In 1989, Bad Ass Coffee of Hawaii was born on the shores of the Big Island, Hawaii, with a goal of sharing American-grown, premium Hawaiian coffee from Kauai, Waialua (Oahu), Maui, and 100% Kona coffee with coffee lovers everywhere.

It's become a tradition in our family to visit the local apple orchard in the middle of the Fall season. My kids are actually huge fans of apples, plus they love the whole process of picking their own.

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My recommends have already been listed. But I would LOVE to be in this family. I was gifted the love of reading from my mom and my aunt. Sadly, I am the only reader left. My husband reacts to books like I react to spiders.

YES, YES! They must read J.R. Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood. Can I second and third that. And Kresley Cole, Immortals After Dark (like crack) especially if they loved Nalini Singh. Sherrilyn Kenyon will definitely break their bank with her hefty backlist. And, Jeanine Frost to cover the vampire theme. To help out the Jayne Ann Krentz fix have they tried Susan Elizabeth Phillips? Start with the older books as they are better. For the historical angle after Tessa Dare check out Julie Anne Long and they GREAT Pennyroyal Green series. Good Luck

Happy April! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I'm in the final stages of finishing up book 3 in The Ones Who Got Away series (The One You Fight For), which is already up for pre-order! So I'll be in the writer cave all week, but today I have a special treat for you. Maggie Wells is stopping by to tell us about her new release in her Playing for Keeps series and about writing strong, kickass heroines. I really love this topic because I agree with her that we're harder on the heroines than we are the heroes. When I wrote By the Hour, I knew I was going to get push back because the heroine was a villainess in the first book, but she had good reason to be a bitch for a while (in my opinion) and had a journey to make, so I'm all for the tough woman getting her romance. : )

I have learned that my body may be flawed in some ways seen through societal standards; but she gets up early every morning, she endures both pain and heavy labour, she is on her feet for hours and never ever breaks down. Her mind is constantly at work in several departments, her arms are bruised from lifting and shifting, nailing, sanding, painting. She endures, and I finally love her for that.

AndBloom is your shortcut to style over 40.

We collect the best in fashion, home decor, beauty products, and lifestyle items, offering a unique way to shop and find things you love while supporting your peers. Let us provide you with inspiration, excitement, and satisfaction with just the one item that stands out.

This community originated from my love for photography, fashion, lifestyle, and consciousness. After I turned 40, I started to miss inspiring websites with coolness and authenticity towards aging.

Love Dee

Like the name says, Kickass. Our family has a yearly camping trip and some come from Nebraska and Maryland. They both loved it! So, I sent them some along with the jar. The jar is top notch and will probably outlast me! Last year I lost track of the jar. I found it this year while I was getting ready for camping and there were still a couple of pieces in it. They were as good as ever, just a little drier.

Baked Buffalo Chicken Tenders. Chicken fingies may not strike you as the most romantic of V-Day dinners, but I know plenty of peeps that would be pumped to crush these with their lovers. No judgment.

CV: It was honestly, I mean people probably say that all the time but we really, really had so much fun. Everyone was so lovely, we were so lucky. All the cast and all the crew. We were kind of stuck in the middle of nowhere. We only really had each other so thank God we all got on well. They really made it the experience it was.

DC: I love the solidarity in fashion. If we could talk about the cast a little bit, what was it like working with Matthew Modine? Did he give any life lessons or acting advice? Had you seen a lot of his films before or Stranger Things?

When you think of the phrase "The customer is always right", your mind may immediately go to an unsatisfied "Karen" screaming demands at an overworked cashier or customer service manager. However, this phrase extends beyond the service industry into other fields. As graphic designers, we often feel the pressure of know-it-all clients, with visions well outside the scope of reality. Don't get this wrong, client feedback is amazing and necessary. However, when push comes to shove, sometimes the client is just flat wrong. What one may call "creative differences" another may see as "I want it my way". It's always a tough balancing act to merge what the client wants and what lives up to design standards. It's not just the service industry, even professions like Graphic Design fall into the mindset of "The client is always right". We all want happy clients (and being paid is a nice bonus too), but getting there can often mean sacrificing good design for a client's demands. Plus, caving to every single client request can sabotage the entire design. We are all capable of playing Simon Says with our clients, but we need to learn when to say no. The client is not always right and that's ok!

