Doosung Choi

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University (LSU). I got my Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

My research area is applied mathematics, material science, inverse problems, partial differential equations, and spectral theory.

Link to Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

Here are my CV, Research Statement, and Teaching Statement.


08/2022 – current: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University

(Mentor: Prof. Stephen P. Shipman and Prof. Robert P. Lipton)


08/2015 – 08/2022: Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, KAIST (Advisor: Prof. Mikyoung Lim)

02/2011 – 08/2015: B.S. in Mathematical Sciences, KAIST


02/07/2022 02/18/2022: Short-term visitor to Yonsei University, Republic of Korea (invited by Prof. Eunjeong Lee)

10/01/2017 02/08/2018: Academic guest at ETH Zürich, Switzerland (invited by Prof. Habib Ammari).

04/01/2014 – 08/20/2014: Undergraduate exchange student in TU München, Germany.

Awards and Honors

2017/2018/2020: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.

2019: Young-Han Kim Global Leader Scholarship (Fall 2018), KAIST.

2018: Best Poster Award in KSIAM 2018 Spring Conference, Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

2015–2020: National Scholarship (graduate type), KAIST.

2013–2015: Honor Student, KAIST.

2012–2014: Bronze Award in Korea Undergraduate Mathematics Competition, Korean Mathematical Society.

2011–2015: National Scholarship (undergraduate type), Korea Student Aid Foundation.

Updated on 03/25/2024.