadsheet ID in a Google Sheets URL:

An individual field of text or data within a sheet. Cells are arranged inrows and columns, and can be grouped as a range of cells. ACellData resource represents each cell, butit doesn't have a unique ID value. Instead, rowand column coordinates identify the cells.

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A syntax used to define a cell or range of cells with a string thatcontains the sheet name plus the starting and ending cell coordinates usingcolumn letters and row numbers. This method is the most common and usefulwhen referencing an absolute range of cells.

A syntax used to define a cell or range of cells with a string thatcontains the sheet name plus the starting and ending cell coordinates usingrow numbers and column numbers. This method is less common than A1 notation, but can beuseful when referencing a range of cells relative to a given cell'sposition.

Freeze header rows and columns: Keep a row or column in the same place as you scroll through your spreadsheet. On the menu bar, click ViewFreeze and choose an option.

Returns the current cell in the active sheet or null if there is no current cell. Thecurrent cell is the cell that has focus in the Google Sheets UI, and is highlighted by a darkborder. There is never more than one current cell. When a user selects one or more cell ranges,one of the cells in the selection is the current cell.

Returns the URL for the form that sends its responses to this spreadsheet, or null ifthis spreadsheet has no associated form. If multiple forms send responses to this spreadsheet,the form URL returned is indeterminate. As an alternative, per sheet form URL associations canbe retrieved through the Sheet.getFormUrl() method.

This is an ID for the sheet that is unique to the spreadsheet. The ID is a monotonicallyincreasing integer assigned at sheet creation time that is independent of sheet position. Thisis useful in conjunction with methods such as Range.copyFormatToRange(gridId, column, columnEnd, row, rowEnd) that take a gridId parameter rather than a Sheet instance.

Returns the rectangular grid of values for this range starting at the given coordinates. A -1value given as the row or column position is equivalent to getting the very last row or columnthat has data in the sheet.

Inserts a new sheet in the spreadsheet, creates a DataSourceTable spanning theentire sheet with the given data source specification, and starts data execution. As a sideeffect, makes the new sheet the active sheet.

Sets the given sheet to be the active sheet in the spreadsheet, with an option to restore themost recent selection within that sheet. The Google Sheets UI displays the chosen sheet unlessthe sheet belongs to a different spreadsheet.

Sets whether iterative calculation is activated in this spreadsheet. If the maximum number ofcalculation cycles and convergence threshold have not previously been set when the calculationis activated, they default to 50 and 0.05 respectively. If either has been set previously, theyretain their previous values.

Waits until all the current executions in the spreadsheet complete, timing out after theprovided number of seconds. Throws an exception if the executions are not completed when timingout, but does not cancel the data executions.

Indicates whether the document allows edits from anonymous users. As this is no longersupported in the new version ofGoogle Sheets, use File.getSharingAccess() and File.getSharingPermission() instead.

I have created a common grid header for each of them and they are populating it as I write this. I will then create a master sheet where I will put in the most import data and have it linked to the two employees who are working on it.

The Aim is to have a master sheet where the manager can see the most basic important information to make quick decisions, without any more intervention. While the secondary working sheet is used by the purchasing team to do its day to day job easier

Why can't you use a report to do this? With the report you can grab data from both sheets and post them together? Would it be better to instead have a math sheet with formulas across the sheets, create a report to merge the sheets, then post all on a dashboard?

The route I would go would be to start with the Master and then pull from there. Both forms populate the same sheet. You can then pull a report showing all info for person A, a report showing all info for person B, and a third report with the limited columns for the Manager.

(if you want to make this easier, I recommend having a unique identifier in the autonumber sheets that shows what sheet it is. ex: A1 for sheet 1 and B1 for sheet 2. Then you can use an if left()=A,search this sheet, else if left()=B search this sheet to make your life a little easier.

