Decentralized Orchestration and Management of Distributed Heterogeneous Things
dominos2018 | april 23, 2018 | Taipei, Taiwan
Welcome to the 2018 Edition of the IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Decentralized Orchestration and Management of Distributed Heterogeneous Things (DOMINOS)!
Welcome to the 2018 Edition of the IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Decentralized Orchestration and Management of Distributed Heterogeneous Things (DOMINOS)!
The workshop is co-located with the Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS).
DOMINOS 2018 will be a half day workshop on Monday, Apr. 23, 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan.
We are very happy to have a great technical program committee! You can look forward to high quality reviews for your submissions!
Marc-Oliver Pahl, Hanan Lutfiyya, Jeremy Singer, Steven Johnston, and Colin Perkins

For continuous updates please check our twitter @dominos_iot.
Please twitter about the event using #dominos2018. Happy tweeting!
DOMINOS 2018 Workshop | April 23, 2018 | NTUH International Convention Center | Teipei, Taiwan
Header Image: Taipei Skyline from the Elephant Mountain | CC BY-SA 2.0 Eleleleven 2017 | design: mop