Know Jesus is a free course that introduces the basics of what it means to know Jesus and live as a Christian. It is an individual course with a one-on-one mentor we call a Coach. This interactive course includes five short lessons, with each focusing on one of the following questions:

My manner of life from my youth, spent from the beginning among my own nation and at Jerusalem, is known by all the Jews. They have known for a long time, if they are willing to testify, that according to the strictest party of our religion I have lived as a Pharisee. And now I stand here on trial for hope in the promise made by God to our fathers (Acts 26:4-6).

Do You Know Jesus Mp3 Download

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Formerly, when you did not know God, you were in bondage to beings that by nature are no gods; but now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly elemental spirits, whose slaves you want to be once more? (Gal. 4:8-9).

In other writings, Paul explains more about such a relationship by making definite distinctions between those who know God and those who do not know God. And these distinctions are clearly behavioral in nature.

God deems it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant rest with us to you who are afflicted, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance upon those who do not know God and upon those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus (2 Thess. 1:6-8).

To sum up, Christianity is a religion whose adherents are expected to live moral lives that include works. And Scripture reveals the very same thing about truly knowing, or being in relationship with, God. Thus, to know God truly is to be a religious Christian: Religion and relationship are not separate entities.

I believe in the Elect, I can't deny it. So that raises this worrisome question I've been dwelling on; how can I know, then, that Christ died for me? This question is driving me to the point of nausea-ridden anxiety. 3 years ago, the Lord revealed to me that Christ paid it all for me and all that's needed is trust in His finished work. It was a beautiful revelation that brought me to my knees.

Then, I fell into sin for quiet some time. However, now, I know the Lord wants me back and I've come back and want nothing but to please Him and glorify His name. But yet, I feel like I can't trust like I used to because I feel like I can't know wether my sins have been paid for. If Christ didn't die for me, I have nothing to trust in, then. How can I know He did? Please, I going mad.

I sit here pondering some profound words to say and all that comes to my mind is simply, THANK YOU. I needed to hear this today. I am checking my foundation and I know that it must be built upon the rock- Jesus. I must know Him. Thank you again.

The title of the track is amusing as always, maybe not as humor-driven (or is it?) as some of the band's other quips. It still points to either the absurd truth that no one alive knew Jesus (personally), and/or that even some who claim to follow Jesus can't claim to know him because they don't know what his message was for the world.

Occasionally we get a synthesized instrument and it recurs every few bars, and before you know it just after the 2 minute mark this song went from unassuming to ratcheted up. Mogwai masterly layer each instrument and sound, before bringing the usual quiet-LOUD-quiet dynamics they are known for.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that according to your Word in John 3:3, I must be born again to see the kingdom of God. Father I know I am a sinner. I believe Christ died for me. I believe that you shed your blood, died on the cross for me and rose again from the dead. I repent and turn from my sins. I need you Jesus.

One of the greatest truths in the Bible is that we not only can know about Jesus, but we can also know Him personally. Lots of people know about Jesus. He is recognized worldwide as an important historical figure. He is the subject of books, movies, and artwork.

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We encourage you to talk to a pastor or a Christian you know about your decision to begin a personal relationship with Jesus. You can also call us toll-free at (888) NEED HIM / (888) 633-3446.

Many sing songs about His birth at Christmas and know that Easter commemorates His resurrection. Some think of Him as a teacher or perhaps the founder of a major world religion. But, do you know Him personally? Do you know that Jesus died and rose again, not to start a spiritual movement but because He loves you and wanted to provide a way for you to know Him?

God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins and bring us into a relationship with Him. Through Him, we can know the promise of eternal life and experience the joy of knowing God here on earth!

If you would like to have a relationship with God, the Bible tells us that the first step is acknowledging that we have sinned and that there is nothing we can do to earn God's love (Romans 3:23-26). Next, we believe and confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9) and allow Him to guide our lives. Where we once wanted to control our own futures, we now invite Jesus into our hearts to be Lord over our lives.

Lord, I confess that I have sinned against You and ask You to forgive me. I'm sorry that my sin has hurt You and other people in my life. I acknowledge that I could never earn salvation by my good works, but I come to You and trust in what Jesus did for me on the cross.

I believe that You love me and that Jesus died and rose again so that I can be forgiven and come to know You. I ask You to come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I trust You with everything, and I thank You for loving me so much that I can know You here on earth and spend the rest of eternity with You in heaven.

It was in my formative years that I discovered that there was something happening within that leather bound book and it piqued my interest. When I realized that the red type highlighted the words of Jesus, I knew I wanted to know Him more. I had to know Him more.

What it takes from you is a confession of faith. A surrendering of your heart. An acknowledgment of Him dying on the cross for you and resurrecting three days later. Lastly, it takes you submitting your life to Him by repenting of your sins.

I know it can be a tough pill to swallow but the truth is that we have each fallen short. We are sinful people who cannot attain Heaven by our own efforts. Perhaps you already know this to be true since no matter how hard you try to be good, you fall miserably short. Jesus paid the price on the cross. He shed His blood so that we might live. The choice is ours. Do you choose to live for Him?

Today I pray to you and ask you for forgiveness of my sins. I am a broken person and up until today I have been attempting to live my life without you. I want to know you and receive you into my heart as my Lord and Savior.

I want to invite you into that pursuit too. Not only will you get to know Jesus better and better (Colossians 1:10), but like the disciple in Luke 24:32 exclaimed, your heart will burn within you. It will become the fuel of your love and passion for Jesus.

Thank you for the simple invitation to get to know Jesus better, and for the practical steps to take to grow closer day by day. I appreciate how straight forward you make this effort seem and how appealing the outcome. Just what I needed today.

Now it is true that unschooled fisherman (Acts 4:13) came to know Christ purely through interaction with him. But they were all Jews and even unschooled Jews were saturated with the Scriptures through the Jewish Synagogue (this was the case, even if they were illiterate, because the Scriptures were recited orally and sung. It was an oral culture). The Synagogue was the cultural hub of Jewish society, so people would go there throughout the week, not just on the Sabbath. The unschooled fisherman, Peter, still commends the prophetic Scriptures, to study and live by (2 Peter 1:19-21).

1) Jesus is very clear that he will not be physically present forever (John 13:33), and so there needs to be another way for people to come to know him. The method that Jesus chooses is his Apostles (Luke 24:45-58; John 15:26-27). But the disciples are not able merely to recite what they heard from Jesus. They need the power of the Holy Spirit to teach them all things and make them able to witness to Jesus (Luke 24:49; John 16:12-14 & 17:20-21). The reason the NT is the best way to know Jesus, is because it is the words of the Apostles themselves written down.

In summary, God has always made sure that people have access to his word. And his Word is ultimately Jesus himself, who makes himself known through the Apostles, the New Testament. If you are concerned that the Bible is merely an intellectual document, be assured that through the power of the Holy Spirit, it becomes a living and active Word that engages our heart, mind and soul.

This should not be surprising. Religious founders are often mythical, yet turned into and regarded as real historical people: Moses; Romulus; Theseus; Osiris; Dionysus; Mithras; Inanna; Zalmoxis; Adonis; Attis; King Arthur. Why would it be so weird that Jesus should be among them? And how could we tell the difference? How would we know Jesus was real any more than they were? What evidence would we need?

The supposedly rapid development of the cult is wholly based on accepting the dates of an undocumented birth and death. By the time the authentic letters of Paul (48 A.D.) or the Gospels were written it could be there were earlier writings which are unknown or undocumented oral stories. e24fc04721

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