Sleep mode is a power saving state that stops all actions on the computer. Any open documents and applications are moved to the system memory (RAM) and the computer goes to a low-power state. This is similar to pausing a movie DVD. The computer is still powered on, but uses less power. Devices such as monitors also use sleep or standby mode to reduce power consumption.

Sleep mode has gone by various names, including Stand By, Suspend and Suspend to RAM. Machine state is held in RAM and, when placed in sleep mode, the computer cuts power to unneeded subsystems and places the RAM into a minimum power state, just sufficient to retain its data. Because of the large power saving, most laptops automatically enter this mode when the computer is running on batteries and the lid is closed. If undesired, the behavior can be altered in the operating system settings of the computer.

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A computer must consume some energy while sleeping in order to power the RAM and to be able to respond to a wake-up event. A sleeping PC is on standby power, and this is covered by regulations in many countries, for example in the United States limiting such power under the One Watt Initiative, from 2010. In addition to a wake-up press of the power button, PCs can also respond to other wake cues, such as from keyboard, mouse, incoming telephone call on a modem, or local area network signal.

Sleep mode and hibernation can be combined: the contents of RAM are first copied to non-volatile storage like for regular hibernation, but then, instead of powering down, the computer enters sleep mode. This approach combines the benefits of sleep mode and hibernation: The machine can resume instantaneously, but it can also be powered down completely (e.g. due to loss of power) without loss of data, because it is already effectively in a state of hibernation. This mode is called "hybrid sleep" in Microsoft Windows other than Windows XP.

ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is the current standard for power management, superseding APM (Advanced Power Management) and providing the backbone for sleep and hibernation on modern computers. Sleep mode corresponds to ACPI mode S3. When a non-ACPI device is plugged in, Windows will sometimes disable stand-by functionality for the whole operating system. Without ACPI functionality, as seen on older hardware, sleep mode is usually restricted to turning off the monitor and spinning down the hard drive.

Microsoft Windows 2000 and later support sleep at the operating system level (ACPI S3 state) without special drivers from the hardware manufacturer, except of video adapters. Windows Vista's Hybrid sleep feature saves the contents of volatile memory to hard disk before entering sleep mode. If power to memory is lost, it will use the hard disk to wake up. The user has the option of hibernating directly if they wish. On PCs that enable Modern Standby, Hybrid sleep feature is unavailable.

In older versions prior to Windows Vista, sleep mode was under-used in business environments as it was difficult to enable organization-wide without resorting to third-party software.[2] As a result, these earlier versions of Windows were criticized for wasting energy.[3]

In 2005, some Macs running Mac OS X v10.4 began to support Safe Sleep. The feature saves the contents of volatile memory to the system hard disk each time the Mac enters Sleep mode. The Mac can instantaneously wake from sleep mode if power to the RAM has not been lost. However, if the power supply was interrupted, such as when removing batteries without an AC power connection, the Mac would wake from Safe Sleep instead, restoring memory contents from the hard drive.[8]

Our Dell servers and, I expect, all others do have power saving modes that allow servers that are idling to slow down clock and fan speeds for example to reduce power consumption. That is not the same as a full sleep though.

Usually servers use the hours when there isn't much user-generated load (typically at night) to run background jobs, like system backups, batch jobs, etc. and aren't idle enough to be allowed to enter an actual sleep mode.

Hi, I am very new to the Mac world, I have been using Windows for more than eleven years, I have questions about Sleep Mode, people tell me you don't need to Shut down your MacBook, just put it on sleep mode

I used to always Shutdown my Windows laptop because if I put it on Sleep mode and left it in my bag until the next day it would get very hot, I'm afraid that if I put my MacBook on sleep mode and leave it in my bag it will overheat and have problems with battery life,

you might ask why you put it in your bag why you don't put it somewhere else I put it in my bag because my younger brother and sister manipulate it and break it, and you know the MacBook pro 16" is very expensive In short, is the MacBook different from Windows, doesn't it heat up if I put it in sleep mode?

My PC is now set to wake up from sleep mode then perform the scan and actually stay awake during the scan then revert back to the standard power plan afterwards therefore allowing it to go back to sleep after 30 mins of inactivity.

