According to Ayurveda, each person is born with a unique, unchanging combination of bioenergies or doshas. These three bio-energies are called Vatha, Pitta, and Kapha and they govern the function of our bodies on a physical and emotional level and determine the body-mind constitution.

We all have one predominant dosha, yet everyone has a little of the other two. When the doshas are in balance, you experience good health whereas an imbalance leads to disease. Variations from the diet and lifestyle according to your body type can lead to imbalances easily.

Dosha Test

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In the recent past, there have been several interesting studies indicating either a genetic or a biochemical basis for these constitutional types described in Ayurveda. Udupa KN and others determined the basal blood levels of three neurotransmitters, namely, Acetylcholine, Catecholamines and Histamine along with the concerning enzymes like Cholinesterase, Monoamine oxidase and Histaminase and reported that the normal persons with features of Vata, Pitta and Kapha constitutions exhibited a relative preponderance of blood Cholinesterase, Monoamine oxidase and Histaminase activity, respectively [14]. Patwardhan B and others hypothesized that there could be a genetic basis for the three major constitutions described in Ayurveda. They evaluated 76 subjects both for their Prakriti and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DRB1 types and observed a reasonable correlation between HLA type and Prakriti type [15, 16]. Prasher B and others observed that individuals from the three most contrasting constitutional types exhibited striking differences with respect to biochemical and hematological parameters and at genome wide expression levels. They also reported that biochemical profiles like liver function tests and lipid profiles and hematological parameters like hemoglobin levels exhibited differences between Prakriti types. Thus, they concluded that Ayurveda-based method of phenotypic classification of extreme constitutional types may be utilized to uncover genes that may contribute to system-level differences in normal individuals [3]. Ghodke Y and others carried out CYP2C19 genotyping in 132 unrelated healthy subjects of either gender, and, observed significant association between CYP2C19 genotype and major classes of Prakriti types. They reported that the extensive metabolizer genotype was found to be predominant in Pitta Prakriti, and the poor metabolizer genotype was highest in Kapha Prakriti when compared with other two Prakriti groups [17].

In this test, the volunteers were asked to step up and down a 20-inch bench, at a frequency of 30 times/minute for five minutes [23]. If the subject felt breathlessness and exhausted, the test was stopped. Immediately after completion of five minutes of Harvard Step Test, the PR, SBP, and DBP were recorded. The procedure of recording the PR, SBP, and DBP was repeated after two and five minutes of completion of Harvard Step Test.

Though, the present study does not suggest any significant association between the Prakriti type and cardiovascular responses in the form of HR, SBP, and DBP to the changes in posture, isometric exercise, and cold pressor test, it suggests a possibility that the individuals with a dual type of constitution may differ significantly from those with an extreme type. It is being hypothesised that, the association of a secondary Dosha that has a nullifying/opposite effect due to the reciprocal relationship that it shares with the primary Dosha, may be responsible for this phenomenon. Therefore, it is being suggested that the prediction of any future morbidity based simply on Prakriti is difficult among the people belonging to the dual constitutional types. The study also suggests that the chances of encountering an individual with a truly extreme type of constitution are rare, and each Dosha probably contributes its share in framing ones' constitution, though at varying degrees.

In Ayurvedic medicine, the personal constitution of the person is the starting point for all treatments. This constitution (Sanskrit: prakruti) expresses itself as an individual manifestation of the three doshas (bioenergies or life forces): vata, pitta, and kapha. Since birth, every person has had this unchanging constitution, also called the Ayurveda type.

The questionnaire for the Ayurveda Test from Euroved was developed by Dr. Harsha Gramminger on the basis of traditional transmissions. The questions address various physical, mental, and emotional aspects. The possible responses can each be assigned to one dosha.

An Ayurveda test as a questionnaire cannot replace a detailed medical history (anamnesis) acquired by an experienced Ayurveda doctor. You should consider this if you are sick and would like to receive medical Ayurveda treatment.

The Ayurvedic medical system aims to create inner and outer balance, as this is the prerequisite for health, fitness, and happiness. Since one or two doshas are more prominent in the vast majority of people, creating this balance is crucial. To better understand this, it is worth taking a more precise look at vata, pitta, and kapha:

The vata dosha consists of the elements of space and air, the pitta dosha of fire and water, the kapha dosha of water and earth. For a harmonious living environment, it is necessary to have these five elements in balance. For example, too much rain (the water element) would wash away the land; too much sun (the fire element) would burn the ground.

