This article provides an overview of the information you need to know before you install Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, Tableau Reader, or Tableau Public for yourself or for others in your organization.

You can install Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, Tableau Reader, or Tableau Public on a Windows computer or a Mac computer. All computers where you're deploying Tableau products must meet the minimum system requirements, such supported operating systems, memory requirements, and supported virtual environments.

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To deploy Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder you will need to purchase a Creator license or have an existing Creator role on Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud. To purchase a creator license, see Buy Tableau.

When you purchase a creator license, it activates both Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, and includes one Creator license for Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. After your purchase, you will receive a welcome email that provides the information that you need to download and install the software.

Tableau provides various tools to help you track and manage licensing and usage in your organization. Depending on whether you are using product keys or login-based license management, you'll want to choose the appropriate tool provided by Tableau to help you track and manage licensing. For more information about managing licenses see Manage Tableau Desktop License Usage(Link opens in a new window).

Tableau Desktop, Tableau Reader, Tableau Desktop Public Edition, and Tableau Prep Builder were designed to operate with access to the internet and uses common ports (80 and 443). For example, Tableau Desktop requires internet access to load map views, to load web pages in dashboards, and to process license requests.

If Tableau doesn't have direct access to the internet, make sure that the required domains are assessable and that the firewall settings on that computer as well as on your organization's network are configured to allow this internet access. Your network administrator might need to configure firewall and proxy settings.

If the licensing domain is blocked, the licensing activation process prompts for offline activation, which require access to the internet using a different computer. If Tableau Desktop was activated offline, the upgrade process requires an updated product key. For more information, see the "Activate Tableau Desktop Offline (if needed)" section in Install From the User Interface.

Tableau Desktop and Prep Builder require a chain file in order to connect to an SSL-enabled Tableau Server. To connect to a server that uses SSL, you will need to make sure that the required root certificate is installed on the computer where Tableau Desktop and Prep Builder are installed.

Tableau uses connectors to connect to different databases, and some connectors require drivers to talk to these databases. When it comes to drivers, the easiest approach is to install Tableau and then try connecting to the data.

If this error appears, click the Download Driver button to go to the Driver Download(Link opens in a new window) page on the Tableau website. Follow the instructions for your connector to get the driver you need.

Tableau Prep Builder requires a specific driver to connect to an Oracle database. To download the correct driver, on the Driver Download(Link opens in a new window) page, scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the driver for Tableau Prep Builder:  to install it.

If you want to have more control over which version of Tableau Desktop is installed for users, you can turn off the product update feature for your users. You can also control which version of Tableau Desktop your users can update to.

You can turn product updates off for each Tableau Desktop during the installation process from the customization page on the installer (Windows) or by including a command-line option. This also turns off the Check for Product Updates feature, which allows users to check for and install the most recent Tableau Desktop maintenance updates to their computer at any time. If Tableau Desktop is already installed, you can deploy a registry (or .plist for Mac) update to existing Tableau Desktop clients to manage updates.

Tableau Desktop automatically saves your user's workbooks every few minutes. and saves the recovered version of the workbook in the same location as the original file or in the user's My Tableau Repository/Workbooks folder as a Tableau Workbook Recovery (.twbr) file. New workbooks are saved with the name "Book1" plus a numeric ID.

Tableau Prep Builder (version 2020.3.3 and later) automatically saves your flow file every time it's modified. In the event of a crash or unexpected shutdown, the recovered version of the file is stored in the user's My Tableau Prep Repository/Recovered Flows folder with the same name, as a Tableau Flow Recovery (.tflr) file. New flows are saved with the name "Flow1".

The file recovery feature is enabled by default. Tableau Desktop users can turn this option on and off from the Help menu under Settings and Performance > Enable Autosave. If you want to disable this feature during installation, you can change the setting for the AUTOSAVE property. In that case, the Enable Autosave menu option will not be available to the user.

That is not great. We don't have the same drive locations on the server as on the desktop. Desktop users generally have to install software to their local C: drive. Non-OS software on servers cannot be installed to C: as a matter of policy. Alteryx and all related software tools have to be installed to E:

Installed tools such as these go to the default installed tools directory which is dynamic: %ProgramData%\Alteryx\Tools

so you do not need to make any special considerations such as changing a drive letter or paths.

If you were to use custom macros, and not installed tools, those typically can be placed anywhere on the worker machine, as long as you open the Designer on the worker machine (again with administrative privileges) -> Edit User Settings... -> Macro Tab -> add the macro's location as a Macro search directory.

That means the average data scientist, or analyst, on your team only spends about one day a week partaking in the activities that truly improve profitability: analyzing data, finding insights, designing actionable tests and putting together a cohesive story for stakeholders.

Tableau also allows files with the same column names to be combined into one data source. The wide variety of connections allows for multiple data sources to automatically be brought into one central place (no copy and pasting required!).

No need for IT or data engineering involvement to get new fields automatically added to every row. Tableau also allows the ability to create a friendly name for any value without having to change underlying data.

Tableau allows for stakeholders to interact with and customize the dashboard they are looking at, within the parameters designed by the creator. If you need more information about segmentation in marketing, Qualtrics have written an in-depth guide about it at the previous link.

Tableau allows for filters to be added to dashboards. This allows the stakeholder to segment the dashboard down to just the region or brand they manage while still having the ability to understand how other regions are performing.

Tableau also enables interactivity by allowing users to manually input values (such as a goal) to be used in calculations. These options empower your non-analyst dashboard users, helping build a data-driven organizational culture.

Sharing dashboards is often done through emailed PDFs. In other words, static representations. In these cases, finding other dashboards or old versions for comparison requires digging through emails or files.

The Tableau community is full of passionate, knowledgeable individuals who are dedicated to teaching others. Tableau itself is committed to being innovative and listening to the needs of its customers.

This post is curated content from the Evolytics staff, bringing you the most interesting news in data and analysis from around the web. The Evolytics staff has proven experience and expertise in analytics strategy, tagging implementation, data engineering, and data visualization.

When you use Databricks as a data source with Tableau, you can provide powerful interactive analytics, bringing the contributions of your data scientists and data engineers to your business analysts by scaling to massive datasets.

Databricks ODBC driver version 2.6.19 or above. Install the driver using the downloaded installation file on your desktop. Follow instructions provided by Tableau to set up the connection to Databricks. Please refer to Tableau and ODBC on more details about how Tableau Desktop works with ODBC driver.

(Recommended) Tableau enabled as an OAuth application in your account. Tableau Desktop is enabled by default. To enable Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server, see Configure Databricks sign-on from Tableau Server.

If you use personal access token authentication, Databricks recommends using personal access tokens belonging to service principals instead of workspace users. To create tokens for service principals, see Manage tokens for a service principal.

After you successfully connect with Tableau Desktop, you can stop here. The remaining information in this article covers additional information about Tableau, such as connecting manually with Tableau Desktop, setting up Tableau Server on Linux, how to use Tableau Online, and best practices and troubleshooting with Tableau.

After you successfully connect with Tableau Desktop, you can stop here. The remaining information in this article covers additional information about Tableau, such as setting up Tableau Server on Linux, how to use Tableau Online, and best practices and troubleshooting with Tableau.

This article shows how to publish a workbook from Tableau Desktop to Tableau Online and keep it updated when the data source changes. You need a workbook in Tableau Desktop and a Tableau Online account. 152ee80cbc

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