Privacy Policy&Terms of Service

Privacy policy

Dotjoy (hereinafter referred to as "dotjoy" or "we") has always solemnly promised to protect the personal information and privacy of users (hereinafter referred to as "users" or "you") who use dotjoy's products and services (hereinafter referred to as "dotjoy services"). When you use dotjoy services, we may collect and use your relevant personal information. We hope to The dotjoy privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") explains to you the corresponding processing rules and other related matters when we collect and use your relevant personal information, so as to better protect your rights and interests.

This policy applies to all dotjoy services we provide. Before using various dotjoy services, you must carefully read and thoroughly understand this policy, and start using it after confirming your full understanding and consent. If you do not agree with the content of this policy, it may cause our products and services to fail to operate normally, or fail to achieve the service effect we intend to achieve, you should immediately stop accessing / using our products and / or services. By using or continuing to use dotjoy services, you agree that we collect, use, store and share your personal information in accordance with this policy (including updated versions).

After reading this policy, if you have any questions about this policy or matters related to this policy, you can contact the customer service email Contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible.

1、 How do we collect and use personal information

We collect your personal information mainly to make it easier and more satisfactory for you and other users to use dotjoy services. Dotjoy's goal is to provide all Internet users with a safe, interesting and instructive Internet experience. And this information will help us achieve this goal.

(1) We will collect and obtain your personal information through the following ways:

1. The information you provided. For example:

(1) The information you provided to us when you registered the account of dotjoy service or used dotjoy service;

(2) The shared information you provide to others through the dotjoy service and the information stored when you use the dotjoy service.

Please note that if you disclose your information in the information uploaded or published in the public area visible to other users in the dotjoy service, or in your response to the information uploaded or published by others, such information may be collected and used by others. When you find that others improperly collect or use your information, you can contact us through the email listed in the "how to contact us" section of this policy.

2. Share your information with others. That is, the shared information about you provided by others when using dotjoy services.

3. We got your information. When you use dotjoy service, we collect, summarize and record information, such as log information, location information and device information.

(2) We will collect and use your following types of personal information for the following purposes:

1. Help you complete registration and login

In order for us to provide services for you, you need to provide basic registration or login information, including mobile phone number, e-mail address, and create your account, user name and password. In some individual services, if you only need to use basic services such as browsing and search, you do not need to register as a dotjoy user and provide the above information.

During the registration and login of some individual services, If you provide additional information (for example, your nickname, gender, native place, date of birth, avatar, interests and hobbies) will help us provide you with personalized recommendations and better service experience. However, if you do not provide these information, it will not affect your basic functions of using dotjoy services. At the same time, you are using specific services in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations or specific functions and service needs Before functions and services, you may need to provide other information (such as name, ID card, passport, driver's license, facial features and other identification information). If you do not provide the above information, we will not be able to provide you with relevant functions and services.

In addition, we also provide cancellation of registered account under the condition of meeting the conditions agreed in the service agreement of dotjoy single service and relevant national laws and regulations. You can contact us or operate according to the specific guidelines of single service.

2. Provide you with goods or services

The personal information we collect and use is a necessary condition for providing you with dotjoy service. If we lack relevant information, we will not be able to provide you with the core content of dotjoy service, such as:

(1) When you use dotjoy service, upload and / or publish information and conduct relevant behaviors (such as posting follow-up, replying to follow-up, top posting, like articles, publishing lectures, sharing, collection and reward), we will collect the information you upload, publish or form, and have the right to display your nickname, Avatar and published content;

(2) In some service items, in order to facilitate the delivery of goods or services to you, you need to provide at least the consignee's personal identity information, name, receiving address, postal code, consignee, contact telephone number and payment status information. If you refuse to provide such information, we will not be able to complete the relevant delivery services. If you order goods or services for others through dotjoy service, you can The foregoing information of the actual subscriber needs to be provided. Before providing us with the foregoing information of the actual subscriber, you need to ensure that you have obtained its authorized consent;