As you can see this isn't really easy, and takes a lot of work to develop. I just typed this up and didn't test the formulas, but I based it off of some sheets I developed a while ago. I really recommend avoiding this if possible, but it is a good way to learn the formulas and how to make multiple sheets in smartsheet work together to your advantage.

The next level of this allows for you to improve the performance of smartsheet. When you have sheets that are slowing down, you can merge them in a similar manner using formulas and improve the overall performance, so there are definitely applications for this approach. Just expect to spend a lot of time troubleshooting, and not a huge amount of help here as it takes quite a bit to dig through this style of sheet and understand where problems are.

Yes. I know there will be 3 inputs to each of the main sheets each day, one for the end of each shift. I pre-populated enough rows that I can analyze 5 years worth of submissions at any given time. I don't really see the need for them to have a wider range of analysis than that for what we are recording, though I still have plenty of space to expand more. It would probably slow the sheet down to the point that it isn't really useful though, but that's just a guess, I haven't tried it.

This whole project wasn't easy to build, but it is rather effective. On the main sheet where the user picks the filter data it even selects a dashboard from a list of over 40 different dashboards depending on what the user picks. If there is any error, instead of the link to the dashboard the user gets an error code telling them what to fill out.

I have an Auto number column in my sheet. I have now reached over 100 numbers, but when I sort the rows ascending, all the 100 numbers are now shown in the top of the column before the numbers lower than 100. 102, 101, 100, 37, 48, 69, 98. How do I get the 100 numbers to be at the bottom?

Tip: If "Protected sheets and ranges" isn't visible, you're likely in Microsoft Office editing. To use sheets and ranges protection, convert your file to Google Sheets. Learn about Microsoft Office editing and how to convert Microsoft Office files.

I have duplicated a Google sheets sheet (Sheet A) to another Google sheets sheet (Sheet B). I am trying to duplicate any changes in Sheet A to Sheet B. This seems like it would be super easy but I am running into issues. I am able to update a single row or copy a new sheet upon changes but I just want to simply Mirror Sheet A to Sheet B. 

Will someone provide a link or a provide a guide?

Thank you.

I have a large workbook with many sheets used for background calculation that I hide when they are not in use. The workbook is locked down (no ribbon, sheet tabs, formula bar, etc) so it cannot be tampered with when it is in use.

In Excel 2010, everything went smoothly and the active sheet was not changed, but now in Excel 2016 the following Sub changes the active sheet to the "CompCalc" sheet which leaves the user with no way to return to the sheet they need to be on to use the workbook.

This Sub is called at the end of a Sub that is called from another Sub which can be triggered 1 of 2 ways, on a button press or ListView double click. The active sheet is only changed in the above routine when the button is used to call the initial Sub and when the routine is ran continuously (not stepped through with F8).

I can work around this issue by checking the original active sheet at the beginning of the routine and setting it back to the original at the end, but I would like to know why this is happening and if there is a way to stop it without a workaround. Any help is appreciated

IMPORTRANGE updates can propagate to other sheets when you chain sheets together. If sheet B has an IMPORTRANGE(sheet A) and sheet C has an IMPORTRANGE(sheet B), it creates a chain. Any update to sheet A causes sheet B and sheet C to reload.

Tip: You can use other tools. AppsScript can read from other documents and can be triggered on edit and on a predefined schedule. Connected Sheets has scheduled refresh and is also better built for larger data set loads and imports.

The Ridiculously Soft and silky-smooth fabric of our cool to the touch Midnight Label Sheet Set is frictionless, reducing the stress on your hair and skin caused by the tugging and pulling associated with traditional sheets.

You don't always need to start from scratch. To create a new sheet by importing an existing spreadsheet or project that you started in another program, see Importing Files to Create New Sheets. Or, to start with a template, see Templates: Create Your Own or Use One from the Solution Center.

The screen refreshes to display your new item and now it's ready for you to start working. The sheets and other items you create are visible only to you unless you share them with others. Learn more about sharing Sheets, Reports, and Dashboards. ff782bc1db

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