If the above tool does not work, one can manually create a FAT32 partition image in Linux provided dosfstools is installed.First, pull up a terminal, and then chdir into the Wii folder, which under certain configurations may be located at ~/.local/share/dolphin-emu/Wii instead.

The functionality discussed here relies on the FISH network protocol to provide the underlying capability by in turn using the SSH protocol. So, in order to use it, the remote computer must have an SSH server enabled and configured to authenticate a user account on that machine using a public/private key pair as the first attempted authentication method. KDE Plasma Desktop's File Browser, Dolphin Dolphin is a highly customizable and feature rich file browser with remote browsing capabilities. In this screenshot Dolphin is shown with two panes active, both displaying /home/brook from the local computer. Connecting to the Remote ComputerThe connection to the remote computer is initiated by enteringfish://username@hostname or fish://username@IPaddressin the path entry box of Dolphin. Once connected, the files and folders on the remote computer can be manipulated as if they are on the local computer with the same rights as the user of the remote computer whose credentials were used to establish the SSH connection. In the following set of slides, a connection is established in the right pane to a virtual machine at The Dolphin right pane path entry box is cleared in Slide 1 and in Slide 2 fish://username@ is entered in the path entry box. Slide 3 shows Dolphin displaying the user's home folder on the remote computer. Slide 4 presents the output of ls on the remote computer through an SSH connection in the Konsole terminal that shows the same contents as in Dolphin.Connecting to a Remote Computer in DolphinConnecting is simply a matter of entering a URL in the form of fish://username@host in Dolphin's path entry field.

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Then type n, then type a name and choose option 22 after (this may change, but the onedrive option is meant here).Then hit enter twice (client id and secret are not needed) and then n for no advanced config.Then enter y for autoconfig (your browser should open and it's convenient if you're logged in, it will redirect and show a succes message in the browser.

The only way I have found to do this on Linux is with Konqueror, because it contains both a web browser and a WebDAV-enabled file browser. You can log in to the Sharepoint site in the Konqueror browser, then the Konqueror file browser can use that cookie to authenticate to WebDAV.

It is indeed possible, but I don't have a smooth solution yet. I'm mounting SharePoint Drives with davfs2. For this to work you have to authenticate with a browser (by simply accessing your SharePoint site). You then have to extract the Cookies named "rtFa" and "FedAuth". They have to be pasted at the end of the file /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf like so:

When you download a file to your device you generally want to know where it is saved to. In most cases a download directory is fine, but you may want to have your browser download files to a different location.

scp being a core command line utility will be the fastest.

however, for small files, dolphin should work fine with the fish protocol.

for example when editing text or code files on a web server.

If the cart was downloaded from the pc thru a cable I dont know, if they downloaded it from the web thru a browser it may not work I have only used firefox and it works fine but if I use the generic browser it wont work.

Abbot family, You need to use download all files when you do it asks you which directory you want to put it in find the whereyougo directoy and select it thats where they all go. Also you need firefox or dolphin the generic browser won't work

I am using a Motorola Atrix2 Phone & attempted to download the whereyougo file using Opera Mini for the browser. Somehow Opera renamed the file as a .zip file instead. We did 4 attempts on this today with the same results. My wife's phone is a IPhone 3 & downloaded the same Wherigo file with no problem. Did the Wherigo on her phone got the unlock code but then the wereIgo site would not accept the code, even though we were able to log it thru the geocaching site itself.

Thanks for the valuable tip! We don't have any whereigos around my home but when I travel I love to try them. I've been suffering with needing to get to a pc on the road for two years until a fellow cacher pointed me here and I realized the problem is the phone's browser and I just needed firefox. Most android phones these days come with some kind of file management software to move the .gwc file from dowloads to the whereyougo directory, so the browser is the key.

Ignore me now... I had troubles finding the 'externa_sd' folder - it wasn't viewable via my PC file browser but I can see it using astro file manager. I moved the catridge via astro and it appears to be visible now in the App

I have done what is listed above, but for some reason, I cannot get it to show up in game mode, until I boot to desktop first. I do not have to do anything in desktop mode, but for my own Peace of mind, I open dolphin explorer, to make sure it is there and it is.

When you make a purchase via the Avast Store, you may be notified that you need to enable JavaScript and / or cookies in your web browser. This is because the Avast Store is unable to load and function correctly without these settings enabled.

JavaScript is enabled for all websites by default in Mozilla Firefox. If you have disabled JavaScript using a browser add-on that allows you to customize your JavaScript settings, you need to re-enable JavaScript using this add-on. For more information about JavaScript settings in Mozilla Firefox, refer to the following article from Mozilla Support:

So how can another application attack an application running as root? A year ago I implemented a simple proof of concept attack against Dolphin. The attack is waiting for dolphin getting started as root. As soon as it starts, it uses the XTest extension to fake input, enable the embedded konsole window and type into it.

Note that the Data Storage integration only stores 7 days of data, and sends does not send CORS headers (implying that you cannot access it from a regular browser, but fetching from an app should probably work).

Nur werden die Inhalte des WebDAV Verzeichnisses in Dolphin nicht wie erwartet angezeigt. Im Ordner Netzwerk erscheint zwar der WebDAV Ordner (Nextcloud), dessen Inhalte (z.B. Icons, Notizen, Photos, ...) aber nicht als dessen Unterordner, sondern auf der gleichen Ebene. Siehe Screenshot.

In Dolphin unter "Fremdgerte-Netzwerk" sieht die Auflistung anfangs aus wie in Screenshot 1. Klicke ich auf "Nextcloud" zum ausklappen, dann erscheinen die Unterordner ebenfalls auf oberster Ebene. Siehe Screenshot 2.

Whle ich in der Seitenleiste "Netzwerk", dann erscheint in der Adressleiste (oben) ein "remote:" vor der Eingabemaske der Adresse und dahinter ein "Netzlaufwerk hinzufgen". Dort draufgeklickt erscheint eine Eingabemaske mit dem Titel "Netzwerkordner hinzufgen" mit webdav als Defaultauswahl. Danach geht es in etwa so wie der von dir angegebene Link erklrt. e24fc04721

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