Digital Leadership & Collection Management

Welcome to this open access course on Digital Leadership and Collection Management. There are 6 units each will take 1 hour of required learning. The assessment is formative via your own reflections on the development of your digital leadership skills. This can be recorded how you choose, however, it should be electronically, for example a simple word document or a blog. The context is academic libraries although the behaviours could be reused in any library context.

Each Unit is structured the same. There is an overview, then something for you to read, something for you to watch and finally something for you to do, which is the reflective element.

The course focuses on the development of the following 5 digital leadership behaviours within the context of collection management:

  • Digital Collaborator: Confidently using technology to facilitate and initiate working relationships and to build networks. This unit looks at how technology can be used to communicate with suppliers and colleagues to build relationships.
  • Data Handler: Locating, evaluating, organising and sharing data in order to inform decision making. This unit will look at how data can be used to evaluate collections. This is in two parts, the first part is on usage statistics the second part is on bibliometrics.
  • Digital Innovator: Implementing new practices: This unit considers examples of new collection management practices and considerations for implementation.
  • Digital Self developer: Identifying digital learning opportunities: This unit reviews opportunities for professional development and building networks
  • Digital Ambassador: Projecting a positive digital identity and reputation: This unit looks at digital tools that can be used to engage with networks and build your professional profile.

The navigation is on the left hand-side, and you can either choose to work through the units in a linear way, or you can choose your own route, as each unit should stand by itself.