I love to write. I used to write all the time when I was young to express my feelings and observations about the day. My thoughts would organize as I was doing the evening dishes and then then I would take those thoughts and put it all on paper. (No computer or tablets in my day.) As soon as I would begin to write, a new creative story, song, or poem flowed straight onto the paper. It was euphoric and something I was enthusiastic about.

If I was so enthusiastic about writing, why did I quit? Well, over the years I found myself getting busy (and I mean extremely busy) with life. It was hard to find the time to put my thoughts together, much less write them down.

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In retrospect, it is one of my biggest life regrets. I could have used the writing release. I really missed the joy I felt with writing, and the things I was experiencing in that busy life would have made remarkable stories.

As my children all began to leave the nest, and my full-time responsibilities changed, I found myself drawn back to my passion for writing. I woke up one day and decided it was time to start putting my writing back in the forefront. I looked back at things I had written as an adult, and I saw that the spark was still there, it just needed to be reignited.

Easy right? Not really, it all feels a little different now because factors have changed. My writing is now coming from a grown-up mind with different perspectives and not my curious full of wonder young self.

Someone suggested going to a White County Creative Writers group meeting and checking it out. Wow, that was scary, going to a meeting where I knew absolutely no one. I was sure they were all talented and polished, but I did it and the people there have inspired me to keep pursuing my writing.

I hope you if you are reading this and find yourself wanting to explore your yearning to write, this inspires you to do so. Wishing you all the best as you begin your new writing journey, or as you reignite the writing spark.

A modified version of SPARK on the Circle will also remain open past Nov. 3 to complement the holiday season and The Downtown Indy, Inc. Circle of Lights presented by IBEW Local 481. Every Saturday and Sunday after the Circle of Lights opening ceremony, SPARK will feature festive programming within the northwest bollards of the Circle, allowing vehicular traffic to access the roundabout and take in the holiday spectacle.

Introduced in 2023, SPARK on the Circle is a temporary park-like environment on Monument Circle featuring public seating and human-scale activities including games, arts and culture opportunities, and live music. In its 2023 season, SPARK welcomed more than 78,000 visitors and featured 251 unique programming events. SPARK is made possible by Downtown Indy, Inc., Big Car Collaborative, and the Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development with support from the Capital Improvement Board and the Indiana War Memorials Commission. Join us on the northwest quadrant this 2024 season! www.circlespark.org

Formed in 2004, Big Car Collaborative is a nonprofit art and design organization utilizing tools of culture and creativity to build community and social cohesion, helping connect people as a way to boost quality of life. Based in Indianapolis, Big Car is an adaptive and flexible cultural organization drawing together people of all backgrounds to promote and perpetuate creativity, invigorate public places, and support neighborhoods. Big Car is a creative community builder working to boost livability from an engagement-based arts perspective. Its mission is to bring art to people and people to art, sparking creativity in lives to support communities. www.bigcar.org

The Capital Improvement Board (CIB) is a municipal corporation of Marion County created in 1965 by the Indiana General Assembly pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36-10-9, and authorized by the statute to finance, construct, equip, operate and maintain any capital facilities or improvements of general public benefit or welfare which promote and serve the commercial, industrial and cultural interests of Indiana and its citizens. The Board may assist, cooperate and fund governmental, public, and private agencies and groups for these purposes. The CIB operates and/or owns the Indiana Convention Center, Lucas Oil Stadium, Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Victory Field, Virginia Avenue Parking Garage, and Hudnut Commons, all located in downtown Indianapolis.

I've been doing some research and some other threads start along the same diagnosis as my issue but then they come to a dead end so I'm hoping someone here can fill in the blanks. Firstly, I'm pretty electrically savvy so yes I have checked all the obvious things like connections, disconnecting the kill switch, etc.

Go easy with the dielectric grease too. Think about it. Di-electric, meaning NON conductive. Sure, it keeps the connectors from corroding, but if the connection itself is iffy, then you lube it up...you just insulated the connection from itself.

+1 with shawn. The one spark you observe it the kill switch breaking ignition circuit when switch is released. This would indicate secondary is capable of spark. It would seem your trouble is in trigger or primary. Best to start with connectors and possible switched connectors in wiring. I have seen my share of square connectors forced into round plugs before. Dont be afraid to recheck your work. It ran before you worked on it.

I was gonna just bite the bullet and change the stator but I'm really not convinced it is the stator. I can manually trigger the pulse generator and I get an output so thats working. The stator reads 20 ohms. If a stator goes, it either goes open or closed circuit - which means I'd either get no reading or a short circuit reading respectively.

The kill button on this bike simply grounds the pick up sensor coil on the stator. Pushing the kill button and getting a spark is collapsing the charged field in the coil. Something is preventing the field from collapsing. Make sure the plug cap is secure on the end of the plug wire too.

If the pulse from the stator isn't getting converted in the CDI then the output is zero, therefore no spark. I connected my meter on tone setting to the pulse pickup and applied a magnetic force to the sensor. It beeps (briefly). This means the pulse is coming form the stator/pickup which is why I suspect that CDI may be faulty. Is there anything in the service manual about testing the CDI?

If your DVM has a hold function, you can measure the signal off the ignition pulse coil. It'll be an AC signal. Peak is only .7v, so kicking I'd only expect maybe .2v AC right off the plug. Pull the spark plug out to make it easier to kick

Inert objects, like cans of black paint, white canvases, and paint brushes become alive as they come together in a painting through the hands of an artist. The title Spark of Fire connects Parra's artistic practice with various tales in mythologies unravelling the beautiful analogy of how inert materials are brought to life through the impetus of energy. Like Prometheus who sculpted humans out of clay and then stole the fire from the gods to give humans the spark of fire that brought them to life, Parra manages to give dead materials that spark of life through his transcending process of autonomous painting.

In Spark of Fire, the history of the beginning becomes narrated through each one of the paintings where viewers can navigate through nature, oceans, and moving forms that resemble the struggle and finesse of that beginning.

Parra brings 14 new artworks to the exhibition, all recently created between 2023 and 2024, in which he displays diverse strands of his artistic oeuvre. In his unprecedented recent series inspired by Jackson Pollock, Parra unleashes all the creative energy through the splattering and dripping of paint on large-scale canvases. At times resembling rushing waterfalls, and sometimes filled with disordered mark-making through intense, calligraphic brushstrokes, this series of works showcases Parra's most bold and unconstrained expressions.

In addition, the Colombian artist continues his exploration of organic forms in automatic paintings. His swirl-like series exudes a natural simplicity achieved through purely free-moving brushwork that completes the painting in one instance. Engaging also with more jagged and linear compositions, the artist's paintings possess a rustic and unsettling power enunciating layers of intricate feelings.

The creation of Parra's new series of paintings began with his visit to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, Italy. Instantly in awe of Jackson Pollock's 1946 painting Eyes in the Heat, Parra found an irresistible urge to engage with Pollock's work and make a different kind of art. Describing the sensation as " being called to continue a great poem, a cathedral that has to be made for several generations", Parra felt the need to continue the legacy, engaging in "a long song that has to be sung for generations". Upon returning to his studio, he immersed himself in the emotions, allowing them to guide his creative process. He then waited for an authentic feeling to appear, understanding the form that the painting would take, be it splashes of paint, swirling curves, or intricate structures.

In the following days, Parra approached his canvas with a clear mind, embracing meditation to quiet his thoughts. Surrendering to the flow of his unconscious, he unleashed his brushstrokes with a sense of freedom, transcending rationality and

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