I would like to share a tip about how to play a playlist one song at a time from iTunes on a computer. The tip I am sharing is simple, but I was not able to find it in the iTunes Help. After searching on the internet I found the idea for this solution in a discussion in which this was presented as a frustrating problem rather than a desired behavior. This tip relies on the checkbox for each song in iTunes. For a song in a playlist to play automatically, the checkbox must be checked. To keep a song from playing in a playlist, simply uncheck it. Therefore, to keep all songs from playing automatically in a playlist, simply uncheck them all. Now you have a list of desired songs in a desired order but none of them will play automatically. You can play each one when you want to play it without having to search for the next song and without having to be at the computer to stop the playing after each song.

Based on some discussions I found while looking for a solution (including at least one in which the questioner got bashed about why anybody would ever want to do such a thing and in which the proposed solutions were things like creating one song playlists or simply press stop after each song), some may not understand why this would ever be desired. Here's why I wanted to do it:

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I was responsible for playing a series of songs at a dance. I needed to stop after each song to have a transition time to allow me to introduce the next song and to give new dancers time to get onto the floor and other dancers an opportunity to leave the floor. Furthermore, I was also dancing and didn't want to have to spend time searching for the next song (which is why I wanted to create a playlist in advance with just the songs I wanted to play in the order I wanted to play them) and I wanted each song to stop after playing since I was not at the computer to press stop.

I used this to solve a problem when I run a Music Trivia Quiz. (Essentially i'm acting like a DJ of sorts) You need to be able to step through the clips in a playlist at whatever pace the group is willing/able to go. People need time to run through the song in their heads to see if they can figure out who the artist is and what the name of the song is.

Thank you! I put some self help hypnosis tracks to listen to on my iPod. I did not want to go to the next track automatically, I wanted to listen to them individually, one at a time. (If I fell asleep, I did not want to 'wake up' in the middle of a different track.) Your information helps me understand that I need to re-load this playlist onto my iPod from my Mac computer, only first, I need to UNCHECK the boxes in front of each track so the iPod will STOP each time after playing the selected track. It is too bad that so many functions are not availabvle within the iPod, but that is probably why they can make it so compact.

I am using drum tracks instead of a drummer for my smaller shows, and it has been a pain trying to finish up playing keyboard and stop the music before the next track starts. This is exactly what I have been looking for!

Excellent, thanks. I recorded and edited a large collection of poetry for a girl who does workshops and needs to be able to select single poems from the playlist and play them without worrying about the track looping or moving on to the next poem. I've never needed to use iTunes for anything like this and was clueless as to what to tell her. You saved her bacon.

Check box is not missing. Just view your playlist in the Songs view. Change it in the top right corner where you see the dropdown for Album, Genre, Songs, etc... That's how you change the view for playlists.

Since the 15.2 release there is quite a few songs that display this error when trying to play them. These seem to be mainly songs that are not lossless. They were purchased over time from Apple Music. They will still play if I use the Apple Music app, but they will no longer play from Sonos app. I suspect some lossy codex broke with latest release. Occurs with all my Sonos products.

It seems that since the 15.2 release, there have been several songs that are not playing on your Sonos app. These songs were purchased over time from Apple Music, but they will still play on the Apple Music app. It appears that this issue is happening with all of your Sonos products and you suspect that a lossy codec may have broken with the latest release.

In the meantime, you can try converting the affected songs to a lossless format or try playing them through the Apple Music app. Hopefully, the issue can be resolved soon so that you can enjoy your music on all of your Sonos products again.

Having the same issue as all of the above posts. Just got all my Apple Music setup, then connected to the Sonos App and it looks like only about 5% of songs are playable. We have one Symphonisk Table Lamp. Really disappointing, and I hope Sonos comes up with a fix as this was the entire reason we got the lamp/speaker in the first place.

I reported the same thing to Sonos, and opened a topic in Ask A Question, to no response. Happened immediately upon updating to 15.2. Songs that had been playing moments before no longer worked. i eventually converted files to lossless...not lossless for my time! Still get the error occasionally.