(3) In order to display the order information of your account, we will collect the order information generated by you in the process of using dotjoy service for displaying to you and facilitating your order management;

(4) When you contact us, we may save your communication / call records and contents or your contact information to contact you or help you solve problems, or record the solutions and results of relevant problems;

(5) In order to confirm the transaction status and provide you with after-sales and dispute resolution services, we will collect your transaction, payment and logistics information related to the transaction progress through the trading partners, Payment institutions and logistics companies selected by you based on the exchange, or share your transaction information with the above service providers;

(6) In order to provide you with pages that better meet your needs, display and recommend personalized content, conduct user portraits, understand product suitability, and identify account exceptions, we may collect and correlate information about the services and usage methods you use, including:

Log information: when you use our services, we may automatically collect your detailed usage of our services and save them as relevant network logs. For example, your login account, search query content, IP address, browser type, telecom operator, network environment, language used, access date and time, web browsing records you visited, push opening records, stay time, refresh records, publishing records, notes, subscriptions, collections and sharing.

Device information: we may, according to the specific licenses you grant in the installation and use of the software, Receive and record the device related information you use (such as IMEI, MAC, serial, SIM card IMSI ID, device model, operating system and version, client version, device resolution, package name, device settings, process and software list, unique device identifier, software and hardware feature information), and the device location related information (e.g. IP address, GPS location and WLAN access point, Bluetooth and base station sensor information that can provide relevant information).

Please note that separate equipment information and log information are information that cannot identify a specific natural person. If we combine this kind of non personal information with other information to identify the identity of a specific natural person, or combine it with personal information, during the combined use, this kind of non personal information will be regarded as personal information. Unless otherwise authorized by you or provided by laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de identify this kind of personal information.

(7) Your personal information we collected indirectly:

We may obtain relevant information you are authorized to share from related parties and third-party partners. For example, We may obtain the account information you are authorized to share from a third party (including user name, avatar and nickname) and bind your third-party account with your dotjoy service account after you agree to this policy, so that you can directly log in and use our products and / or services through the third-party account. We will be in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and in accordance with the agreement with related parties or third-party partners, and we will be sure that the information provided by them is from a legitimate source Collect and use your information on the premise of.

(8) Based on the above information you provide us, the information we may collect and your information we collect indirectly, we may carry out recommendation algorithm modeling, programmed advertising recommendation algorithm modeling, user behavior analysis and user portrait based on the combination of one or more of the above information, so as to provide you with page display and user portrait that better meet your needs Recommend personalized content.

3. Push messages to you

(1) Show and push goods or services for you. We may use your information (for example, your browsing and search records, equipment information, location information and order information) are used to extract your browsing, search preferences, behavior habits and location information related features, and send you marketing information by email, SMS or other means based on the feature tag to provide or promote the following goods and services of us or third parties:

Our goods and services include but are not limited to: instant messaging services, online media services, interactive entertainment services, social networking services, payment services, Internet search services, location and map services, application software and services, data management software and services, online advertising services, Internet Finance and other social media, entertainment, online games, e-commerce Information and communication software and services; and

Third party goods and services, including but not limited to: Internet services, food and catering, sports, music, movies, television, live performances and other arts and entertainment, books, magazines and other publications, clothing and accessories, jewelry, cosmetics, personal health and hygiene, electronics, collectibles, household utensils, appliances, home decoration and furnishings, pets, cars, hotels Transportation and tourism, banking, insurance and financial services, points and incentive schemes, and other goods and services that we believe may be relevant to you.

(2) Notify you. We may notify you about the service when necessary (for example, when we suspend a single service, change or terminate the provision of a single service due to system maintenance).

If you don't want to continue to receive messages pushed by us, you can ask us to stop pushing, for example: ask us to stop sending promotional messages according to the SMS unsubscribe guidelines, or set it in the mobile terminal device to stop receiving messages pushed by us; Unless we send messages in accordance with the law or the service agreement of a single service.

