Dongho Yoon

M.S. Student

KAIST, School of Electrical Engineering


Vertically Integrated Architecture Research Group (VIALab)

School of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Email :

Tel : 042-350-7547

Office : N1 818 @ KAIST


2014. 03 ~ 2020. 02

Bachelor's Degree in Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, YONSEI University

Summa Cum Laude

2020. 03 ~ 2022. 02

Master Student in Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST

Advisor : Prof. Minsoo Rhu

2022. 03 ~

Ph.D. Student in Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST

Advisor : Prof. Minsoo Rhu


2018. 03 ~ 2020. 02

Scholar of the National Academic Excellence Scholarship for Engineering, Korea Student Aid Foundation (KOSAF)


2019. 03 ~ 2019. 06

Internship, Foundry Business @ Samsung Electronics

2021. 01

Internship, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) @ Samsung Electronics