You may want to consider linking to this site, to educate any script-disabled users on how to enable JavaScript in five most commonly used browsers. You are free to use the code below and modify it according to your needs.

The concept is known as JavaScript Semicolon Insertion or "Automatic Semicolon Insertion". This blog post: JavaScript Semicolon Insertion: Everything you need to know (archived from the original) outlines the concept well in an understandable manner using examples under the headings:

Do I Need To Download Javascript

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Edit 01-20-2020: (There are actually a few obscure cases where not including the semicolon will cause issues in running JS code. Actually what happens is that JS doesn't always know how to intelligently insert semicolons for you. In English the closest thing I can compare this to is the Oxford comma which some people argue you don't need, but we've all seen the jokes about missing punctuation changing the meaning of a sentences. Unless you want to learn all the edge cases or worse find out the hard way then it is recommended to use them always.)

That also means that the solution you learned once becomes part of your toolbox, and you can keep re-implementing it and everytime it will still work. So the examples I'm going to give below are cool (that's why I'm listing them) but what I want you to take away from this article is that just because you know something needs JavaScript, doesn't mean it still does. You can make better websites if you test those assumptions every now and then.

Accordions are a great way of making a page with a lot of content more structured and uncluttered by keeping content out of the way until a user needs it. And browsers give them to you for free with the details and summary elements:

Sometimes you need to inform the user about something, or ask them something or get them to confirm something. In JavaScript, that's what alert(), prompt() and confirm() do. But they have a pretty big downside: they lock the main thread, meaning your page can't do anything else. They're also browser-native, so you can't style them to work with your design.

Building your own dialog is also asking for trouble: you need to keep the focus inside the dialog for accessibility, announce it's modal-ness, make sure users can't exit it accidentally, and you'll have to fight with whatever chat widget occupied the z-index of 2147483647 (if you know you know).

Now there's changes in the works that will let you open dialogs without JavaScript, but they're not fully specced yet, let alone implemented. So for now, we need to use JavaScript to open the dialog. But that's it, the rest is all native HTML and CSS.

Just like the dialog element itself, the backdrop is positioned by the browser, so you won't need to worry about scrolling, fixed elements and browser resizing. It's all handled for you by the browser.

I hope you found a few things in this article that made you realise you can use a little bit less javascript in your next project. Whenever you change a known battle-tested implementation to something new it's good to test it, especially when it comes to accessibility, to make sure that you're not excluding anyone.

Do not suggest the site you host that showcases no-code developers

looking for somebody who knows javascript and can implement this in an hour or less, not somebody who is going to need to tinker

My expectations on the timing are based on my personal experience being a non-technical Bubble user and having success at taking existing code snippets to create custom CSS and some javascript functions.

For the website(s) you would like to allow scripting, enter the address within the Add this website to the zone text box and click Add. Note: If the address does not begin with "https:", you many need to uncheck "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone". 

Do we need "Developer" licensing from to create JavaScript Applications with the ArcGIS Enterprise Software?

I am running the Enterprise software and have it all working the next step is creating a web mapping application that will go further then the ability of the Web Application Builder provided by the Portal. 

My question is do we need to license the developer JavaScript library to accomplish this? Is there no developer equivalent features provided in the Enterprise suite of things (API tokens needed to run the ArcGIS JSAPI)?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. I'm setting up a website and I'm experimenting with a Google map with Javascript. I know that I need a Business plan or higher in order for Javascript to run on the public site, but I'm wondering if that's also required for it to run on the private demo (obviously can't share a link)? The initial setup page said that I could build the site with the features I needed and then purchase whatever plan allowed for everything I'd included, so that makes me think the script should work in the preview. I just want to know whether my code isn't showing up because of a problem with the code or because I don't have a Business plan yet. (I'm creating it for a client and I don't want to have him purchase the plan until I know for sure that we need it, and I don't know if this is how I'll ultimately end up doing the map or not.)

It appears your browser's JavaScript is currently ENABLED. Below are instructions for enabling Javascript in case you need it.');//-->Your browser's JavaScript is disabled. Many features on this site (and most other sites on the Internet) won't work. Follow the steps below to enable.

Note: If you have an emergency, please call 911. If you need to report a crime or ask a police related question, please call the Larimer County Sheriff's Office at 970-416-1985.

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I am going nuts over JavaScript and time. I have 2 things going on. First is a date picker using JqueryUI. It works as coded and alerts the selected date. On this tho I need to not allow it to selected a past date.

Second is I have created an array of times. The times need 15 minutes added to the next index item. I have created that just fine with a few problems. I set the hours to start at 8. Works great but it grabs the current minutes. I have tried to set the minutes to 0 and 1 and -1 and many others. However this does not work. The other issue is while it adds 15 minutes the current minutes once it passes the hour of 8 it repeats. Meaning it adds another 8 hour instead of turning over to 9.

When a user selects a date the date picker will return a value that is 1000 times larger than what we need (e.g 1439020800000). So we need to divide it by 1000 just as we did with the 900000ms. (You'll need to remove altField and altFormat to see this happening)

Your concept of modern JavaScript will dictate the pace of how soon you can get going with ReactJS. You don't need to be a JavaScript expert to start your ReactJS journey, but just as knowledge of ingredients is a must for any chef hoping to master cooking, the same is true for learning ReactJS. It's a modern JavaScript UI library, so you need to know some JavaScript. The question is, how much?

Assuming that I acquire some knowledge about the topic (a cow), how can I calculate the amount of English I need to know to be able to write about the proscribed topic? What if I have to write an essay on some other complex topics in English?

You should be familiar with these specifically in JavaScript. But these are just the bare minimum prerequisites. When you try to create a simple React app, you'll inevitably need to handle events. So, the concept of normal functions, function expressions, statements, arrow function, the difference between an arrow function and a regular function, and the lexical scoping of this keyword in both types of function is really important.

It's easy for me to say what you need to know, but it's something else entirely for you to go learn it. Practicing a lot of JavaScript is essential, but you might be surprised that I don't think it means you necessarily have to wait until you master it. There are certain concepts that are important beforehand, but there's a lot you can learn as you go. Part of practicing is learning, so you get started with JavaScript and even with some of the basics of React, as long as you move at a comfortable pace and understand that doing your "homework" is a requirement before you attempt anything serious.

I know all the basic concepts of JavaScript like closure, spread operators, higher order functions,arrow functions also. I Know how to connect javascript with web-pages and make it work and manage and use various API calls can I switch to React now?

The question of whether you need JavaScript and should keep it enabled is impossible to answer properly for every single person in one single generalized guide. The detailed answer depends on what you're trying to do on the internet and how technical, secure, privacy minded, and diligent you are (or want to become). The best I can do is outline a few of the major decision points for enabling or disabling JavaScript and let you make your own mind up. 2351a5e196

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