4. Provide you with security

In order to improve the security of your use of the services provided by us and our partners, protect the personal and property safety of you or other users or the public from infringement, better prevent security risks such as phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks and network intrusion, and more accurately identify violations of laws and regulations or dotjoy service related agreements and rules, We may collect, use or integrate your account information, transaction information, equipment information, log information and the information that our affiliated companies and partners obtain your authorization or share according to law to comprehensively judge your account and transaction risks, conduct identity verification, detect and prevent security events, and take necessary recording, audit, analysis and disposal measures according to law.

5. Improve our service

We may use the information collected through one dotjoy service for our other services. For example, your information collected when you use one dotjoy service may be used to provide you with specific content or show you information related to you rather than general push in another dotjoy service; We may involve you in a survey of dotjoy services to help us improve existing services or design new services; At the same time, we may use your information for software updates.

6. Other uses

You understand and agree that after collecting your personal information, we may de identify the data through technical means, and the de identified information will not identify you. In this case, we have the right to use the de identified information to analyze the user database and make commercial use of it without obtaining your consent.

Please note that if we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy or collect additional personal information not mentioned, we will obtain your consent through page prompt, interactive process, website announcement or other means. Once you agree, such additional use will be considered as part of this policy, and such additional information will also apply to this policy.

7. Exceptions with authorization and consent

According to relevant laws and regulations, your authorization and consent are not required to collect your information under the following circumstances:

(1) Related to national security and national defense security;

(2) Related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(3) Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

(4) In order to protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the information subject or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain your own consent;

(5) The information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself;

(6) Collecting information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(7) Necessary to sign the contract according to your requirements;

(8) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of dotjoy service, such as discovering and handling faults of products or services;

(9) Necessary for legitimate news reporting;

(10) When an academic research institution is necessary to carry out statistics or academic research based on the public interest and provides the results of academic research or description to the outside world, it de identifies the information contained in the results;

(11) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

8. You understand and agree, Some individual services may require you to turn on specific access permissions in your device (such as your location information, camera, photo album, microphone, address book and / or calendar) to collect and use the information involved in these licenses. When you need to turn off this function, most mobile devices will support your demand. For specific methods, please refer to or contact the service provider or manufacturer of your mobile device. Please note that you can turn on any license Right means that you authorize us to collect and use relevant information to provide you with corresponding services. Once you close any license, you cancel the authorization. We will no longer continue to collect and use relevant information based on the corresponding license, nor can we provide you with the services corresponding to the license. However, your decision to close the license will not affect the previous information collection and use based on your authorization.

9. Tips on personal sensitive information

The above information provided by you or collected by us may contain your personal sensitive information, such as bank account number, transaction and consumption records, virtual property information, system account number, email address and related password, telephone number, web browsing records and location information. Please be careful and pay attention to your personal sensitive information. You agree that we can handle your personal sensitive information according to the purposes and methods described in this policy.

2、 How do we use cookies or similar technologies

We or our third party partners may obtain and use your information through cookies or similar technologies and store such information as log information.

By using cookies, we provide users with a simple and personalized network experience. A cookies is a small amount of data sent from a web server to your browser and stored on your computer hard disk. We use cookies to benefit its users. For example, in order to make the login process of dotjoy virtual community faster, you can choose to save the user name in a cookies. This will make it easier and faster the next time you want to log in to dotjoy's service. Cookies can help us determine the pages and content you connect to, the time you spend on dotjoy specific services and the dotjoy services you choose.

Cookies enables us to serve you better and faster, and personalize your dotjoy service experience. However, you should be able to control whether and how cookies are accepted by your browser. Please refer to the file that came with your browser for more information.

We and third-party partners may collect and use your information through cookies or similar technologies and store such information.

We use our own cookies or similar technology, which may be used for the following purposes:

(1) Remember your identity. For example, cookies or similar technologies help us identify you as our registered user, or save your preferences or other information you provide us;

(2) Analyze your use of our services. We can use cookies or similar technologies to understand what activities you use dotjoy services, or which services or services are the most popular;

(3) Advertising optimization. Cookies or similar technologies help us provide you with advertisements related to you based on your information rather than general advertising.