Answer all questions in the three test sections. The number '0' means 'No, not right at all' whereas a '6' means 'Yes, absolutely right'. When answering the questions, think about your overall condition over the last six months and not just the past week. You should mark the number that best reflects how strongly you agree with each statement. The numbers you select will be automatically added together for each test section and, at the end, you will first be shown which dosha appears to be dominant for you (the highest number of points).

Very few people are "pure" constitutional types, which are characterized only by Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Most are 'mixed types' made up of two doshas, sometimes even three, so don't worry if your result shows you have Vata, Pitta as well as Kapha characteristics. You should also read the information on your less pronounced doshas, which is also available from the results page.

Pitta controls all metabolic processes. It is responsible for digestion, absorbing food in the intestines and regulating body heat, visual acuity and intellect. People with a dominant Pitta have an average figure, eat a lot, can normally tolerate all foods and move their bowels two or three times per day. They become easily irritated if their meal times are disrupted. They are of average build. Those with a dominant Pitta are good talkers, are good at structuring things, are neat and inventive as well as ambitious and decisive. If their Pitta becomes unbalanced, they are prone to wanting perfection, fits of rage, bad temperedness as well as skin rashes and inflammation.

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Copy Link About Sharing Content & Referrals. Are You Vata, Pitta or Kapha? This free dosha quiz will help you determine your ayurvedic body type, whether Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Ayurveda recognizes three body types, called doshas. They are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each of these doshic body types uses metabolic energy in a unique way. Vata spends energy. Pitta manages it. Kapha stores it. Your body type effects your physical constitution, psychology and way of thinking. Each body type tends to characteristic imbalances as well. Once you know your dosha, this website helps you balance your unique body type with food, herbs, and lifestyle suggestions! When you are done with this quiz you will be taken to a results page where you can view your doshas, see the diet for your body type, and see product recommendations matching your body type. This test will take approximately four minutes to fill. Please choose the answers that most accurately fit your body for most of your life. Vata Dosha Pitta Dosha Kapha Dosha Body Frame Thin, lanky, slim with thin muscles Medium, symmetrical with good muscle development Stocky, round, broad or large Weight Lose weight easily Constant weight Gain weight easily Chest Sunken chest, ribs showing Medium chest Broad, large chest Hips Slender, thin hips Medium hips Wide, Heavy Hips Schedule Irregular schedule / eating times Long workday Good at keeping a routine Sleep Light sleeper Sleep well, average length Sleep deep & long, trouble waking up Appetite Irregular/small appetite Strong hunger Steady, moderate appetite Thirst Irregular Thirst Strong/frequently thirsty Rarely Thirsty Digestion Gas, irregular digestion Steady, strong digestion Slow, heavy digestion Skin Thin skin Thick skin Warm & rosy skin Hair Dry, dark, frizzy hair Fine, straight, light or reddish hair Thick Hair Eyes Sunken, small, active, dark eyes Sharp, gray, green, light brown eyes Large, calm, loving eyes Lips Thin lips Bright red lips, face or palms Large, smooth lips Speech Talks quickly Sharp language Slow, monotonous speech Emotions Anxiety, fear, uncertainty Anger, irritable, ambitious, analytical Calm, greedy, stagnant Mood Mood changes quickly Intense emotions Steady emotions Personality Creative, imaginative Intelligent, efficient, perfectionist Caring, calm, patient Conflict makes me Conflict makes me restless Conflict makes me angry, irritable Conflict makes me depressed, lazy Wealth Poor, spends frivolously Medium wealth, spends on luxuries Rich, holds onto money Social Make and change friends often Friends are work related, change with job Friendships are long lasting, sincere Stamina Short bursts of energy Medium stamina Steady, high stamina Climate Avoids cold Avoids heat Avoids humidity Activity Hyperactive, quick Moderate pace, goal oriented activity Slow and steady activity BECOME AN AYURVEDA HEALTH COUNSELOR BECOME AN AYURVEDA HEALTH COUNSELOR Register for only $250/month! Receive an advanced, clinically focused Ayurvedic education. In these rigorous online Ayurveda courses, you will study Ayurvedic medicine, digestive tract pathology, pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, diet, lifestyle, herbal formulations, and much more. No travel required. 2351a5e196

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