"All physical pins are common in section 4 of physical part 'AD5262_1_TSSOP16_R25W_R22L_R025'. Each section must have at least one non-common pin.

 Open the part in Part Developer and ensure that you have at least one non-common pin for each section of a physical part are common in section 4 of physical part 'AD5262_1_TSSOP16_R25W_R22L_R025'. Each section must have at least one non-common pin.

 Open the part in Part Developer and ensure that you have at least one non-common pin for each section of a physical part"

The thing is that the symbol of this device was created as a multipart symbol. When I edit the part it appears as 4 sections symbol, so A, B, C and D parts. But when I open D part is an empty white sheet, it has no elements, neither pins, etc.. is an empty element that remains unusefull. It has been a traslation mistake. This D part is not used at schematics. So I tried to delete D part. How?

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We have created the new company, after that we have uploaded the Parts through DMT tool. While doing the Quantity Adjustment through DMT tool system throws an exception " InventoryQtyAdj Msg: Part was not found ". We have identified that Parts numbers and descriptions are mismatched with the uploaded parts.

Only Cost Adjustment with std/avg/last cost writes only into PartTran table which is the most common issue I have encountered as well. If Epicor have provided archive option for ParTran with Part range, it is not hard to delete a part.

If you mark parts as inactive, they do not appear by default in the search screen without changing the search criteria. No one can use an inactive part. To fully prevent this, you could add field security the Part.Inactive field.

I meant to answer this a little better too. Calvin you are correct, here is an example. The part I show here is a middle level pull as assembly part. You can see in the time phase that there is nothing showing for that part.

I think, for now, I am going to just create a new part and continue working and I will get with our implementation consultant when he is back to work through this. Thank you all for the help! Much appreciated, this is a great resource.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I tried what you said and it worked. I knew about the edit node tool but had forgotten about it. I got the complete line deleted and that is what I want at this time. Just not sure how to delete part of a straight line or part of a curve.

I am unable to delete a series parts and assemblies from Windchill as it claims they are being used by another assembly. The catch is, these parts are no longer in my main assembly. I have looked all over the place for the remaining references and am unable to find them.

Is there any way to view these mystery references??

I had an issue with a few other parts that were being remembered from "Replace Part" actions but that is resolved. I am certain this is not the issue I am currently facing.

While you say the part in question is no longer in your assembly, is it in an older version/iteration of your assembly? If so, it cannot be deleted as there is a reference between the part and assembly.

The only way to remove a part from Windchill is to carefully go down the tree removing drawings, then assemblies and finally the part itself. Check all revisions (versions.iterations) and work backwards from the latest one.

How do you delete or erase part of a line segment in a shape? I have two overlapping shapes, and I want to make them into one and delete the overlap. I rasterized the shape, but is there a way to un-rasterize it in its new form? Or is there a way to get a cleaner cut from a line segment with out it being pixelated in the first place?

This seems like an easy questions but i can figure out how to do this. I have a scan that is basically 100% full of different annotations, and now i want to draw a ROI on a small part of the image to measure the annotations within that ROI.

Is there a way to delete annotations outside this new ROI? or split the old annotations at the edge of the new ROI so that i can insert them into the hierarchy and be able to measure them within the new ROI? Or maybe some other way to do this?

Ctrl+shift+delete works only for midi tracks. And no, I am not asking for the arrangement view. And I do know about crop clip, but it can only trim a track. But I want to remove something from the middle - like too long of a pause or just a bad segment.

Is there anyway to delete specific parts of a multipart polygon ? I would like to automate this if not tool is available already. I show this in a picture. The full filled polygons in the image are created by manual deleting inner parts/rings from the hollow polygons you see in the image. There are too many such polygons for me to manually delete them. So any advice is welcome.

I've been trying to find a (hopefully) quick and easy way to delete sections of some of the paths (so the laser doesn't cut there and the piece stays in place) without deleting whole paths. I'd also like the sections I delete to all be the same length so I tried creating a circle and using Pathfinder > Minus Front, but that gives me the error "The filter produced no results. Please select two intersecting paths."