2. Use task scheduler to switch the power mode to a mode that is set to never sleep. You have to do this otherwise the PC will go back to sleep after 30 mins or whatever your sleep timer is set to. ESET isn't seen as an active process when performing a scan so Windows will just send the PC back to sleep on the sleep timer if you don't do this. You can run a script or put the command directly into task scheduler.

There are many things that can prevent Windows from entering sleep mode, not just mouse or keyboard input. I have problems with Plex not allowing my PC to enter sleep mode. The problem with ESET is that when it's performing a scan Windows doesn't see it as an active process so it will enter sleep mode during the scan.

If you don't want Windows to sleep just change the power settings to never allow sleep. It's very simple. You don't need an app. I've already come up with a solution so why do I need to use an app?

There are a number of command prompts to study sleep behavior. powercfg -requests is the most useful. It shows which processes are running that will prevent Windows from entering sleep mode. I'm currently streaming and running Filezilla. Both of these processes will prevent my PC from entering sleep mode. This is a screen shot of powercfg -requests:

But my PC is running Win7 and after 15 minutes of inactivity, it will go into sleep mode, so my question is : an hour from I started the Java app, if I don't touch the PC, and it goes into sleep mode, will my Java app still be able to wake up and do its work, and if so will the Win7 PC wake up with the screen turned on again [ because in Win7 sleep mode the screen turns off ] ?

However, when registering a task with the Windows task scheduler, you can choose "wake the computer to run this task". When going to sleep mode, Windows will tell the motherboard the time of the next registered wake-up task.

How could it possibly run if Windows isn't? There may be some tricks available with automatic wake-ups supported by the motherboard, but when the machine is in sleep mode, from the point of view of the OS and programs, it might as well be off.

I know the client component of WHS allows your PC to wake itself to perform a client side backup. You can actually specify the option of waking the PC from sleep to perform the backup which is controlled via the actual WHS. How they accomplish this task is not via Java and I'm sure they have varying hooks into the OS, since in Sleep mode there is actually power still being supplied. Here is an article that talks about detecting the move to standby and preventing it, within Java/C++ and may hold value for what you are trying to accomplish in a different manner. In addition you could make use of WOL to wake the PC remotely.

Sleep saves your current work to RAM, and your computer continues to draw a little bit of power while in sleep mode. Hibernate saves your current work to your hard drive or SSD, and consumes no power.

Hibernate mode is very similar to sleep, but instead of saving your open documents and running applications to your RAM, it saves them to your drive. This allows your computer to turn off entirely, which means once your computer is in hibernate mode, it uses zero power. Once the computer is powered back on, it will resume everything where you left off. It just takes a bit longer to resume than sleep mode does. Sleep mode used to be much faster than hibernation, since hibernation was limited by the speed of a mechanical hard disk. Modern SSDs --- especially PCIe NVMe SSDs --- are blazing fast, and it really shows when you're using hibernate.

If you use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you will not be able to enable hybrid sleep at all. The virtual machine hypervisor disables it completely. To reenable it, open the Start Menu, search "Turn Windows Features On and Off," then make sure you untick both "Windows Virtual Platform" and "Windows Hypervisor Platform." Restart your PC, and it should be possible to enable hybrid sleep mode. This will completely disable WSL.

If you are using a battery-powered laptop, be careful when changing the time before your computer goes into sleep or hibernate mode, or when turning off the sleep or hibernate mode completely. If the battery dies when you're in the middle of working on the computer, you can lose data.

Dinz, thanks for providing the info on how a scan starts up, but I think it does not address the original problem here. In the morning I often wake up my computer and find that it's in the middle of a McAfee scan. Apparently the scan was running when Windows decided to enter the sleep mode. I would prefer that the scan run to completion before Windows goes to sleep. Can't the McAfee software use some Windows API to prevent sleeping when there's a scan running?

McAfee 16.8 includes a command line scanner that can be launched from the Windows Task Scheduler - this allows you so set up a scheduled task and have it wake up the PC and because it was scheduled by windows, it will complete BEFORE the system is allowed to sleep again. 17dc91bb1f

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