Unfortunately, Alexa can't do this right now. This is somewhat disadvantageous, especially if you have had Alexa shuffle music from a favorite artist, and you want to go back to a song you hadn't heard before. What was its name? If you weren't near the screen, or listening through a dot or echo, you can't get back to it easily.

It turns out that the list of recently played Alexa songs is available on the Recently Played list in the Amazon Music app. It's a couple of levels down the tree and takes a bit of hunting, but it's there. I would suggest putting it in the Alexa app as well, either under Lists or under the Books, Music ... tab.

I second that motion! You used to be able to tap something in the Alexa app and you could see the list of songs that had been playing while you've been listening. Now all I see are what's currently playing with no way to find the history of songs just played. I used this all of the time...Amazon, please bring this feature back to the Alexa app! Thank you!

Also, refering to the original post comment, I don't see where the music history is on the Amazon Music App either. There is no "recently played" on that app, or a "tree" to follow to hunt for the history that I could find...there is however, a "recents" to tap, but it just says I don't have any purchased music. I am listening to a Pandora station on my Alexa dot, so perhaps this does not pertain.

Recently Played Music List (playlist or similar song lists: To find it, you select (expand) the Currently Playing page, which by default is a collapsed toolbar at the bottom of the current page in the mobile app. In the collapsed view it shows (on the left) the current music playing, the "group" or device playing it, and a play/pause and Volume/Mute option. Click to expand it to full page.

The full page view of Currently Playing shows album art, play controls, and at the bottom line on the left is an icon which resembles a paragraph (read: list) with an arrow inset (read: playlist). Click it, you get the music history. From this playlist view you can select an item to play it again, .

Recent Music or Pods History List (by Provider): Again, somewhat obvious once you locate the page for this, but I'm including this in my post to provide a more complete "help" answer about recently played. From any page in the Mobile App, the bottom navigation bar shows the "talk to Alexa" icon in the center...plus menu options for Home, Communicate, Play & Devices.

What's really cool is that at the top is a "Recently Played" content list which is indexed by "the source" application (Read: Amazon Music, Pandora, Tune-in, etc.). What I really like is that, rather than showing only the _last_ content item for that source, you actually see each specific content history of instances you requested recently. In other words, if earlier today I bounced across 3 different Pandora stations, I can literally see those 3 choices in that history in this app location. Likewise, during the day I may use Tune-in to play NPR, WSJ News Pod, WWOZ radio, etc. and each/every selection is listed. (This is the equivalent list to what reviewing the Activity page I mentioned above as my request to expose to Fire TV.)

A subtle value of what I describe in the last paragraph above? I may listen to different Pandora stations in the course of my day while at home, or my car, or on my mobile...and some are menu clicks, other voice requests, etc. This index provides a place to see, across all devices and services I'm using, what selection I made to get it to play and what "syntax" Alexa would recognize to repeat that. If you want to build Alexa Routines to initiate playback on Harmony or by voice, you can use these listed details to view the exact syntax of what you should ask to be played in order to repeat that request as a routine in the future.

The full page view shows current song album art and play controls, and at the bottom left is an icon that looks like a list. Click it, you get the music history. From this playlist view you can select an item to play it again." Yes! It worked.

On the iOS Amazon Music app you can view your recently played songs list by clicking Library on the bottom toolbar. It should default you to the Recents option on the top toolbar, if not, click Recents. You will see Song History, click that and it will bring up the list.

Sing unto him a new song

 One newly composed on account of recent mercies received; and as the mercies of God are new every morning, there ought to be a daily song of praise to him; and so a new song is a continual song, as Christ is called the "new and living way", ( Hebrews 10:20 ) ; because he is the everliving way; or the constant and only one, which always was, is, and will be. Or it may denote some famous and excellent song, as a new name is an excellent name, an unknown and unspeakable one; see ( Revelation 2:17 ) ; compared with ( Revelation 14:2 Revelation 14:3 ) ; or respect may be had to the New Testament dispensation, in which old things are passed away, and all things become new; a new covenant is exhibited, a new and living way opened, and new ordinances instituted, and at the end of it there will be new heavens and a new earth; and so here is a new song made mention of, as suited to it; 006ab0faaa

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