Divya Rathore

Ph.D. Scholar (CSE, IITM)

Research Group

PACE Lab, IIT Madras

Prime Minister's Research Fellow


I am Divya Rathore, guided by Dr. Kartik Nagar in the area of Formal Verification and Program Analysis. My interest areas revolve around Database Systems, Distributed systems, Compilers, Program Analysis, and Formal Verification. With these interests, currently, I am working on verifying Smart Contracts Safety against State Inconsistency Attacks involved with the transactions in distributed ledgers, focusing on Ethereum and the Solidity programming language.

You can find my CV here


Ph.D., IIT Madras (2021-Ongoing)

M.Tech, NIT Kurukshetra (2019-2021)

B.Tech, Indraprastha University (2012-2016)

Advisor Details

Dr. Kartik Nagar

Assistant Professor, IITM (https://kartiknagar.github.io/)

Contact Details

Email: Divya R.

Address: PACE Lab (SSB-216), IITM, Chennai-600036