Donte Stewart is the Founder & President of Arrow Passage Recovery, a Leading Drug Rehab Center in Massillon, Ohio.

Community Conscious 

Donte Stewart is a proud member of his community.  A Leader in his own right, Stewart has always been guided by a drive to help others.  He is particularly passionate about the opportunity to help members of his community who are battling addiction and mental health.  That’s why he established Arrow Passage Recovery, a unique drug rehab center specializing in a breadth of addiction recovery programs and relapse protection plans.  Outside of his work with Arrow Passage Recovery as Founder & President, Stewart is passionate about uplifting and empowering the next generation of youth.  As a High School Football Mentor, he works diligently in his community to teach young men the many life lessons that can be earned through teamwork, camaraderie and an athletic discipline. 

Donte Stewart Community Leader

Arrow Passage Recovery

Donte Stewart Arrow Passage Recovery Founder & President established the Ohio Rehab Center with a clear vision: to help members of his community “Pull back to be propelled forward.”  Taking a holistic approach, Arrow Passage understands that not everyone's the same.  Each person is a unique individual and, as such, his/her journey to sobriety is a unique experience.  That is one of the many reasons that Stewart and his team have formulated so many different addiction recovery programs and aftercare plans, including Christian/Faith Based, 12 Step Programs and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.