Docker persists build cache, containers, images, and volumes to disk. Over time, these things can take up a lot of space on your system, either locally or in CI. In this post, we'll look at the different Docker artifacts that can take up space on your system, how to clear them individually, and how to use docker system prune to clear Docker cache.

Docker uses layer caching to reuse previously computed build results. Each instruction in a Dockerfile is associated with a layer that contains the changes caused by executing that instruction. If previous layers, as well as any inputs to an instruction, haven't changed, and the instruction has already been run and cached previously, Docker will use the cached layer for it. Otherwise, Docker will rebuild that layer and all layers that follow it.

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The Docker layers for which the hash of the inputs (such as source code files on disk or the parent layer) haven'tchanged get loaded from the cache and reused. For layers where the hash of inputs has changed, the layers getrecomputed.

Using a cached layer is much faster than recomputing an instruction from scratch. So, generally, you want as much of your Docker build as possible to come from the cache and to only rebuild layers that have changed since the last build.

Docker uses 36.18 GB for images, 834.8 kB for containers, 15.31 GB for local volumes, and 1.13 GB for the Docker build cache. This comes to about 50 GB of space in total, and a large chunk of it is reclaimable.

If we want to remove all containers from the system, we can stop any running containers and then use the same prune command. Do this by feeding the output of docker ps -q into the docker stop or docker kill command if you want to kill the container forcibly.

Note: The docker rm command forces the removal of a running container via a SIGKILL signal. This is the same as the docker kill command. The docker ps -a -q command will list all containers on the system, including running containers, and feed that into the docker rm command.

Docker images can take up a significant amount of disk space. We accumulate new images when base images change or build new ones via docker build, for example. We can use the docker image prune command to remove unused images from the system.

Where is the rest of that space coming from? These are images on our system that are tagged or associated with a container. We can run the docker image prune- a command to force the removal of these images as well, assuming they're unused images.

Volumes are never cleaned up automatically in Docker because they could contain valuable data. But, if we know that we no longer need the data in a volume, we can remove it with the docker volume prune command. This removes all anonymous volumes not used by any containers.

We get an output that shows the driver and the volume name. The command docker volume prune only removes anonymous volumes. These volumes are not named and don't have a specific source from outside the container. We can use the docker volume rm -a command to remove all volumes.

While Docker networks don't take up disk space on our machine, they do create network bridges, iptables, and routing table entries. So, similarly to the other artifacts, we can remove unused networks with the docker network prune command to clean these up.

If you are building Docker images in a CI environment, you can, of course, use the above commands as well. However, your builds might not be fully taking advantage of the Docker build cache for the following structural reasons:

In a CI environment with ephemeral runners, such as GitHub Actions or GitLab CI, build cache isn't persisted across builds without saving/loading it over the network to somewhere off of the ephemeral runner. Saving and loading the cache is therefore slow because the network transfer speed is slow.

Even if you are building very small images and only keep essential layers in the Docker cache on each CI runner, your builds will likely not use the cache and thus be quite slow, as computing each layer on every build can take a while.

Consider using Depot. Depot automatically persists the cache across builds on a real SSD disk. This makes Docker builds that use Depot up to twenty times faster than building Docker images on CI without it. With Depot, you build with a full Docker cache without the network overhead.

The solution suggested by harendra122, of using docker builder prune seems to have worked for me. More details here: docker pull always show "Already exists" for layers during pull even after deleting all images - Stack Overflow

etc. with docker system df -v but the only way I see to remove any is completely wiping all Docker data, including images, etc. which I don't want to do. Is there any other way to make Docker to reclaim the space? I can see those objects but I can find no way of deleting them...

P.S.2 This is especially important on MacOS because there Docker operates within one specific allocated volume, which this way gets exhausted very quickly and I start getting "out of disk space" errors when building. Since the builds are done repeatedly, keeping data from old builds is not useful for me, so finding a way to delete old build caches would be great.

Whenever I build a Docker image using a Dockerfile on my Windows PC all the steps complete in a jiffy and it says using cache for most steps.

I worry that there is an ever increasing cache I cannot find which is cluttering my system.

However, when you make changes to your code, Docker will need to rebuild the entire image, including the intermediate layers. If you have a large build cache, this can significantly slow down the build process and consume disk space.

There are also several third-party tools that you can use to clean Docker cache. One popular tool is Docker-Clean, which is a simple Python script that can clean up Docker images, containers, volumes, and networks. You can install Docker-Clean using the following command:

In conclusion, cleaning Docker cache is an important task that can help you optimize disk usage and improve performance. There are several methods that you can use to clean Docker cache, including using the Docker CLI, adding a Dockerfile instruction, and using a third-party tool. By cleaning Docker cache regularly, you can ensure that your Docker images are lean and efficient, which can help you deliver applications faster and more reliably.

Hi everyone, I use NodeODM through Docker on my pc and once the processing of a project is finished I download the .zip archive with the processed files and save it on my hard disk. I saw that at the end of the project elaboration the available space on the computer hard disk has decreased a lot, sometimes it is completely full.

How do I delete the files that ODM or Docker creates during processing?

it would seem that it is necessary to clear the ODM or Docker cache, but I have no idea how to do it, can someone help me?

If you want to clear the cache for specific images, you can do so by removing those images. First, list the images you want to remove using the docker images command, and then remove them one by one or in bulk using docker rmi:

In summary, clearing the Docker cache is a straightforward process that can help you avoid issues related to outdated layers and manage your Docker images more effectively. Using the docker system prune command is the recommended way to clear the cache as it also takes care of other unnecessary resources, but you can also manually remove specific images if needed.

Still, maybe you want to force a rebuild of a cached layer to force a package update. Forcing a rebuild can be necessary because you want to keep your application safe and use the newest updates when available.

New layers were constructed and used. The docker build runs both commands this time, which comes with an all-or-nothing approach. Either you provide the --no-cache option that executes all commands, or you will cache as much as possible.

I've noticed with many Debian/ubuntu based docker images, you have to do an apt-get update before you install any packages. The cache is completely clear. I feel like I should do the same myself after I do my RUN apt-update && apt-get install -y whatever. I can't figure out how to do that. Is there a command, or do I just rm -rf q folder?

When you're building a docker image you try to keep it the smallest possible.So who builds an image installing a package removes the cache to keep il small. The consequence is that you must run apt-get update if you want to install any package.


I connected to H2 (usingthis docker image), and run the query TRUNCATE TABLE QUERY_CACHE. This seems to clear the cache as expected. But I do not know if it will corrupt H2 database.

Background info:

We have our own fork of the Metabase repo, and we added some functionality to the UI to allow people to manipulate the cache_ttl value per-question. We were excited to let people have individual control of the cache settings on their questions, but a few hours after we rolled the feature out, our database crashed because it ran out of storage space. Before this incident, we had 20 GB free. Our global settings dictate that cached results can be no larger than 1000 KB, but we allow caching on any question that runs more than 2 seconds. We fixed the issue by increasing the size of our Postgres instance and disabling caching altogether.


You can truncate query_cache if you want to clear all cache - or individual rows if needed.

But any manual changes to the application database should only be done after you have a backup.

I cached a docker img on travis, The docker image is created from a dockerfile. Now my dockerfile changed, and I need to remove caches and rebuild the docker image. How will I remove the caches on travis-ci now it seems impossible to do this, any reason why? any help appreciated

Instead of executing each of the previous prune commands individually, you could use the docker system prune command, which performs a prune on containers, images and a few other less-storage-hungry components within Docker. ff782bc1db

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