Drops of Life
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Drop of Life Summary
Drops of Life is an international project, which concentrates on water being the crucial element of life. At the moment we are living the times of mega trends that influence every human being on the earth. Rapid population growth, climate change and industrialization will enhance conflicts based on the shortage of water.
With the help of this project we would like to increase the awareness of these problems, how to influence them and how to solve the issues, both on grassroots level and globally. One school or one country cannot solve these problems alone, but with a wide cooperation between schools and countries we can raise this awareness exponentially. The countries participating in this project have different circumstances when it comes to fresh water: some countries struggle with the shortage and pollution of water, while some countries have plenty of water available.
There are six schools from six countries participating in this project: Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Spain. Finland as the coordinator focuses on the recreational use of water, Cyprus concentrates on the problems of water shortage, Hungary's main focus is on the cultural and philosophical aspects of water,
Greece emphasizes the economic significance of fishing, seafaring and shipbuilding. Spain is specialized in ICT and introduces the latest learning and teaching technologies and some tools for researching water. Sea offers an environment for different flora and fauna and that's what Italy is introducing us in the project.
The methodology includes several types of learning: research-based study in which learning environments are extended outside the educational institutions. By utilizing information and communication technology, the students are guided in digital learning environments, learning materials and tools acquiring and evaluating information presented in different formats. Peer learning forming ideas for solutions and producing them in collaboration.
It's important to enhance the students' linguistic skills in general and communication skills in a foreign language. By participating in an international project it's possible to exchange pedagogical practices and to experience useful approaches, techniques and tools that are used in various European schools.
The project would allow our schools to develop and reinforce networks at international level, and also increase their capacity to cooperate, share and discuss ideas, practices and methods at transnational level. We want our students to achieve a profound understanding of water as an element, water-related achievements and water-related problems. It's important to learn to collaborate together in order to understand that people in different countries may have a different outlook on issues that may not be crucial in another person's country.