When: December 11th to 12th, 2021

Where: Zoom

Introducing a Historical/ Fantasy Crisis committee on the Salem and Andover Witch Trials

Disclaimer: This is not a Joint Crisis Committee, this is a conference between the two towns. Please keep this in mind when entering committee. With that said, the town you are from still matters as it is your character's background and will shape their ideas.

The Chairs

Lizzie Chen

"If I'm still single by Christmas, ornaments won't be the only things hanging. "

Boyan Zheng

"I would probably pass the swimming test."

The Staff

Pierce Jau Hunter

Crisis Director

""Are you from Andover even? Do you got a big metal pitch fork?"

Tess Robinson


"Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see the light."

Nash Hoang


"The burning isn't the end, but rather the beginning."

Let us know if you'll be attending!