How to set up the Firebase (Post Views)


Set up widget Firebase (Post Views) is a fairly simple process with all of our themes.

Activate Post Views

Create Project in Firebase

1. Log into your Firebase Console dashboard and go to Create a project > Enter your project name. Click on Continue.

2. Google Analytics for your Firebase project: Click on Continue.

3. Configure Google Analytics: Select an account or Create a new account. Click on Create project.

4. Your Firebase project is ready. Click on Continue.

Install Realtime Database

1. In the navbar left Build > Realtime Database. Click on Create Database.

2. Realtime Database location United States (us-central1)Next. Click on Enable.

Add Rules to Database

1. In the tab RULES > Copy the Newer Code and Paste on RULES.


  "rules": {

    ".read": true,

    "BlogID_0000000000000000000": {

      ".read": true,

      "$post_id": {

        ".write": "newData.exists() && (data.exists() ? newData.val() == data.val() + 1 : newData.val() == 1)",

        ".validate": "newData.isNumber() && newData.val() % 1 === 0.0 && newData.val() <= 99999999"





2. Change 0000000000000000000 by your Blog ID. Click on Publish.

3. In the tab DATA. Click on Copy reference URL.

Activate Post Views

1. Log into your Blogger dashboard and go to Layout > Firebase. Click on Edit.

2. In "Title" Paste your Blog ID and In "Content" paste your URL what you copied in tab DATA Firebase. Show this widget: Enable and disable. Click on Save.

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