While using cookies or similar technologies for the above purposes, we may provide a summary of non personally identifiable information collected through cookies or similar technologies to advertisers and other partners to analyze how you and other users use dotjoy services and advertising services.

Cookies or similar technologies placed by advertisers and other partners may be available on dotjoy services. These cookies and or similar technologies may collect non personally identifiable information related to you to analyze how users use these services, send you advertisements that you may be interested in, or evaluate the effectiveness of advertising services. The collection and use of such information by these third-party cookies or similar technologies are not bound by this policy, but by their own information protection statement. We are not responsible for the third-party cookies or similar technologies.

You can reject or manage cookies or similar technologies through browser or user selection mechanism. However, please note that if you disable cookies or similar technologies, we may not be able to provide you with the best service experience, and some services may not be used normally. At the same time, you will still receive advertisements, but their relevance to you will be reduced.

3、 Personal information that we may share, transfer or disclose

(1) Share

We will not share your personal information with any third party other than dotjoy without your consent except in the following cases:

1. Provide you with our services. We may share your information with partners and other third parties to realize the functions of our products and / or services and enable you to normally use the services you need, such as payment institutions providing payment services, merchants settled on dotjoy platform Partners, third-party logistics companies and other service providers providing data services (including online advertising monitoring, data statistics and data analysis);

2. Necessary sharing with related parties. In order to provide you with consistent services based on the unified account system and facilitate your unified management, personalized recommendation, system and account security, your personal information may be shared between us and our related parties;

3. Achieve the purpose stated in the section "how do we collect and use personal information" in Article 1 of this policy;

4. Perform our obligations and exercise our rights in this policy or other agreements reached between us and you;

5. Share with third parties such as partners who entrust us with promotion, in order to make such clients understand the coverage and effectiveness of promotion. For example, we can tell the client how many people have read their promotion information or purchased the client's goods after seeing these information, or provide them with unidentified statistical information to help them understand their audience or customers;

6. To the extent permitted by laws and regulations, we may exchange information with other companies and organizations in order to comply with the law, protect us and our affiliates or partners, you or other dotjoy users or the public interest, property or security from damage, such as to prevent illegal activities such as fraud and reduce credit risk. However, this does not include information sold, leased, shared or otherwise disclosed for profit in violation of the commitments made in this policy;

7. At your legal demand or with your authorized consent;

8. Provide your information at the legal request of your guardian;

9. Provided in accordance with the single service agreement signed with you (including the electronic agreement signed online and the corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents;

10. Based on academic research;

11. Based on the social and public interests in line with laws and regulations.

We will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes. For companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, we will sign a strict confidentiality agreement and require them to handle the information in accordance with our instructions, this policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

(2) Transfer

1. With the continuous development of our business, we may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your authorization and consent again.

2. With your express consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties.

(3) Disclosure

We will only disclose your personal information under the following circumstances and under the premise of taking safety protection measures in line with industry standards:

1. According to your needs, disclose the information you specify in the disclosure method you explicitly agree;

2. If your information must be provided according to the requirements of laws and regulations, mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, we may disclose your information according to the required information type and disclosure method. On the premise of compliance with laws and regulations, when we receive the above request for information disclosure, we will require the receiving party to issue corresponding legal documents, such as subpoena or investigation letter. We firmly believe that the information requested from us should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law. We have carefully reviewed all requests to ensure that they have a legal basis and are limited to data that law enforcement agencies have a legal right to obtain for specific investigation purposes.

(4) Exceptions to prior authorization and consent for information sharing, transfer and disclosure

In the following cases, you do not need to obtain your authorization and consent in advance to share, transfer and disclose your information:

1. Related to national security and national defense security;

2. Related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

3. Related to judicial or administrative law enforcement such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

4. To protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

5. Information you disclose to the public by yourself;

6. Collecting information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

According to the law, sharing, transferring and disclosing personal information that has been de identified, and ensuring that the data receiver cannot recover and re identify the information subject, does not belong to the external sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information, and the storage and processing of such data will not need to be notified to you and obtain your consent.

