What is my core research?

I explore how technology affects learning among remote learners, whether at an individual level in terms of the choices we make or a societal level in terms of our discourse. I also look at how technology can be designed better to meet our quick learning needs — part of that relates to mindfully improving the EdTec business uses of technology. @SWAYAM @BYJU @Udemy @Coursera @EdX hit me up


My friends study artificial intelligence; I study natural stupidity

Got 'B Bugged' since covid

Most days, (Unofficially) I'm a behavioural architect with a weird sense of humor. Some days, I'm just weird. Bring me a problem and I’ll help you crack, stab or do whatever is necessary to solve it. Murder is extra.

I've kept this space for my passionate curious behavioural based project. You will be serenaded with case studies, pondering questions, WIP everything.

I ask a lot of annoying questions like 🤔

# Why is it people don't number their cold mails and share them with the receiver? (I'm sure someone will be intrigued with a random number attached along the mail request),

# Is there a pattern when it comes to swiping on touch screens i.e. 'R to L' or 'L to R' (say going through a carousel) and how much of this is to do with how our brains are wired?

# Do we purchase to enhance our personality or Mirage it?

# Does personality resonate with Real or Filtered us?

“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”~ Toni Morrison

Projects so far:


  • Associate at First Principle Lab (My experience so far)

  • Learner for Context Architecture Masterclass (1001 stories)

  • CSBC workshops by Ashoka University

  • Social Norm Change workshop by South Asia Social Norms Learning Collaboration

  • Volunteer for India Behavioural Economics Network (iben) under Nudge Lab

  • Participated in IIT Madras Nudge It!

  • Active in Whatsapp BehSciClub group :P (If that counts)


Shoot me any questions that might need behavioural detection and I'll create an intervention for it.