Why Your Company Should Focus On a Responsive Web Design

Nowadays, a website doesn’t only on a desktop. As per statics, there are more than 2.9billion smartphone users by the end of 2020. Due to the increasing volume of smartphone users regularly, a lot of people are using the internet through their smartphones. Of course, everyday more than 70% of searches online come from smartphones.

Seeing the high demand of mobile phone users, responsive web design isn’t just fashion, rather it’s a must. Now, if your website isn’t relevant or efficient to deliver a screen of several devices, then you’re going to lose that you’ll never expect from it. So, immediately hire prominent web design services in India that deliver “responsive web design ideas” to you.

According to Ethan Marcotte, “responsive web design provides us a way forward, lastly offering us to design for the ebb and flow of things”.

Ethan categories three distinct features of responsive design:

  • A flexible grid.

  • Flexible images- No matter what have fluid themselves, or perhaps controlled through overflow, media that works in a flexible context.

  • Media queries- To view contexts, media queries operate the design and spot-fix bugs that generate at various resolution parts.

Now, let’s understand why your company should focus on responsive web design and what its need is.

So, having a responsive site can also attract huge users so that you make a good impression about your brands on the internet.

Provide amazing UX

A responsive website allows an incredible user experience to your end-users that make trust in you. Users don’t like to sit in from “slow loading” or poor website. Presenting a responsive design of the site, you can send the most luxurious UX that will help to win users’ trust and increase your brand sell. These days, a lot of firms offer responsive web design to improve awareness and serve the best deal to clients.

Reach the farthest end of the edge

If you’ve great responsive website design then you can reach people who don’t have the luxury to surf the internet through the PC. With responsive web design, you may reach out to all the users on intent who are searching for you. It can also increase traffic on your site, as well as help you to gain ranking in Google.

Eliminate maintenance cost

In beginning, if you hire Standard CMS Development Services in Delhi, they’ll develop two separate versions of your website that will one for mobile-related and the second for desktop. But, having a responsive web design, you’ll be managing your site as per your requirement much easier, with the least resources.