Sometimes however I get the error in the title, namely that this library I am asking to use does not exist. One workaround I've found is to specify a different ADE XL view for each time I launch the script: "my_adexl_view1", "my_adexl_view2"...and so on.

When you run in OCEAN XL, the normal expectation is that the target cellView is an existing adexl view. If you do this, it will write a new history into that cellView. Note that for this to work, you can't have ADE XL open in edit mode at the same time on the same cellView because you can't have two sessions at once on the same cellView. So this may be why it's not working for you?

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You can't just change the lib/cell/view arbitrarily - the library name has to exist. If you change the lib/cell/view to a cellView that doesn't exist (in the target cellview call), for a library that does exist, then it won't be completely successful - the situation will run, but you won't be able to open the history. In that case you have to add something like:

I was using the macro debug capability through the Interface Designer this week without a problem, but today started getting the following message saying the:

The file "debug_temp.yxmd" does not exist

Hi everyone,

i got gvm20.08 running on ubuntu20.04.

iI wanted to create a target via gvm-cli with gvm-cli socket --xml "check_mk"x.x.x.x"" , i get the error Socket /var/run/gvmd.sock does not exist


so i did a new clean setup of gvm 20.08 and it works just fine. i can create targets and tasks and run scans via webgui, but still i cant create targets via cli.

it still says gvmd.sock does not exist, so i tried to change the socketpath like in the picture, but it drops the same error.

Minor, but annoying, technical problem I've run into. I moved my Foundry VTT install from my PC to my Laptop, just put everyone on a flash drive and moved it over. Everything works fine, but everytime I start Foundry I get the following error:

"The Requested Data Path Directory "C:/ect..." does not exist."

What is published in NATO Review does not constitute the official position or policy of NATO or member governments.

NATO Review seeks to inform and promote debate on security issues. The views expressed by authors are their own.


first of all thank you for developing this product, it's very good. I have been using Synergy for a couple of weeks now and today I got this error message saying: "The executable /Applications/ could not be successfully started, although it does exist. Please check if you have sufficient permissions to run this program." Until now everything worked fine. I haven't changed anything - neither in the Synergy config nor in my Mac's system/security configs. I googled the problem but I only found a closed GitHub issue from you, where no actual solution is provided. Could you please help me out? I already re-installed the application, it didn't do anything - my assumption is that I'd have to delete the config file itself so that a clean install would re-create a (hopefully) working one. FYI on my Windows machine (I use it as the client part) everything works perfectly meaning it listens to a server without error. I hope you can help me with this problem.

Should I try and delete the config files manually, so that a new installation would re-create it? As you know, uninstalling a program on Mac doesn't automatically delete config files stored in a completely different directory. (Just trying to figure it out on my own...)

Unless I'm missing something reinstalling is actually counterproductive here. Restarting fixed the issue. So to put it another way "why reinstall when simply restarting does the trick?" A reinstall would also count as a 'restart' but indirectly. I take your point though; if this happens *again* then yes I'll start looking for better long-term solutions and maybe a full reinstall might provide that.

I'm a fully paid up user of this wonderful software; but I am still at a complete loss as to why this happens on MacOS 10.13.6 with a Windows server - If I reboot my mac-mini, synergyc works fine for a few days, then I get this error. I'm not upgrading the OS, or installing security patches, or upgrading the app. Why does it consistently fail over time, then after rebooting, it just works? This has been the case for the last year. What is changing over time that breaks it? (As a very highly experienced Linux software developer, something is extremely smelly - is it MacOS or Synergy?!)

Edit: By default, psql will use your Linux username as default value for both the database-username and the database-name. You can override the username by using -U someotherusername, and connect to a different database by adding that DB name to the command line, such as psql someotherdbname. You might also find psql -l useful for listing the existing databases.

I have the same problem but the solution mentioned here does not work for me. Has anyone had an alternative solution? To give more detail, I am new to this framework. I downloaded and installed the latest version of Monogame via Visual Studio. I followed the instructions in the Getting Started documentation on this website and I got the error. I (probably wrongly) attempted to install XNA on its own but after doing so it did not appear in the reference manager.

We have ink 3D printer so the configuration is custom. I exported config from gcode file that already existed. Then i loaded my model(pic 1) and sliced it (pic2) but when i tried to export gcode it game me an error.

We would need a copy of your saved Prusa Slicer project file. Get to the point where you are having the problem and then File>Save Project As. This will save a .3mf file. A 3mf file contains the model(s) but more importantly all the settings you are using.

Post processing scripts are usually configured in the Print Profile and command an external script to be run on the output gcode. The error message indicates its trying to run a script in c:Program that doesn't exist.

So I logged in as my service account to one of the servers in question, opened perfmon and sure enough it does exist. Double check my work by doing a runas on perfmon from my APM box using the same account and connect to the server in question. Sure enough, Web Service and System Categories don't exist...

Unfortunately, you are using a version of Unraid that had a bug in diagnostics collection that doesn't give any information about which disks your user shares are on. But I can see the settings for your user shares. Since you followed the advice to manually create those folders, those user shares have default settings, which is not what you want.

Newbie question. Am attempting to import a number of datasets that have been placed in the 'data' folder of my working directory. When attempting to execute numerous dataset loading functions eg read_csv, read.xlsx I'm getting the same error message that the 'File does not exist'. The commands are being run out of a .RMD script. The file names are correct. Correct libraries are loaded readxl, readr, openxlsx etc

An example of the code is:

what is happening is that the target connection file (.ccxml) is referring to a file that does not exist. The target configuration file is used to configure the debugger so that it can connect to the device.

How did this word get to this state? How did it become the deciding factor for how we look and feel or how we measure success or achievement? How did it become such a silent killer or manic driver? I will give you that in one word:


We have somehow been wired or made to think that we can achieve this holy grail of being in our everyday lives. Societal expectations and media have deified perfection over person. From our early years, we are compared to books by our parents based on the EXPECTATION of when we should crawl or walk or say our first words. We begin to create names for things we can't explain, when a plain ole 'I don't know" will do. We fabricate to medicate. Let's toss in the "right now" mentality of our e-world and you've got a perfect storm. This system of the 'expectation of perfection now' is one I am guilty of maintaining, but have also fallen victim to. One that has taken many years of heartache and insecurities and over-compensations to realize it really ain't that deep. (Yes. I said ain't)

It's actually kinda cool.

So, let's look at this word in two ways. First, as we know it. Secondly, as it originally existed.

Perfect #1- Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities or characteristics... according to??? There, my friends, lies the issue. We are chasing something that isn't ours. What's perfect for you, is not perfect for me. What's right for you is not right for me. I believe that there are some universal truths to life on Earth, but most of the time the things that are wearing us out are self, society or family inflicted. So, let's redefine perfect as "comfortable in our own skin." 

Perfect #2- The origin of the word 'perfect' in Latin is per, meaning, thorough or completely, and facere, meaning, 'do.' So perfect actually means 'completely do.' How much weight and pressure does that take off?? I can completely do something. I can make a list of tasks and complete it. Perfect. I can piece together a team and execute a plan. Perfect. I can look in the mirror and do MY best, sans comparison, and be PERFECT. 

So there you have it. A paradigm shift that shows perfect is not only attainable, but if you've ever completed anything, you, by definition, have achieved it. e24fc04721

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