distressed bathroom vanity

A better alternative often proves to be a reversion to design approaches that were formerly the norm. Carved hardwood finished in natural, accessible ways will generally feel much more approachable and accommodating than the modern alternatives.

Traditional Designs Crop Up More Often in Master Bathrooms

Clean lines and glossy finishes have their places, but bathrooms are not always among them. More and more often today, homeowners are opting for traditional bathrooms that are warmer and more welcoming. In many cases, choosing the right type of vintage bathroom vanity will end up being the most important step of all.

Organic Materials and Elegant Designs Suit Many Bathrooms Well

The relatively anodyne, sterile feeling that is associated with much of modern design can be appropriate in certain contexts and environments. In many cases, however, homeowners find it a little off-putting when applied to such personal spaces as bathrooms.

A better alternative often proves to be a reversion to design approaches that were formerly the norm. Carved hardwood finished in natural, accessible ways will generally feel much more approachable and accommodating than the modern alternatives.

As a result, homeowners are opting for such designs for their own bathrooms. Quite often, a master bathroom finished in this way will end up becoming one of the most successfully realized parts of a home. While not every homeowner will appreciate this take on how to make a bathroom more of a pleasure to use, many more than in the recent past now do so.

Never Neglect the Role a Vanity Plays

Once it has been decided to pursue this general type of design for a bathroom, focusing on the most important elements will normally be the next order of business. Finding a beautiful claw-footed cast iron bathtub to install might reasonably be a priority, but a vanity will typically make even more of an impression.

Fortunately, there are now plenty of excellent, worthy choices on the market for homeowners to consider. Just as interest in more traditional bathroom designs has surged in recent years, so have designers and manufacturers been making their own similar strides. Because of this, the selection of vanities suitable to traditional bathroom designs is now probably more varied and impressive than at any previous time in history.

An Easy Choice to Make in Most Cases

When it comes to choosing an apparently antique bathroom vanity for a home, there are also always ways of making things easier. The type of hardwood that will almost always make up the bulk of such a vanity should receive plenty of attention.

The way that wood is finished will always influence the overall effect significantly, as well. A distressed bathroom vanity might do a better job of appearing well aged than one that has simply been finished in traditional fashion before being offered for sale. Fortunately, most homeowners will find it easy to work through such considerations.