Just a passing glance was all i heard

Of rastafari face

Just a passing glance was all i heard

Oh yes

Just a passing touch of freedom i felt

Would it be my soul oh

And it gives me the feeling, that i'm gonna be free

Oh yes

It was a passing glance, that's all i heard

Of rastafari face

It was a passing glance, was all i heard

Oh yes

Just a passing touch, of freedom i felt

Would it be my soul oh

And it gives me the feeling, that i'm gonna be free

Oh yes

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yes

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It was a passing glance, that's all i heard

Of rastafari face

It was a passing glance that's all i heard

Oh yes

Just a passing touch of freedom i felt

Would it be my soul

And it gives me the feeling, that i'm gonna be free

Oh yes

So free, so free, so free, free

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12:04 P.M. CDT Q Mr. President,some people in Congress are talking about passing legislation to allowstem cell research on embryos that are still in fertility clinics -- THE PRESIDENT: I've said allI'm going to say for a while. Q Would you vetolegislation like that? THE PRESIDENT: The statement Ilaid out is what I think is right for America. And any pieceof legislation that undermines what I think is right will be vetoed. I don't know if you all know, but theysinged a bill in Macedonia today, an agreement to work out thelanguage, as well as the policing, and it' a good sign. Butnow they need to lay down their arms so we can implement the peace. Q Did you get anyfeedback from Mr. Rumsfeld's meeting with Mr. Putin? THE PRESIDENT: I haven't talkedto him yet. It's right here that Mr. Putin is going tocome, right to Crawford, Texas, one of these days. I'm surehe'll love it. Q Where are theygoing to stay? THE PRESIDENT: We haven'tworked out the logistics yet. (Laughter.) Got anyrecommendations? Oh, where he's going tostay? He'll stay here. I thought you said where are "they"going to stay, meaning the thousand press thatfollow. (Laughter.) * * * * * Q So what are yougoing to do for the rest of the day? THE PRESIDENT: -- got a lot offriends coming in -- and then get ready for my trip. Gotsome speeches to give tomorrow and Wednesday, in NewMexico. I've got to figure out what I'm going to say. Q One more questionon stem cells, if I may? THE PRESIDENT: You can ask it,but I've already answered it. Q Well, I'll askand -- THE PRESIDENT: I answered itThursday night, when I gave an address to the nation. Q But, sir, sincethen, some pro-life activists have said that you're -- THE PRESIDENT: You knowsomething? I gave the statement I thought wasright. I spent a lot of time on the subject. Ilaid out the policy I think is right for America. And I'mnot going to change my mind. I'm the kind of person thatwhen I make up my mind, I'm not going to change it. There are going to -- people have got allkinds of opinions. I gave mine, and I gave it to thecountry. And it's a policy that's well thoughtout. Understand that there's a moral issue -- moral issue,plus there's a chance that we can save people's lives. AndI've laid out the path to do that. Q How did youscratch your arms up? THE PRESIDENT: You know, I'mglad you noticed that. (Laughter.)Working. Working. No, brush. Q Nature trail? THE PRESIDENT: Got the naturetrail. One of these days we need to take you back there, soyou can see it. It's beautiful. Q I'm free today. Q I'd love to goback there. THE PRESIDENT: It'sbeautiful. You won't believe it. As a matter offact, this place, when you head out that way, there's a lot of canyonsand creeks in the middle fork. You saw some of it when wecrossed today, what it looks like when you get up in there. Q What's the traillike? Is it a loop or -- THE PRESIDENT: No,no. Oh, my running trail? Q No, no, thenature trail. THE PRESIDENT: Oh, the naturetrail is just built up into this canyon, this box canyon that's got abig overhang so that when the water is running, it's like awaterfall. We built a pathway up in there so that it'saccessible to a lot of people. Q Place to bringguests, to go running? THE PRESIDENT: You can'trun. I mean, it's the end of a canyon. You canrun down there, then you walk up in there and it's beautiful. Q What doesbuilding a trail entail? I mean, are you pulling out treesor are you -- THE PRESIDENT: No,no. It means just building -- getting old telephone polesand lying them on the ground, then filling in the dirt so that you -- Q So you have thissort of pathway? THE PRESIDENT: Pathway, it's apathway is what it is. Q Mr. President, doyou favor additional loans to Argentina? THE PRESIDENT: We're watchingthe Argentinean situation every single day. Larry Lindseyand Paul O'Neill and the appropriate folks are meeting on it everysingle day. And one of the things I said that I thought wecould do -- first of all, we sent John Taylor down there, and he metwith President de la Rua, had a very good visit. He delivered our administration's message,which is they've got to implement the reforms that they recently passedthrough their legislature. One of the things we -- and so we'reexploring all options as to how to make sure that the message goes outthat we've got -- that we're watching the situation very carefully,that we urge Argentina implement reforms. As they do so,they will gain the confidence not only of our country, but of a lot offolks who are concerned about it. I spoke to King Juan Carlos, of Spain, theother day. He is very concerned. Spain has gotmore at stake in Argentina than even the United Statesdoes. And I told him that we're watching it and we're verycareful about it. And our hope is that the