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Yamza responded: "Yes I have, I've lost eight and a half kilos." Impressed, Richard quipped: "Woah, that's nearly 20lbs." The wildlife enthusiast told Susanna and Richard that he's training a gruelling nine hours a day to ensure his routines are perfect ahead of the live shows.

A Leopard Lycanthrope who initially came to Tempest thinking he could annex it easily into Carrion's kingdom. An encounter with Milim put an end to that quickly. All for Nothing: Becomes Charybdis's host in exchange for enough power to defeat Milim... and is still no match for her. Demonic Possession: He's tricked into being possessed by Charbydis by Clayman's fellow clowns so he can try and get revenge on Milim for his embarrassing defeat. Eldritch Transformation: Being used as a host by Charbydis transforms his body into a shark-like Draconic Abomination. Healing Factor: Even after being separated from Charbydis, being merged with its core gave him access to its Ultraspeed Regeneration. Humble Pie: He accepts his after being possessed by Charbydis and still being easily defeated by Milim, whereupon he swallows his pride and thanks Rimuru for sparing his life and offering a nonaggression pact with his country as an apology for his previous behavior. Ignored Expert: When Milim attacks Yuurazania, Suphia is initially eager to fight but Phobio recounts his "battles" with her both in his normal form and as Charbydis, and notes all three Beastketeers fighting together wouldn't stand a chance. Despite this, Carrion still insists that he alone can beat her, only to learn firsthand that the power Milim showed off against Charbydis truly wasn't anything close to her being serious. Overzealous Underling: Carrion did indeed tell him to go to Tempest. He did not tell him, however, to try and conquer it, but rather to scout it out. Playing with Fire: He can light his extremities on fire to increase his striking power. Reasonable Authority Figure: When he's not letting his arrogance or Hot-Blooded nature rule him, Phobio shows he has leadership skills. He tells his second-in-command to return to Carrion as fast as possible to inform him of Charbydis' resurrection and of his intent to try and take its power for himself, and then announces his intent to renounce his position as a Beastketeer so that if he fails this doesn't blow back on Carrion's reputation. Smug Super: Subverted. He's incredibly confident in his ability and prowess, and Great Sage notes that at the time of his arrival in Tempest, his Magicule count was actually higher than Benimaru's post-Orc Disaster event. Unfortunately for Phobio, he decided to muck around in the nation Milim took a liking to and Rimuru was far ahead of that marker himself, so the attempt to browbeat Tempest came up quite short to his surprise and embarrassment.