4、 How do we retain, store and protect personal information

We only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purpose stated in this policy and within the time limit required by laws and regulations.

Personal information collected and generated during our operations in the people's Republic of China is stored in China, except for the following circumstances:

1. There are clear provisions in laws and regulations;

2. Obtain your authorization and consent;

3. The products and services you use involve cross-border, and dotjoy needs to provide your personal information overseas.

In view of the above circumstances, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this policy and national laws and regulations.

We attach great importance to information security, set up a special security team and take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information:

(1) Technical measures for data security

We will adopt security protection measures in line with industry standards, including establishing reasonable systems, specifications and security technologies to prevent unauthorized access, use and modification of your personal information and avoid data damage or loss.

Our services adopt a variety of encryption technologies. For example, in some products, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL) to protect your personal information, adopt encryption technology to encrypt and save your personal information, and isolate it through isolation technology.

When using personal information, such as information display and Information Association calculation, we will use a variety of data desensitization technologies to enhance the security of information in use.

We will also adopt strict data access permission control and multiple identity authentication technology to protect personal information and avoid illegal use of data.

(2) Other security measures we take to protect personal information

We manage and standardize the storage and use of personal information by establishing data classification and grading system, data security management specification and data security development specification.

We conduct comprehensive security control over data through information contact confidentiality agreement, monitoring and audit mechanism. We will also hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' security awareness and awareness of the importance of protecting information.

(3) We only allow dotjoy employees and partners who need to know this information to access your personal information, and have set up a strict access permission control and monitoring mechanism. At the same time, we require all personnel who may have access to your personal information to fulfill the corresponding confidentiality obligations. If they fail to fulfill these obligations, they may be investigated for legal responsibility or suspended from working with D Otjoy's partnership.

(4) We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected.

(5) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and the communication methods with other users such as e-mail, instant messaging, social software or other service software cannot be determined whether they are fully encrypted. We recommend that you use complex passwords when using such tools and pay attention to protecting your information security.

(6) The Internet environment is not 100% secure. We will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of the personal information you send us. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of personal information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

(7) Safety incident handling

When communicating with a third party or purchasing goods and services through dotjoy services, you inevitably have to disclose your information, such as contact information or postal address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please protect your information properly and provide it to others only when necessary.

In order to deal with the possible risks of personal information disclosure, damage and loss, we have formulated a number of systems to clarify the classification standards and corresponding treatment processes of security events and security vulnerabilities. We have also established a special emergency response team for safety incidents. According to the requirements of safety incident handling specifications, we launch safety plans for different safety incidents, stop losses, analyze, locate, formulate remedial measures, and cooperate with relevant departments to trace and crack down.

After the unfortunate information security incident, we will timely inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions you can independently prevent and reduce risks, and the remedial measures for you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. At the same time, we will timely inform you of the relevant information of the event by mail, letter, telephone, push notice, etc. when it is difficult to inform the information subject one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to make an announcement. At the same time, we will actively report the disposal of information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

Please understand that due to the limitations of technology and risk prevention, even if we have strengthened security measures as much as possible, we can not always ensure the 100% security of information. You need to know that the system and communication network you use to access dotjoy service may have problems due to conditions beyond our control.

Please keep your account number, password and other identity elements properly. When you use dotjoy service, we will identify you through your account, password and other identity elements. Once you disclose the above information, you may suffer losses and may have adverse effects on you. If you find that your account number, password and / or other identity elements may or have been leaked, please contact us immediately so that we can take corresponding measures in time to avoid or reduce relevant losses.

5、 How to manage your personal information

(1) Access, update, and delete

We encourage you to update and modify your personal information to make it more accurate and effective. You can access your personal information through dotjoy service and complete it by yourself or ask us to modify, supplement and delete it according to the management method of the corresponding information. We will take appropriate technical means or provide contact channels for submitting applications to ensure that you can access, update and correct your personal information or other information provided when using dotjoy services as much as possible.

