Luggage transport

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Embark on your journey with peace of mind by entrusting your luggage to "Donkey Service". We will ensure their transfer from one stage to another according to your booking, guaranteeing you to find them at the end of each day of your hike.

How to book your luggage transfers ?

Nothing could be simpler! Use the form below to provide us with the essential information, such as your contact details for identification, the transfer date, as well as the details of the pickup and destination accommodations. If these options are not available in the booking tool, feel free to contact us directly via email. 

For any subsequent modifications or cancellations, please contact us by email, indicating your request.

What are the pick-up and drop-off locations ?

We collaborate with several accommodations in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and the surrounding villages to ensure the pick-up and return of your luggage. Below is the list of pick-up and drop-off points, categorized by village.

If you cannot find your pick-up and/or drop-off point in the list, please feel free to contact us by email, indicating your preferences.


When to book your transfers step by step ?

The earlier, the better! As soon as your itinerary is established and planned, you can use our booking service for each identified stage. Additionally, if you wish to free yourself from your bag during your journey, no problem! Same-day reservations are permitted until 7:00 a.m.

What is the pricing ?

The cost is 8 euros per bag per stage, with a maximum weight of 20 kg per bag.

How does it work on the D-day? 

Start by preparing your bag for the transfer. To do this, pick up an envelope and a "Donkey Service" fastener specially designed, available at the bag pickup point. Complete the necessary information on the envelope, insert the amount of 8 euros, and attach it to the bag. Once the bag is ready, drop it off at the departure accommodation's reception no later than 8:00 a.m

Detailed instructions will be available on-site to guide you through the process.

Transfer booking form

After submitting the form, you will receive a summary email of your booking within the following 48 hours. If you do not receive confirmation, please check your spam folder. If confirmation is not found, please contact us by email to resolve the situation.