When I meet a new guy who seems particularly chatty, I try to casually slip in that I have a boyfriend, to avoid future awkwardness. But I just got one of those "too bad you are taken, let me know if you become single again" messages. Ideas on how to politely respond, while making it clear that I am taken, and even if I was single, wouldn't be interested? I don't want to leave any doors open.

No matter what storm or season you face today, know that God sees you, He cares for you and He wants to meet with you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8). God is not surprised or shocked by anything, He is listening and He wants to help you.

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When I say they were becoming a hindrance, what I really mean is that my lack of knowledge of the technologies had come back to bite me. For all the reasons I had chosen them, there were plenty of other reasons that might have made me think differently, had I known about them.

Instead, it contains a handful of placeholder elements, along with some links to JavaScript files. These JavaScript files are the heart and soul of the single-page app. Once loaded, they send back requests to the server to fetch content, and then dynamically update the HTML in the web browser to create a meaningful web page.

And like most single-page apps, the default HTML included lots of helpful developer information that is intended to be used for trouble-shooting, but never actually displayed in a web browser when things are working properly. Even worse, the template is the same for all URLs on the site, so Google got the same (wrong) interpretation for every page it crawled.

In a sense, this is how we learn. We can take all the programming boot camps and courses under the sun, but real learning comes from frustration. Real knowledge and understanding come from hours spent stepping through code in a debugger. Unfortunately for me, this project had taken on new meaning and it was no longer the right context for me to explore and learn.

No matter how many people you've dated or how long or short your relationships have been, mostly everyone who's been in a relationship at some point has experienced all of the various phases of being single again after a breakup. (And if you're lucky enough to have found your person on the first try without ever experiencing heartbreak, just know that I'm both happy for you and so, so jealous.)

From those times when dating and heartache are all you can think about to the moment it doesn't even remotely weigh heavy on your mind anymore (and all the little moments in between), here are all the phases of being single again that you'll probably relate to at some point in your dating life.

You've just gotten your heart broken, and it sucks. (I was just in this phase myself, and if you're also in this phase right now, I feel you and I'm sorry!) And unfortunately, the only way to make it suck less is to wait for time to do its thing. How much time you need depends on a whole concoction of factors like how long you were together, how strong your feelings were for them, and how the breakup actually went down. In the meantime, know that it's completely OK to be sad for as long as you need to be, and even if it doesn't feel like it right now, eventually it will hurt less and you'll find yourself moving on.

Once you've made it past the initial sad stage, you'll start to transition into phase two. Some people swear by the whole, "the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else," mantra, so if a rebound hookup is up next for you, totally fine! If you, like me, immediately go into "I don't even want to look at another person romantically or sexually" mode, also fine. But in either case, you're not looking to get into something serious for a while. You'll know you're in this phase when you see couples PDA-ing in public and your only thought is, "Ugh."

As singledom and boredom combine and your heart gets a little further into the healing process, you'll convince yourself that it's time to re-download one of your dating apps, you know, "just to see what's out there." So, back to Tinder you'll go, with a brand new profile photo, ready to swipe through an endless sea of singles and potential matches.

You'll know you've hit phase eight when one day you think, "Huh, I haven't even thought about [insert ex's name here] in a few days," and realize dating hasn't even crossed your mind lately. You've been so busy spending time with your friends, lifting yourself up and learning new things about yourself that you haven't had time to dwell on things like heartbreak and when you'll start dating again, and it feels pretty great.

Did you know the law requires every adult American to make his or her own personal, financial, and health care decisions? Now that you are single again, who would make your basic decisions if you are legally incapacitated due to a serious injury or illness?

I spent a solid year riddled with anxiety over the issue of my singlehood. The more I agonized over it, the more I desperately wanted to fill the void. The problem was finding a suitable candidate to fill it.

After being in a serious relationship for such a long time, it can feel near to impossible to remember who you were before it all started, and it can be even harder to become that person again once you've remembered. The following tips can push you quickly and effectively out of post-breakup depression and can help revive that lost sense of singleness, which is really what this is all about.

Did you know the law requires every adult American to make his or her own personal, financial and health care decisions? Now that you are single again, who would make your basic decisions if you are legally incapacitated due to a serious injury or illness?

Eddie represented me a few years back in a divorce case. The experience was painless and efficiently managed. This is an incredible accomplishment when you think of the emotion involved. His level-headed approach is as remarkable as his knowledge of the law.

Mr. Welch helped me tremendously when I was starting my business. His expertise and knowledge was really impressive and he always followed through with executing his work. He genuinely cares about his clients and will go above and beyond to help. Highly recommend Mr. Welch!

Deciding whether to stay single is no small thing: Getting married is no royal road to health and happiness, despite all the claims you may have heard to the contrary. And there are important ways in which single people fare better than married people, personally and interpersonally. But legal marriage does grant automatic access to an array of more than 1,000 federal benefits and protections. It also offers instant status, credibility, privilege, and respect. Even though more people than ever are living single, and Americans spend more years of their adult lives not married than married, we are still a nation of matrimaniacs.

But marriage is also risky. A substantial number of people who get married end up getting divorced, often at great emotional and financial cost. People who divorce also end up, on the average, less happy than they were when they were single. And staying married is no guarantee of emotional or financial well-being either.

So how can you know if you are one of those individuals who would live a better life as a single person than a married person? There is not nearly enough research on this question, so what I offer here is the best I can provide with what is available. None of it is definitive.

Even more compelling than negative reasons for avoiding romantic relationships are the positive reasons for embracing single life. When you were in a decent romantic relationship, did you still find yourself daydreaming about your single life? Did you long to go back to your own rhythm of reading, working, surfing the web, playing sports, walking your dog, watching TV, helping someone, taking care of someone, cooking, not cooking, sleeping in, staying up until all hours because you were so absorbed in what you were doing, socializing, not socializing, or even cleaning out your sock drawer? Did you miss whatever it was that made your single life feel like the right life for you?

It is different if you look at the newly engaged or married people in your life and wish you had what they had. If you realize that the new couple may be headed toward times when they barely speak to each other, or embarrass each other in public, or argue over dumb things, and you still yearn for what they have, single life may not be for you.

On the other hand, if you can look at newlyweds you know and love, and feel genuine happiness for them, even if you think they are going to have a particularly wonderful relationship, congratulations! You are single at heart. You can love your single life and also feel genuine pleasure for those who choose a different life, one that is far more likely to be celebrated and admired than yours.

There is so much romanticizing and mythologizing of coupled and married life, and so much denigration of single life, that it can be hard to acknowledge that single life really is the best life for you. But if you pay attention to how you feel about your everyday life, you might get some telling clues as to whether the single life is right for you.

You may start asking yourself what it means for you to be single again. How do you ACT single? What do single people do? What did you do when you were single all those years ago? As you try to figure out your new identity, you will travel down memory lane to the last time you were single. For most 30+ divorcees, such as myself, the last time we were single was probably in our very early 20s. And, whether we like it or not, for a period of time after the divorce/separation, we will all find ourselves reverting back to our younger, SINGLE selves.

Self-knowledge is an important factor in all of this. As you do your own mental time travel, and as you think introspectively, you will have the opportunity to gain a wealth of self-knowledge if you choose to do so. In doing so you can figure out who you have become and who you may want to be as this new single person. e24fc04721

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