DiTer: Diverse Terrain and Multi-modal Dataset for Field Robot Navigation in Outdoor Environments

2024 IEEE Sensors Letters

Seokhwan Jeong*, Hogyun Kim* and Younggun Cho
(* means equally to this work)

Diverse Terrain


Field robots require autonomy in diverse environments to navigate and map their surroundings efficiently. However, the lack of diverse and comprehensive datasets hinders the evaluation and development of autonomous field robots. To address this challenge, we present a multi-modal, multi-session, and diverse terrain dataset for the ground mapping of field robots. 

First of all, we utilize a quadrupedal robot as a base platform to collect the dataset.  Also, the dataset includes various terrain types, such as sandy roads, vegetation, and sloping terrain. It comprises RGB-D camera for ground, RGB camera, thermal camera, LiDAR, IMU, and GPS. 

In addition, we provide not only the reference trajectories of each dataset but also the global map by leveraging LiDAR-based SLAM algorithms. Also, we assess our dataset from a terrain perspective and generate the fusion maps such as thermal-LiDAR and RGB-LiDAR maps to exploit the information beyond the visible spectrum.

The Video for Introduction



  title={DiTer: Diverse Terrain and Multi-Modal Dataset for Field Robot Navigation in Outdoor Environments},

  author={Jeong, Seokhwan and Kim, Hogyun and Cho, Younggun},

  journal={IEEE Sensors Letters},





Seokhwan Jeong (eric5709@inha.edu)

Hogyun Kim (hg.kim@inha.edu)