The Episcopal Academy

Dora Khayatt

Annual Juried Student Exhibition


About The Annual Dora Khayatt Student Exhibition

The Dora Khayatt Awards were established in 1990 in memory of Dora Khayatt, an artist and the wife of former EA’s Classics Department Chair John Plant. The Dora Khyatt fund provides annual support for student awards for excellence in the fine arts and music.

For the past 30 years, The Episcopal Academy has invited EA Students to submit artwork to be exhibited and juried by a visiting artist. Prizes are given in each of the four categories: Painting and Drawing, Sculpture, Woodworking and Photography.

For the first time, in Spring 2020, EA will be hosting the Dora Khayatt Annual Juried Student Exhibition online.

To our Students: Submit! We look forward to seeing and sharing the creativity and mastery that you've been cultivating all year! We are proud of you and we miss you. We are all at home and excited to be working with you through our online classes, home studios, discussions and crits. Art never stops!


Submission Guidelines

Open to all Episcopal Academy Upper School Students.

Dora Khayatt Submissions must be uploaded to the shared Google Drive Folder by 3:00pm May 18th.

Please do not send submissions to the art department members, instead submit through the google folder accessed through the "submit" button on this site.

*If you have trouble accessing the submission folder, please email


· You may enter a maximum of three pieces but only in one category.

· A series of three pieces counts as three pieces

· You must submit one image for each piece and no less than three for the Sculpture and the Woodworking catagories.

· You must submit a word document with your name, size of each piece, and title of each piece.


· Make sure you understand that photo of your submission is extremely important to showing off your work to the judge. The category of Photography is the only one you don’t to worry because you will be uploading your image directly. Consult Ms. Hutchison and Mr. Binstock for hints on how to photograph three-dimensional work.

Important Dates

Submit! Ongoing submissions for Episcopal Academy Upper School Students.

Dora Khayatt Submissions must be uploaded to the shared Google Drive Folder by 3:00pm May 18th.