When accessing, updating, correcting and deleting the above information, we may require you to authenticate to ensure information security. For your information collected through cookies or similar technologies, we also explain the selection mechanism provided to you in Article 2 "how we use cookies or similar technologies" of this policy. If you want to query, modify or delete some of your information, please log in to the dotjoy account center or follow the specific instructions of individual services.

(2) Openness and sharing

Many of our services allow you to publicly share your relevant information not only with your social network, but also with all users using the service, such as the information you upload or publish in the dotjoy service, your response to the information uploaded or published by others, Upload or publish your information via email or in a public area not visible to specific users in dotjoy service, including location data and log information related to this information. As long as you do not delete the information you disclose or share, the relevant information may remain in the public domain; Even if you delete the shared information, the relevant information may still be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or third parties not under our control, or saved in the public domain by other users or such third parties. If you disclose or share your information through the above channels, we will not be responsible for your information disclosure. Therefore, we remind you and ask you to carefully consider whether to disclose or share your information through the above channels.

(3) Write off

Your dotjoy service account may be cancelled or deleted if it meets the conditions agreed in the service agreement of dotjoy single service and relevant national laws and regulations. When the account is cancelled or deleted, all service materials and data related to the account and under the single service will be deleted or processed in accordance with the service agreement of the single service, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

(4) Change the scope of your authorization and consent

You can always choose whether to disclose information. Some information is necessary to use dotjoy services, but most other information is provided by you. You can change the scope of your authorization to continue collecting information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off device functions, etc.

After you withdraw your authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of authorization, nor will we process your corresponding information. However, your decision to withdraw your authorization will not affect the previous information processing based on your authorization.

6、 Third party services

Dotjoy services may be linked to social media or other services (including websites or other forms of services) provided by third parties. These include:

(1) You can use the "share" key to share some content with a third-party service, or you can use a third-party service to log in to the dotjoy service. These functions may collect your information (including your log information) and may be on your computer device cookies, so as to run the above functions normally;

(2) We provide you with links through advertising or other means of our services so that you can link to third-party services or websites; and

(3) Other access to third-party services. For example, in order to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, we may access third-party SDK services and share some of your personal information collected by us in accordance with this policy with such third parties, so as to provide better customer service and user experience.

Such third-party social media or other services are operated by the relevant third party. Your use of social media services or other services of such third parties (including any information you provide to such third parties) shall be subject to the third party's own terms of service and information protection statement (instead of this policy), you need to carefully read its terms. This policy is only applicable to the personal information we collect, and does not apply to the services provided by any third party or the information use rules of third parties. If you find that these third-party social media or other services are at risk, you are advised to terminate relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

7、 Age limit

We suggest that any minor who participates in online activities should obtain the consent of his / her parents or legal guardian (hereinafter referred to as "Guardian") in advance. We will protect the relevant information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

We encourage parents or guardians to guide minors to use dotjoy services. If you are a minor, please inform your parents or guardians to read this policy and seek the consent and guidance of your parents or guardians before you submit your personal information.

8、 Notices and amendments

In order to provide you with better service, we may modify the terms of this policy from time to time according to the update of products or services and the relevant requirements of laws and regulations. Such modifications form a part of this policy. If such updates result in substantial reduction or significant change of your rights under this policy, we will notify you through website announcement, push notice, pop-up prompt or other means before the policy takes effect. If you do not agree with such changes, you can choose to stop using dotjoy service; If you continue to use dotjoy services, you have fully read, understood and agreed to be bound by the revised policy.

Any changes we make will put your satisfaction first. We encourage you to review our privacy policy every time you use the dotjoy service.

We may issue service related announcements when necessary (for example, when we suspend a service due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these service related announcements that are not promotional in nature.

9、 How to contact us

If you have any complaints and reports about network information security, or you have any questions, comments or suggestions on this policy, dotjoy's privacy measures and matters related to your information, please contact dotjoy's customer service center and send an email to Generally, we will reply within 30 days after receiving your questions, comments or suggestions and verifying your user identity.

