Virtual colloquium by

Prof. Mikhail Lyubich

(Stony Brook University)

Chairs of the colloquium: Dr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee (TIFR Mumbai), Prof. Mahan Mj (TIFR Mumbai)

Release of the lecture video on YouTube: June 04, 2021 at 18:00 hrs Indian time

Interactive session on Zoom: June 23, 2021 at 18:00 hrs Indian time

Title: On the MLC Conjecture

Abstract: The MLC Conjecture, on local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set, is one of the central open problems in Holomorphic Dynamics. It turned out to be intimately related to many other geometric themes of the area: Fatou's Conjecture on the density of hyperbolicity, self-similarity features of the Mandelbrot set, Lebesgue measure of Julia sets, and so on. We will give an introduction to this problem and an update on its current status.