Argentineans willearn the confidence of the investor community by making -- byimplementing the legislation they passed. But we're keeping an open mind on alloptions. Q Any chance youmight have an announcement for us soon on the Chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff? THE PRESIDENT: Last time Ihinted about doing something, everybody got the wrong message and someof the flock were led astray. (Laughter.) So I'm not goingto hint anymore. Q Thankyou. (Laughter.) THE PRESIDENT: I know none ofyou -- it was no misinformation at all. Q No, I was askingif you're missing Washington? THE PRESIDENT: Am I? Q Yes. THE PRESIDENT: You know, I likeWashington a lot. But I also like here. I triedto explain to the people that are following me around that this is myhome. You know, some people say, well, this is a vacationspot. Actually, this is our house and home; this is where we willlive. And I'm the kind of person that reallyvalues home, and I like my house. And Laura loves it, aswell. So we really enjoy being here. But I've got a job to do. Oncethis period of time ends, and once Congress starts heading back toWashington, I'll start heading back, myself. In themeantime, we're getting airborne tomorrow, as you know. We're going toColorado and New Mexico, and I've got a few other trips -- a couple ofother trips. Q Hint? (Laughter.) THE PRESIDENT: No more hints. Q I think that wasa hint. (Laughter.) THE PRESIDENT: But I'm going tobe moving around some, and it's good. One of the things I'm doing isheralding the values of the heartland. You know, it'simportant for folks to get outside of Washington, D.C. Washington is a great town, it's got a lotgoing on. Obviously, there's a lot of action when theCongress is meeting. But the strength of the country is inour heartland. And tomorrow I'm going to be talking aboutcharacter education; same in New Mexico. I'm also going tobe talking about small business ownership. Today, I talkedabout the agricultural sector. It's what makes Americagreat. And I think it's important for me to get out amongstthe people as best as a President can. Q I don't mean tosound flip, but are those values that you like to extol less prevalenton the coast and more prevalent -- THE PRESIDENT: No, not atall. Listen, the values are very prevalent throughoutAmerica. It's just that my house is not on the coast; myhouse is in Texas. I'm a Texan. This is where Iwas raised; this is where I'm going to retire; this is where I'll passaway, in Texas. There's a lot of people, wonderful peoplethat live on the coast of the country. They've got greatfamily values, they care just as much about teaching children rightfrom wrong as anybody else. California is one of the hugeagricultural states. Don't get me wrong, I happen to behere. This is where we're anchored. To me, to be out on the land helps aPresident keep perspective. You know, I haven't been aPresident all that long, but I can assure you, perspective isimportant. Get used to it, because this is where I'm comingback to, as well. Q Thinking of atele-commute, sir? THE PRESIDENT: Actually, wehave that potential and have used it since I've been here, where I'vegotten on a video conference with some of my staff and it works great. But, no, I need to be there in Washington,obviously. We've got enough of a staff here to keep mebusy. But when Congress comes back, I'll be there ready towelcome them and encourage them to get moving on some legislation. One piece of legislation they'll beworking on is the new farm bill. Another piece of legislation theyneed to get moving is the education bill. We've got a greatopportunity to get a faith-based initiative going. We got itout of the House and had a good meeting with Senator Lieberman andSenator Santorum on how to get the bill moving out of the Senate. We got a patients' bill of rights,finally, for the first time. It looks like we're making someprogress on a patients' bill of rights. It's going to be inconference when we get back. So we've got a lot of work todo and I look forward to Congress getting the job done. Q Are youanticipating some battles with the Senate? THE PRESIDENT: Oh, I neveranticipate battles. (Laughter.) I'll stand myground and do what I think is right. That's what the peopleelected me to do. I'm confident if there is the willingnessto work with the White House in the Senate, we'll get a lotdone. If people go up there just wanting to fight, then notmuch will get done -- but we've already had thatperiod. It's time to get rid of that business out ofWashington, and let's have a spirit of cooperation. I'm confident we'll get a lot done, and Ibelieve we will. So I go back to Washington with a can-doattitude; that we can do a lot of good for the American people, and atthe same time, by the way, make sure we've got a good budget thatdoesn't get busted by folks that feel compelled to appropriate beyondthe confines of a budget. Most Americans expect -- when you set abudget, expect people to meet the budget. And that's whatI'm going to expect, as the President. I'm going to say,look, you all come back and here's your budget, don't spend beyond thebudget. That will help the country, that will help oureconomy recover, by the way, by showing some fiscal discipline. I've got to go. I've given youa lot more than you deserve. (Laughter.) Q Thank you, sir. END 12:29 P.M. CDT Printer-Friendly Version Email this page to a friend IssuesBudget ManagementEducationEnergyHealth CareHomeland SecurityHurricane RecoveryImmigrationJobs & EconomyMedicareNational SecurityPandemic FluPatriot ActRenewal in IraqSocial SecurityMore Issues 2351a5e196

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