Terms and Conditions of Service.

(Includes consent to receive advertising information)

Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms and conditions include all game services provided by DOTJOY (hereinafter referred to as "Company") through mobile devices and networks, websites, and other services incidental thereto (hereinafter referred to as "Service").The purpose is to stipulate the rights and obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between the company and its members for use.

Article 2 (Definition of Terms)

① The definition of terms used in this agreement is as follows.

1. "Member" means a person who enters into a contract of use according to these terms and conditions and uses the services provided by the company.

2. "Temporary member" means a member who does not link or authenticate account information with an external account or uses the service through guest login mode.

3. "Mobile device" is a device that can be downloaded or installed and used through a network, and refers to mobile phones, smartphones, portable information terminals (PDA), tablets, etc.

4. "Account Information" collectively refers to information provided by members such as members' membership numbers, external account information, device information, nicknames, profile photos, and friend lists, game usage information (character information, item, level, etc.), and payment information for usage fees.

5. "Content" means all paid or free contents digitally produced by the company in connection with the provision of services for mobile devices (game and network services, applications, game money, game items, etc.

6. "Paid Payment" means payment through a payment company recognized by the company to purchase or use content in the service.

7. "Open Market" refers to an e-commerce environment built to install applications and make paid payments on mobile devices.

8. The term "affiliated service" means a service provided by a company in partnership with other mobile platform service companies such as Kakao, and refers to an individual or any service that allows users to use services on mobile devices using subscription information and profile photos of affiliated mobile platforms.

9. The term "payment company" means a company that provides electronic payment methods that can be used in open markets such as credit cards and mobile phone payments.

10. "Application" means all programs downloaded or installed through a mobile device to use the services provided by the company.

11. "Game service" is one of the services provided by the company and refers to games played by members on mobile devices and services incidental thereto.

② The definition of terms used in these terms and conditions shall be as prescribed by relevant laws and policies for each service, except as prescribed in paragraph (1) of this Article, and those not prescribed shall be in accordance with general commercial practices.

Article 3 (Provide of Company Information, etc.)

The company displays the following items within the game service to make it easier for members to recognize. However, personal information processing policies and terms and conditions can be viewed through the connection screen.

1. Name of the name and representative.

2. The address of the office (including the address of the place where the member can handle the complaint)

3. Phone number and e-mail address.

4. Business license number.

5. The mail order business report number.

6. Personal information processing policy.

7. Terms and conditions of service.

Article 4 (Effective and amended terms and conditions)

① The company posts the contents of these terms and conditions within the game service or on its connection screen so that members can know them. In this case, important information such as service suspension, subscription withdrawal, refund, contract cancellation, termination, and company immunity will be clearly marked in bold letters, colors, signs, or a separate connection screen to make it easier for members to recognize.

② If the company revises the terms and conditions, specify the date of application, details of the revision, and reasons for the revision, post it within the game service or on its connection screen at least 7 days before the application date and notify the member. However, if the changed content is unfavorable or significant to the member, the member shall be notified in the same manner as the main text 30 days before the application date and notified in the manner of Article 28 (1). In this case, clearly compare the contents before and after the revision to make it easier for members to understand.

③ If the company revises the terms and conditions, check whether the member agrees to the application of the revised terms and conditions after the announcement of the revised terms and conditions. The company will also notify or notify the revised terms and conditions if the member does not agree or refuse to accept the revised terms and conditions, and if the member does not express his or her rejection by the enforcement date of these terms and conditions, it can be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms and conditions. If a member disagrees with the revised terms and conditions, the company or member may terminate the service use contract.

④ The company takes measures to allow members to inquire and respond to the contents of these terms and conditions with the company.

⑤ The company may revise these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate related laws such as the Consumer Protection Act, the Terms and Conditions Regulation Act, the Game Industry Promotion Act, the Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection Act.

