good afternoon, this is my first post after using utorrent for the past 5+ years, ive been using utorrent as my bit torrent client since windows xp was popular... ive researched and applied all the little fixes along the line... like setting the "net.max_halfopen" way back in the day.... or forcing encryption and not allowing legacy connections for security and anonymity.... and that's just an example of the wealth of utorrent knowledge ive collected along the way.

any way, today I re-installed utorrent onto a new machine, and noticed that running the settings ive used over the years, no longer work, and id like to know why?

usually I set dl speed to unlimited, and ul speed to 10kbps, and this would allow my dl's to come through at 3.0mbps... but now ive noticed that changing the upload speed to anything except unlimited, also limits the download speed... can some one please shed some light onto why this is happening?

system specs:

asus g75vw

i7 processor

8gb ram

windows 7 ultimate

cable internet

yes... I admit my settings were set up with ultimate leeching..... but regardless of my very selfish settings... utorrent drops to almost nothing when any limit is placed on upload speed... just as cyberian said....

so again, can anyone shed light on to WHY this is happening?

or is this a new thing in the code to force seeding?

I personally limit my seeding to avoid detection by my invasive isp, Comcast is the only choice for cable internet in my region... and since I have already received multiple letters from them as to my torrenting over the years, I absolutely CANNOT seed!!

as we all know, Comcast doesn't give a flying fork about leaching, but cracks down on any seeding by imposing that ever so lovely bandwith throttling that we all love so much... and as much as I love the peaks and valleys of throttling... I don't want any more letters... forced encryption and disallowing legacy connections only take you so far.... keeping my settings to the ones I have chosen allow me to torrent undetected by my isp...

so again WHY is this happening when ANY limit, (even 60,000 kbps) is applied to the upload speed setting other than unlimited?

Does Limiting Upload Speed Affect Download


I wanted to also post the proof of speed without limits... but your site wont allow me to post a second thumbnail, or even let me link it through an image hosting website by using the "image" button built into the reply box...

this is a link to the image without limits, where you can clearly see my upload is set to unlimited and my dl is 3.0mbps (1.2mbps+1.8mbps)

edit: for the record these photos were taken on a windows 8.1 gateway laptop, but my windows 7 asus g75vw performs exactly the same, and is connected to the same network, both machines tested using lan as opposed to wlan

ah... now I completely understand.... its not an issue when your dl speed is cut in half when you apply a 60,000kbps limit...

that makes total and complete perfect sence... the mechanism is there to prevent leaching, so of course your download speed should be cut in half, if you set your upload limit to a number higher than your connection can even send it out at.

this is definitely the way it was intended to work!!

history sidenote:

even the developers of utorrent stated years ago that the internet traffic was like a pipeline, with only so much "volume" being able to move through it at any givin moment, meaning that if you are pushing more volume in the upload category, that you will have less "space" to push volume in the download category

That won't do you any good. There are so many things that affect speed that you could have two people with an identical setup and still have wildly different speeds. Your computer, your local network, your ISP, the route your traffic takes to get to Dropbox, the Dropbox network and servers, congestion along any part of the route to Dropbox, throttling by your ISP (very common), failures along the route that cause your traffic to take another path, etc.

What I would say though is that it will speed up once the initial folder creation is completed and it gets on to larger files. Dropbox sync's smallest -> largest and as smallest has the most overheads these are slowest to download.

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That doesn't help me much - I can't believe downloads can be this slow. I've got a fast computer and just about the fastest internet that you can get and I'm still only getting 20MB/s. What are the fastest speeds other people are getting?

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Also, the speed you see from Dropbox isn't simply the transfer speed of the data. Each file that you upload is hashed, compressed, then transferred, encrypted, and stored on the Dropbox servers. That entire process is included in the aggregate speed that's displayed in the Dropbox sync status. In other words, the speed reported by Dropbox is not just a transfer speed, but the speed at which the entire process is being completed. The actual transfer speed is higher, but when you factor in the entire process, it appears lower.

I found that if I turn my VPN on, then my transfer rates get a bit better. They jump from 20MB/s to 70MB/s so I my ISP Bell Canada seems to be throttling dropbox traffic. Which is odd because they don't throttle Google drive.

That's the equivalent of a 108Mbps connection, which is fast. Again, remember, that's NOT just the transfer speed to/from Dropbox. That's the speed in which your files are processed, start to finish, with all the hashing, compressing, encrypting, etc., that takes place during the process.

When the prioritization engine is enabled in the Killer Intelligence Center (v. 3.1422.1129.1) my upload speed is less than 1Mb. Disabling it fixes the problem, however, after any reboot, the prioritization engine feature is automatically re-enabled. Uninstalling the software also results in an upload speed < 1Mb.

Hi MidwestSteve, I've got the same problem on the same Dell XPS with my Killer E2400. Since a few weeks (last network-update I took in Feb 23) I got pretty slow upload speed and got in contact with my DSL-Provider here in Germany. During a time consuming process I/we figured out that the KillerNetworkService.exe finally is main source of the problem - disabled I've full upload performance, enabled (after every restart automatically) I only get max. 1/10 of the (upload)speed.

As you mentioned above I don't even need this tool and want to get rid of it or disable it continously. Therefore I asked the Intel Support and received a quite similar answer: The E2400 (may be little too old) has now reached the "community support" lol

In my personal view a quite a bit too easy "solution" - a few weeks ago they publish a recommended update that causes significant problems and now the product switched to "community support" (nice word creation btw.).

I too have the exact same problem with Killer and a Dell 8900, as I imagine everyone does who has this software. For now, I just switched to WIFI from the Ethernet connection since as mentioned previous that works.

In the meantime, I have been researching the issue, and complete removal of Killer seems to be the answer since. If you want to take a look at some other Forums that have recommended a Killer complete removal tool follow

I hope the software removal tool does the trick. I've had this issue a handful of times over this past year. I'll do an uninstall of the Killer Dashboard and then reinstall the previous version from the Dell website. Then uninstall the Killer control dashboard and everything works fine. Then 1 day later, the Killer Control Dashboard is mysteriously reinstalled. The Killer uninstall program did find a handful of Killer related files that apparently did not uninstall using the standard Windows uninstall method.

What was really frustrating was my browser had been slow for a while. Thought it could be the latest round of Windows patches, so wasted hours rolling those back. Just happened to check in the running proceses today and there was the dreaded Killer stuff again. ARRRRGHHHH!!!! Come on Intel!!

It's sad that Intel is not supporting a product included on my Dell that I purchased a year ago. Boy am I glad I came across a thread that's actually helpful instead of being told "ask somebody else or go buy a new NIC."

Follow the uninstall part of the clean install instructions and do not reinstall the Killer application. A regular uninstall will not clear the settings on the chipset itself, you have to do the manual steps as well. I've seen no difference in download speeds and uploads are now matching the DL speeds. I think Intel named the application perfectly as it KILLS your network performance.

Sounds good, and it works, for a while (at least on my Dell tower). But then the Killer suite always reappears, and my upload speed diminishes almost to zero. I've long ago totally dispensed with the Microsoft Store and the Dell bloatware. I'm completely uninstalled and reinstalled the Killer suite and then disabled it, all to no avail. Sometimes I'm fine for hours and hours, but then, BANG, it's back in place, and because it takes a restart to get rid of it (yet again) it's a proverbial pain the the ol' patootie. I need fresh ideas. Anyone got any? 152ee80cbc

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