When I was in school, I used to dread not knowing exactly what I would be doing. I feel so lucky to have found a career in which I get to be creative every day. Ever since I was a kid, I always loved drawing and art in general. Being able to make a living out of that genuine interest of mine is so awesome.

Anyway, assuming the problem of establishing these universal expense accounts is fulfilled, I would *love* to see a year (or more) of data for thousands of people, plus all the standard statistical measures (mean, median, standard deviation, max, min). And then do the same for that bulk data compartmentalized by various demographics (region, income, race, occupation, age, etc).

This is years later, I just found MMM a couple months ago and am reading from the beginning, but I was just thinking about this today while walking my dog. I have never NOT had multiple animals but I decided I would probably foster once my dog, who is my heart and soul, dies. I also love my cats who I adopted shortly before starting the blog but I realize if I had to do it again I would probably have gone the foster route for them too.

I love your style! And your McMansion too! I have my first 3 hens now and am loving them. Had to buy a ready-made coop until I could decide my building plan..your inspiration will help me take action.

10B. According to the beginning of the movie, the Beast has until his 21st birthday to fall in love and break the curse. According to Lumiere, he and the other enchanted servants have been toiling in dust for ten years. So . . . the Prince was eleven when he heartlessly sent the enchantress away? There are math problems here.

When we make mistakes, it's normal to want to protect ourselves and retreat from the very uncomfortable and embarrassing feelings that come up, especially with those we love, care about or depend on. We imagine how angry and disappointed they will be and we don't want to open ourselves up to their criticism, blame and backlash.

We all possess an ego self-defense system that seeks to guard us from seeing ourselves in a bad light. Add to that the natural desire to escape punishment, avoid a messy confrontation and/or be seen as wrong or as a failure, and you have a cocktail that almost guarantees you'll want to be avoiding, justifying, minimizing or denying -- to yourself, and to anyone else -- whatever it is you've done wrong.

As a marriage and family therapist and author of the book Chatting or Cheating, I see this happen all the time. Many people don't "own up" to what they've done, even when confronted by evidence. Rather than looking at their mistake squarely, admitting they are wrong or have wronged another and apologizing for it, they'll say or do whatever they can to avoid having to take responsibility for the pain they've caused.

This is the time to be sincere, sensitive and sympathetic of your partner's pain. 

"I know that you've trusted me and loved me. I recognize that my actions hurt and betrayed you and have undermined the sanctity of our relationship."

"I love you and will do anything to make it right again." If your partner asks you to remedy the situation, don't debate it or ask for compromises that will make things easier on you. Be sure to follow through with whatever you agree to.

Amanda Jones is Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Professional Wedding Officiant. She has a private practice located in Asheville, North Carolina focused on strengthening relationships. She specializes in outdoor celebrations and personalizing ceremonies so the day stays focused on what matters: two lovers embarking on the greatest, never-ending sleepover with intention.

"I want to thank you for helping me getting to where I am today. You opened my eyes on how to handle relationships. Once I was footloose and fancy free. Now I am able to meet and grow with [my husband]. Thank you for your support, guidance and love."

In the original comic-book, Big Daddy is characterised not as an ex-cop, but as a former accountant who had been motivated to fight crime by a desire to escape from his life and by his love of comic books. In the film, his purported origin and motivations are genuine: writer Mark Millar stated that the revelation about Big Daddy's background would not have worked in the film adaptation and "would have ruined the movie."[23]

Dude, when I found this recipe while grocery shopping, I got what I needed and made this for the misses. She absolutely loves it. Said it was the best bloody mary she ever had. Good job my friend with your winner.

Absolutely divine. I made this for a brunch I was having this weekend. I made the mix the night before and the next morning, I added it to some tomato puree that I had canned this past summer. It was indeed fantastic. I will certainly make this again. Everyone, including myself loved it! be457b7860

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