I should mention again that this document was imported from a dxf file so none of the paths are joined together. Every part of the image is a separate straight-line path. That's why I'm looking for ways to delete sections out of one straight line path.

You could also use the Shape Builder Tool. First draw a shape like a circle over the path overlapping the segment you'd like removed. Select the circle and the path then the Shape Builder Tool (Shift + M). While holding down the Alt key, drag over the circle and the segment to remove it. The benefit of this method is it can be a little easier to see what part you want to remove.

Delete part allows you to delete one or more parts or surfaces; this is a parametric operation that creates a delete-part feature and is able to be undone. To delete a part, select the Delete part command on the toolbar, then select the parts to delete. Click the green checkmark to accept the deletion.

When deleting a non-composite part, the selection in the dropdown is irrelevant. Just select the part to be deleted. To use Delete part with a composite part, see Converting closed composite parts to individual parts for more information.

I then deleted Fritzing and downloaded it again. I installed it and for some unknown reason, the mistake parts I created are there again! I have searched all over the Mac and cannot find a folder where these may be. I would appreciate any help to delete these deformed parts. Failing that, I guess I am just going to have to live with it, or look for some alternative software. I am not that computer savvy, but from what I experienced so far of Fritzing, it seems quite intuitive. I just wish deleting parts from your bin was more obvious.

Thanks Peter,

I removed 0.92 and many problems along with it .

I can now actually edit existing parts instead of getting an error message.

_When I open my project I no longer get the error message about missing parts, fpz files and so on.

Specifically, once I generated parts using the same method as MS3, the entire project file just broke. Every time I move to a different measure it stops responding for at least 8-10 seconds, and now at this point, I can't even add time signatures without it crashing. Which, right now, I need to add time signatures to continue my piece.

Is there a way to delete parts (not instruments) like you did in MS3? The option obviously isn't in the same place as it was before. I'm really worried that the button doesn't even exist anymore, so please prove me wrong if you can.

In MuseScore 3, next to a "Generate Parts" button there was a "Delete Part" button, which completely removed the part from the file until you re-generated it. That button was removed in MuseScore 4. I'm ASKING if the button has been removed, I am not asking how to close the tabs temporarily.

Then there is no ability to clear out a part and cause it to be regenerated? This was possible in MS3. I didn't do it a lot, but I did it when I had to, mainly when there was some change in the score that didn't get reflected in the part for some reason. That only happened rarely in MS3, but it's happening to me all the time in MS4. There is some serious flaw in the part generation algorithm now (like, it drops whole measures, doesn't propagate changes uniformly in all parts, etc.), and it is very frustrating not to be able to force it to regenerate a part. The function "Reset all formatting" doesn't suffice.

I also have this problem in MS 4 due to bad parts (see ). Like the OP, I don't want to delete the instruments (and all the work I've done), nor do I just want to close the part. I want the generated part deleted so I can make another attempt to generate it properly.

Because MS4 handles parts differently (using the 'Excerpts' folder), whenever opening a MS4 .mscx file in MS3 you may still see parts tabs displayed which can be deleted the 'old way' via selecting them all in File > Parts then 'Delete'.

Agree with others, REALLY HELPFUL explanation and allowed me to fix my "corrupted" file (I believe corrupted) where I had 7 duplicate parts from one instrument in a 5 instrument score that acted like original instrument parts (could not be deleted). I unzipped, opened the main .mscx within which had the correct parts, saved it as a new .mscz outside the unzipped folder and all good to move forward and format my parts!


This may have reset the part, but i still had multiple versions of some of the parts. However, the previous advice about messing with the mscz file worked very well, thanks for that, and under windows, renaming it meant i didn't have to unzip it, can just delete from the renamed .zip version and rename it back to .mscz.

I just wish that whoever decided on the directory names didn't use the patch name, but instead had used the long instrument name from the Part Properties that appears on the score. It also would have been cool if the tabs of the individual parts had been in the order of the score, as now it is tough to figure out which cornet is soprano or solo or 1-3, or ripieno. 17dc91bb1f

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