The Middle Finger of Clayman's Five Fingers, Yamza is considered Clayman's strongest subordinate and the Commander-in-Chief of his army. As despicable as he is competent, Yamza is the only member of the Five Fingers who swore loyalty to Clayman willingly rather than be magically enslaved and thus enjoys privileges the others lack. Asshole Victim: Sure, being forced to transform into a Draconic Abomination and losing your mind/soul in the process only to get put out of your misery seconds later is a tough way to go, but Yamza being such a petty, cowardly ass for nearly his whole screentime makes it clear he deserves it. Combat Pragmatist: Yamza does not believe in a fair fight. Despite calling out Albis to a one-on-one duel, he has several men jump her from behind and tries to stab her in the back when she turns around to finish them off, only interrupted by Gobta's intervention. He then repeatedly tries to quickly kill Gobta while he's talking to Albis or his men, which the hobgoblin repeatedly counters. Dirty Coward: When Clayman's army is getting curb-stomped by Tempest and Yuurazania, he lies to his staff and claims he's going to go and bring back Adalman to turn the tide, when in reality he was about to run to save his own skin. Only Albis' intervention forces him to stay and fight for his life, he tries for a cheat shot In the Back by using his men as a flanking distraction, and when she offers him a chance to live after winning if he surrenders he only hesitates out of pride before agreeing. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't nearly as free of Clayman's influence as he thought. Doppelgnger Attack: His ace-in-the-hole is a Magic Ring that lets him create a copy of himself that's as strong as he is, which uses for both surprise attacks and to overwhelm his foes with numbers. In the manga, the Charbydis created from him retains this power due to assimilating the ring, but in the light novel and anime Albis destroys the ring first just to emphasize how little a chance he actually has while disparging such a weak "ace-in-the-hole". Elemental Weapon: Part of his Red Baron, as he wields an Ice Blade whose blade seems to be made of ice given to him by Clayman. Fashionable Asymmetry: About the only clothing accessory he wears that's the same on both sides is his Cool Mask. Even his hair is asymmetrical, one half black with long and messy/spiky bangs compared to the neater white half. Genre Savvy: He may be an ass, but Yamza isn`t stupid. He immediately recognized Gobta as a commanding officer and attacked him, not falling for the Lethal Joke Character trope at all. He also tried to turn tail from the battle knowing it was lost and that facing Clayman afterwards would have ended in death or turned into a soulless puppet. Hypocrite: Tries to claim Albis dishonors the name of the Three Beasteketeers by having Gobta and his Goblin Riders as back up in what was supposed to be a one-on-one duel. Ignoring the fact that she was only partially aware they were even there, the only reason they got involved was because Yamza tried to sic some of his men on Albis and tried to stab her In the Back when she dealt with them, and they let Albis fight him on her own again. Jerkass: Myulan describes him as a lowlife as despicable as he is competent. His Establishing Character Moment involves him smashing an apple on Middray's head while insulting him, Milim, and her people all so he can force a rise out of him and strongarm the Dragon Faithful in going to war with the army, and he doesn't hesitate to slice off Hermes' arm simply for speaking out against him and threatens to take more. Magic Knight: As his Red Baron suggests, he's a swordsman who wields a Spell Blade into battle and also has a Magic Ring. Overshadowed by Awesome: The major reason he lost. He was very competent, but against the forces of Tempest he was hideously outmatched, only being able to tie Gobta at best while being utterly crushed by Albis' full power. The Reliable One: The only one of the five fingers to really make the hero's work for victory. Myulan description of him was very accurate, as capable as he is a jerk (which is really saying something). Underestimating Badassery: Averted and played straight. Yamza is currently the only person in the series to not underestimate Gobta at first glance, immediately recognizing him as a commanding officer despite appearances. Despite this, he actually does underestimate Albis, believing his Doppelganger would be his trump card against her only to realize just how outclassed he really is when she breaks out her second One-Winged Angel and destroys his Magic Ring. Yamza: "You may look like a joke, but you're clearly a commanding officer" Undying Loyalty: Subverted. He might have willingly joined Clayman of his own free will, but he did so explicitly because he didn't want to get magically enslaved and thus lose the ability to run off or betray him. Just as well, since Clayman felt no such loyalty to him, either.

In the series' finale "Graduation Groove", Yzma carries out one final plot to stop Kuzco from graduating. Turning the royal record keeper into a bird and disguising herself as him, she placed doubts in Kuzco's mind about the pressures of leadership and later gave him an everlasting chicken potion. With her victory all about certain, she fired Kronk. Just as she was finally about to become Empress, Malina and Kronk arrive with chicken-Kuzco to expose Yzma's evil plot. Yzma was quick to deny the use of animal-transformation potions, the royal record keeper appears to support their claims. After everyone gasps in shock, Yzma reminds that Kuzco technically did not graduate as she had his diploma in her hand. Kronk then threw Kuzco at Yzma before tossing the antidote into his mouth, turning Kuzco human, allowing him to catch both the crown and the diploma. Her plot foiled, Yzma is once again dropped down a trapdoor. During the credits, Yzma was demoted to Kronk's secretary by Kuzco's order.

After Kuzco was forced to call in sick due to a rasping throat, he assigns Yzma to manage the Kuzcofest, although she secretly intended to change it to Yzmafest, which included depriving the food. Despite this, however, Kuzco managed to return from his illness and trick Yzma into doing things his way by supplying the banquet to the people. 9af72c28ce

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