Article 5 (Conclusion and application of a contract for use)

① The contract of use is concluded by a person who intends to become a member (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant") agreeing to the terms and conditions, then applying for the use of the service, and the company approves the application.

② In principle, the company accepts the application of the applicant for subscription. However, the company may refuse to accept any of the following applications for use.

1. Where the contents of the application for use are falsely stated or the requirements for application for use are not met.

2. In a case where the company does not provide services or applies for use through an abnormal or indirect method in a country that has not decided to provide services.

3. In the case of applying for use for the purpose of conducting acts prohibited by current laws, such as the Game Industry Promotion Act, etc.

4. In a case where an application is made for the purpose of impeding the well-being and order of society or customs or for the purpose of impeding the interests of the company.

5. In the case where the service is intended to be used for fraudulent purposes,

6. In the case of using a service for the purpose of pursuing profit,

7. In a case where the company applies for use through mobile devices or programs that restrict the use of services,

8. In a case where consent is deemed inappropriate as other reasons falling under each subparagraph.

③ In any of the following cases, the company may withhold consent until the reason is resolved.

1. If there is no room for the company's facilities, it is difficult to support a specific mobile device, or if there is a technical obstacle,

2. In a case where there is a technical obstacle, such as a failure in service or payment method, etc.

3. Where it is deemed difficult to accept the application for use due to other reasons falling under each of the above sub paragraphs.

④ When a member completes the entry of information necessary for the use of the terms and conditions or services, the company shall immediately use the service if there is nothing to withhold or reject. However, if matters under paragraph (2) are confirmed after death, restrictions on use or termination of the contract may be made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

⑤ The company can provide temporary membership functions for game services for the convenience of users. If you fall under any of the following sub paragraphs while using the temporary membership function, you may have problems where your account information is deleted or records cannot be verified, and the account information of the game service used through the temporary membership function may not be linked or transferred later. In this case, the company does not guarantee the recovery of account information and is not liable for compensation and damages. However, this is not the case if the company intends or gross negligence.

1. If you change your mobile device,

2. In the case of remodeling or initializing a mobile device,

3. In the case where all or part of the content, such as an application, is deleted from the mobile device,

Article 6 (Non-Terms and Conditions)

Matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions and interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be governed by relevant laws or commercial practices such as the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, the Regulation of Terms, Game Industry Promotion Act, the Information and Communication Network Promotion Act, and Information Protection Act.

Article 7 (Operation Policy)

① Matters necessary for applying the terms and conditions and matters delegated by the specific scope of the terms and conditions may be determined as the game service operation policy (hereinafter referred to as the "operation policy").

② The company posts the contents of the operation policy within the game service or on its connection screen so that members can know it.

③ In the case of revising the operating policy, follow the procedure of Article 4 (2). However, if the amendment falls under any of the following sub para graphs, it will be notified in advance by the method of paragraph (2).

1. In the case of revising matters delegated by specifically setting the scope in the terms and conditions,

2. In the case of revising matters not related to the rights and obligations of members.

3. In a case where the contents of the operation policy are not fundamentally different from those prescribed in the terms and conditions, and the operation policy is revised to the extent that the member can predict it.

Article 8 (Protection and Use of Personal Information)

① The company strives to protect members' personal information as prescribed by relevant laws and regulations, and the protection and use of personal information shall be governed by relevant laws and the company's personal information processing policy. However, the company's personal information processing policy does not apply to linked services other than those provided by the company.

② Depending on the characteristics of the service, content introducing yourself, such as nicknames, character photos, and status information that are not related to the member's personal information, may be disclosed.

③ The company does not provide the member's personal information to others without their consent, except at the request of the relevant state agency, etc. according to relevant laws and regulations.

④ The company shall not be liable for damages caused by personal information or account information of the member leaked due to reasons attributable to the member.

Article 9 (Company's Obligations)

① The company faithfully complies with the exercise of rights and obligations stipulated in the relevant laws and conditions in good faith.

② The company must have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that members can use the service safely, and discloses and complies with personal information processing policies.

The terms and conditions will take effect on December 14, 2021.