Dovely is a non-profit, gospel centered, voucher first daycare providing accessible childcare and growth potential jobs for resettling families.

  PROBLEM 01  

Refugee families qualify for daycare vouchers, but can’t find a daycare willing to accept them  over a  private payer.

More than 75% of children under 2 years of age in Boston do not have access to formal childcare, preventing their parents from obtaining and keeping full time employment. Competing for the limited number of childcare seats is particularly difficult for families trying to pay with state funded vouchers that are often 20% less than the daily rate of private paying families.

For families, Dovely will provide quality, gospel centered childcare that prioritized voucher paying clients.


  PROBLEM 02  

Refugees struggle to find stable, growth potential jobs with understanding employers.

"Refugee" is a legal status referring to someone who has been forced to flee conflict or persecution and has crossed an international border to seek safety. Compared to other immigrants in the US, refugees are twice as likely to be unemployed (even after taking their pre-migration and professional experiences into consideration). Barriers include language, difficulty verifying past work experience, and employers' hesitancy to hire someone with no US based recommendations.

For employees, Dovely’s value proposition will differ based on each employee's education level and English proficiency.

See full vision, details, and projected impact here.

Help make Dovely a reality!

Once in steady state, Dovely will be financially sustainable.
To get there, we need an initial start up fund of $100,000.

Or send check made out to:
Dovely Incorporated
133 Thorndike Street, Arlington, MA 02474

Who are we?
Dovely is a collaboration between refugee resettlement advocates, childcare experts, and faith community members in the Boston area. This collective effort is organized by Karyn Becker. Living and working in Boston since 2016, Karyn is a long time refugee resettlement advocate, Harvard Business School graduate, and fierce believer that God's redemptive plan for humanity can come to life in small, everyday ways like childcare.

Board Members:

John Ames
SendRelief Boston Ministry Center Director

Dr. Wendy Wei
Early Childhood  Researcher

Yulia Turchyn
Career childcare center owner, operator, and teacher

Adam Minsky
Career MA Daycare Teacher