It was without a doubt a grueling and time consuming process. When I first started prototyping models for ASG, about three years ago, I imagined it would take two, three months to get things rocking. Man, was I wrong. Finding the right production format, getting all the distribution in place, getting all the agreements together with the bands, launching our site (and we still have our full international site yet to be released), took 100 times longer that I expected.

Speaking at the event, Vijay Deverakonda said: "I have been touring one city per day for the last twenty days. I am out of energy and my health is not co-operating. But I still wanted to come here because of your love, Guntur. Mental is the word that came to mind when I listened to this script and while shooting for the film. Liger promotions are my life-time memories. Liger will be my first step to make many such memories for you. I guarantee you... the movie will rock. You should do one thing for me...You should shake Guntur on 25th. August 25th, 'Waat Laga Denge'".

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Director Puri Jagannadh also did not exhibit any tension and expressed confidence about the film. "This crowd makes me feel like this is the success celebrations of Liger. It does not look like promotions before the film. If every one of you buys a ticket, the movie will be a blockbuster. Vijay rocked in the film. So, are Ananya and Ramya Krishna. Mike Tyson will be the highlight. No one can beat him. Google about his greatness before watching the film, you will enjoy the movie even better. Even before knowing the result of Liger, we started and completed one schedule of JGM with double the budget of Liger. That is our confidence on this film."

The huge crowds at the venue were a revelation for Ananya Panday who makes her Telugu debut with Liger. She even tried to speak a few lines in Telugu. "I like Telugu audience so much. Puri garu told me about Guntur before coming here. He said if we hit in Guntur, entire India will hear the resound. I got the best team for my Telugu debut in Vijay, Puri, Charmee, and others. I will come to Guntur after release and we will rock," she said, evoking a huge response from the crowd.

This November the Colorado AgrAbility Project (CAP) had the opportunity to join Colorado State Universities Alpha Gama Rho Fraternity in a service-connected project with a CAP client, Vijay Viswanathaan. In 2003 Vijay was injured in a rock-climbing accident where he incurred a T5 spinal cord injury resulting in paraplegia. Being paralyzed from the waist down has made his dream of entering farming difficult. 006ab0faaa

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